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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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... :/ What is it? Is it pride thats stopping some of you lot from buying the US version? You're a few digits and 1-3 working days away from brawl, I can't understand why you don't do it.


I think some people would rather wait and have a version that they won't worry about every time there's an update or the release of a 1st party game.


Well, we've had the final update (a long list of Smash trivia and a goodbye from Sakurai) and... no European release date. :p We just have to wait 'a bit longer' apparently..




...But wait a second! The European version still isn’t out yet!! We’re still hard at work on it, so please hold on a little longer!


Also, there’s always a chance that I will need to update sometime in the future with some kind of announcement.


Why is Sakurai and his team still working on it? He makes it sound like NoE aren't doing the localisation of the game (which could be true considering that the game isn't made by a 1st or 2nd party development team).






Loads of tips and techniques and stuff.

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Why is Sakurai and his team still working on it? He makes it sound like NoE aren't doing the localisation of the game (which could be true considering that the game isn't made by a 1st or 2nd party development team).


The "need an update sometime" is also on US Dojo ... maybe they'll unveil a HDD with additionnal stuff for Smash packed inside during E3 and Europe will get the game with all this stuff without needing to buy HDD.:bouncy:

.... NAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! It's Nintendo afterall. The work is just for an awfuly long localisation.

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Damn right, no regrets importing. The hype of the game is subsiding with folk now so they care less about the game.


And as for Sakurai's comment on making it sound like his team is handling Europe, they're probably learning all the European languages and translating at the same time.


Faster than NoE either way :awesome:

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To be honest, in the update they're not going to make it sound like the update will be in many months. If they had a date now, they'll announce it, which means they won't put out anything in the next couple of weeks my reckons. They should have put it out today really...


One possible plus is with the people not needing to translate for the Dojo anymore they can hurry up with the actual games translation. However I still don't think we'll see it till later June/July now. If it was earlyish June they'd probably have a release date by now.


As I've said on importing, I wouldn't be able to play an imported Smash on my current tele at uni, (I wouldn't also anyway given I left my a/v at home in London but that's another story, and yes I know I can just buy another one but I can't be bothered) but anyway if a date isn't announced by the time I return to London after uni (Very very late May) I'll import, but if a decent date is announced by then I'll wait. But I really don't want to have to be bothered with having to check each thread on each new game to see if something will go wrong or with a new update. I'd rather just have normal games on a normal console to be quite frank with you, I may import, but I really don't want to if I can.

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People who haven't done the right thing, listen to your brethrens!




First of all, I don't 'do right things'. :wink:

Second, like I said, it'll come, and I am in no hurry. Truth be told, I don't care if it comes tomorrow, next month or at Christmas. I'll still have a blast playing this, but to import, cheap and easy as it may be?


Nah. It's not like Brawl is the only game there is. At the moment, I see no benefit in having this at my doorstep three days from now. It'll come in good time.


Atleast I'll still have something to look forward to. "L'aspiration est mieux que la possession." :wink:

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Director of Super Smash Bros. Brawl,

Masahiro Sakurai, Sora Ltd.



Updated on weekdays, 5 days a week

Number of posts:

About 300

Languages offered:

Japanese (original)

North American English

U.K. English





Highest amount of traffic:

7,150,000 users in one week (worldwide)


7,150,000 users in one week :o

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Some of the Trivia is pretty cool, a few things I didn't know about, like the roll onto the stage from a ledge gives you a bit more invincibility.


I'm discovering something new everyday with Brawl (well almost)...I never knew you could dodge as you get off a ledge by pressing a shield button. It looks pretty cool with Sheik.

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Yeah, Brawl had a lot of cool secret stuff like that, no matter how minor. Like I only just noticed the hold down B to exit character screen a few days back, which made its appearance on the site today.

That's actually quite a useful tool, seeing as you spend a lot of time choosing etc.


One of the best tracks in this game is the sunshine one, everytime I play the stage everyone starts humming the theme.

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The lyrics to the Brawl song when they play are pretty epic, you just sort of feel proud of all the characters and the story etc. Amazing stuff.

The cinematic when Kirby smashes through the subspace gun is the most epic cutscene since time.

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Just unlocked Jiggs. I expected rest to be worse, but it's worse than I expected. There is no point in using it unless your opponnent is 70% plus. And I loved killing people with rest combos from 0% in Melee. Apart from rest, Jiggs seems same old same old, although she'll probably be less effective due to more exaggerated DI in the game.


First thing I did with her was the super-giga-puff glitch on Eldin Bridge. Was hilarious.

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Yeah but did you eat her with Yoshi afterwards?

That is special. If you play against CPU afterwards using that glitch is is quite easy to win with the back-throw, she picks them up from miles away and they float in mid-air. Coolness.

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You know what the most annoying thing is in this game? Worse than tripping, worse than lag online, worse than accidentally self destructing? Having a CD disappear before you get a chance to get it. In the last couple of days, I'ver been millimetres away from three CDs, and they've either disappeared or been picked up by CPU players. :cry: I did get one new song yesterday, though - the 2.00am Animal Crossing music, which is great. :)

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