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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Do you really want to have another sword-wielder character?... This game is not Smash Calibur. She's a nice character but Lyn has nothing new to bring to Smash Bros as a PC.

There are many other Fire Emblem characters which have more chances like Black Knight (I know he's a sword-wielder but he can use magic which make him pretty unique, would be a very heavy character which is rare in Smash bros and has the whole villains thing and his large popularityto support him) or Ilyana (lord, female, use magic, way to advertise Radian Dawn). A laguz (don't know if there is a Lord one in Radiant Dawn), a lance-wielder lord (don't know if it exists) can also be interesting choices.


Perhaps you mean Micaiah? Ilyana isn't a lord in Radiant Dawn.


Personally, I wouldn't mind Lyn as a PC. Also, Ephraim is a lance using Lord, he was in Sacred Stones.

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Perhaps you mean Micaiah? Ilyana isn't a lord in Radiant Dawn.


Lapsus. :heh:


Personally, I wouldn't mind Lyn as a PC. Also, Ephraim is a lance using Lord, he was in Sacred Stones.


Yep, I forgot him. The problem is that he's not popular at all so I don't see him being in. Maybe there's one in old Fire emblem games.

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Do you really want to have another sword-wielder character?... This game is not Smash Calibur. She's a nice character but Lyn has nothing new to bring to Smash Bros as a PC.


So you want more characters that use fists and kicks? This game is not Smash Tekken.:indeed:


In all seriousness, Lyn would bring something new if the programmers were creative for her. If they had decided to include her, they would think about many ways to use her (since her swordstyle is quicker and she can use bows and whatnot). They would even create new ones (Ex.: Marth's Shield Breaker, Ike's Eruption, Captain Falcon's entire moveset, etc.).


I'm guessing they didn't include her because:


1. Not popular enough;

2. With other sword-users (Meta Knight, Ike) and bow-users (Pit, Link) running around, they would have to go to great lenghts to make such a character completely original.


There are many other Fire Emblem characters which have more chances like Black Knight (I know he's a sword-wielder but he can use magic which make him pretty unique, would be a very heavy character which is rare in Smash bros and has the whole villains thing and his large popularityto support him)


Black Knight is in fact one of the FE characters with best chances, however:


1. Since when can he use magic? His long-ranged attacks don't count, since Ike and Roy had them too.

2. How does being a sword-user decreases his chances of being unique? Last time I checked, Link and Marth weren't similar in the least. Besides, his sword is HUGE. If he's in, he'll probably be as different to Ike just as Diddy is different to Donkey Kong.


or Ilyana (lord, female, use magic, way to advertise Radian Dawn). A laguz (don't know if there is a Lord one in Radiant Dawn), a lance-wielder lord (don't know if it exists) can also be interesting choices.


As Marthuser said, that's not Ilyana, that's Micaiah.:heh:


A laguz is definetely a good idea. The ones with best chances are obviously Tibarn, Naesala, Caineghis and maybe (long shot) Ranulf.


To my knowledge, the only lance-wielding lords are Ephraim and Sigurd.

One is very unpopular overall. The other, albeit popular in Japan, is unknown in the west.

However, both would be unique. Ephraim is on foot and Sigurd is on horseback. Both would be cool.



About Lyn, it's awesome that she's in (she was one of my AT predictions). Her move is just perfect for her (way better than my flashy suggestion:heh:).

Besides, she's in full 3D glory. Is it me, or is she cel-shaded like the FMVs in Path of Radiance?


Best Assist Trophy so far.

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One that indeed has a good chance is Sigurd. He's the lord of the most popular Fire Emblem in Japan. He's Sakurai's favourite lord and was apparently supposed to appear in Melee, and even Smash 64, but then axed in favour of Roy to advertise the new GBA Fire Emblem game plus time constraints. He can use both Lances and Swords in Fire Emblem 4.

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So you want more characters that use fists and kicks? This game is not Smash Tekken.:indeed:


In all seriousness, Lyn would bring something new if the programmers were creative for her. If they had decided to include her, they would think about many ways to use her (since her swordstyle is quicker and she can use bows and whatnot). They would even create new ones (Ex.: Marth's Shield Breaker, Ike's Eruption, Captain Falcon's entire moveset, etc.).


I'm guessing they didn't include her because:


1. Not popular enough;

2. With other sword-users (Meta Knight, Ike) and bow-users (Pit, Link) running around, they would have to go to great lenghts to make such a character completely original.


The 2 is exactly what I meant with Smash Calibur. She really has nothing to bring compared to others sword-wielder characters, especially considering there is Meta-Knight for super fast character, Link and Pit for bow. With Ike using also sword, maybe the return of Marth, Ganondorf which may use a sword (which will be huge if it's the case so different to handle), they would have to make 4 unique sword or bow moves which can be quite difficult.



Black Knight is in fact one of the FE characters with best chances, however:


1. Since when can he use magic? His long-ranged attacks don't count, since Ike and Roy had them too.

2. How does being a sword-user decreases his chances of being unique? Last time I checked, Link and Marth weren't similar in the least. Besides, his sword is HUGE. If he's in, he'll probably be as different to Ike just as Diddy is different to Donkey Kong.


To be more accurate, he use magic items. I know he can warp at least (don't play all the game so I don't know if he use other things).

And I just mention he's a sword-wielder to counter my own previous sentence since he's pretty unique (which Lyn is not).

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The 2 is exactly what I meant with Smash Calibur. She really has nothing to bring compared to others sword-wielder characters, especially considering there is Meta-Knight for super fast character, Link and Pit for bow. With Ike using also sword, maybe the return of Marth, Ganondorf which may use a sword (which will be huge if it's the case so different to handle), they would have to make 4 unique sword or bow moves which can be quite difficult.


Oh, ok, I see your point. You meant that she doesn't have anything that makes her stand out from the other characters. You only mentioned the sword, hence the misunderstanding.


To be more accurate, he use magic items. I know he can warp at least (don't play all the game so I don't know if he use other things).


I completely forgot about that one. Maybe it could be a recovery move?

By the way, he doesn't use any other of those fancy tricks in Path of Radiance. Don't know about Radiant Dawn, though.

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i wonder if we'll see any golden sun characters? jammy2211 reminded me that isaac from GS would be awesome and original, what with magic and all, yes he does use a sword, but the games emphasize the djinni and magic more in my opinion. (plus the djinni spells looked awesome :D)

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Battleship Halberd


It has arrived! The Battleship Halberd! It’s Meta Knight’s battleship...isn’t it?




This warship’s bow is dazzling!


This stage begins in a hangar on the high seas. The platform follows the Halberd as it departs.




Ooooh. It’s so dynamic!


Eventually, you land on the ship’s deck.




What you see in the background is a double-barrelled battery. With an arm.


Use extreme caution near the double-barrelled battery! It launches beams and missiles, and even attacks with its arm.




Dodge it well and try to make it hit your foe!


The Battleship Halberd appears not only in multiplayer Brawl stages, but also plays a very important role in The Subspace Emissary. That role is something you’ll have to look forward to.

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I can already see it coming. A stampede of whining throughout the internet about the over abundence of "flat" single platform stages in Brawl (including todays announced stage).


Posts along these lines: "Oh look, another flat stage, this game ain't gonna live up 2 its predecessors, prepare to be disappointed!"

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I can already see it coming. A stampede of whining throughout the internet about the over abundence of "flat" single platform stages in Brawl (including todays announced stage).


Posts along these lines: "Oh look, another flat stage, this game ain't gonna live up 2 its predecessors, prepare to be disappointed!"


Well I would not like to think of it as whining, but there do seem to be a few 'flying platform' levels that seem to lack a bit of imagination. Lylat cruise is a sensible one but both Delfino Plaza and now this one seem to just have flying platforms 'stitched' onto the front of levels.


In the original game Poke Floats and Big Blue (was it?) are examples of more interesting moving levels I think.


:smile: Still psyched for the game though. Even these stages are probably a laugh in ways that the screenshots cannot convey.

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people will always keep on complaining like o no another flat stage but smashbros is the first fighting game with really original stages if you look at other fighting games ( they all have flat stages ) smashbros maybe have alot flat stages so what there now three stages that are not flat Castle siege, Rumble falls , and pokemon stadium ( For its changing moments ) , i think most people use the flat stages anyway but they just want to complain about something

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people will always keep on complaining like o no another flat stage but smashbros is the first fighting game with really original stages if you look at other fighting games ( they all have flat stages ) smashbros maybe have alot flat stages so what there now three stages that are not flat Castle siege, Rumble falls , and pokemon stadium ( For its changing moments ) , i think most people use the flat stages anyway but they just want to complain about something


How about Powerstone? :smile:


Seriously though, I agree that we have been spoilt a bit by the quality of the stages in melee and as a person who likes the crazy stages, the stages you mention are indeed welcome. Here's hoping for some some interesting as yet unrevealed ones. (After all we only know about 16).

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