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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I'm yet to get any on Cruel - the tactic I used last time in Melee, Jiggly's Down+B, doesn't cut it anymore :( I'll definately try your method now though!


I managed to get 44 kills in Cruel Melee with Jiggs. I've yet to try it on Brawl though so it could be a bit harder than it was on Melee.

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Well I got to the very last event now in Brawl. And holy crap is it hard.

Final Destination with Sonic, Snake and giant Mario, all against you with 2 stocks each.



I love hard challenges like these.


And done all Events in hard mode, done that in 2 minutes and 15 sec :)


Wasn't even a challenge in the vault T_T

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I did the cruel brawl the other day with Pit - I just kept jumping off the side of the platform, then using my 5 jumps and up B to fly around then back to the side. The alloy fighters kept jumping off the edge to try and reach me, and because not all of them could grab onto the side of the stage, some of them would fall to their deaths. Cheating, perhaps, but I eventually got ten KOs.

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All the matches King seems to have with people becomes laggy :heh:


Also trying to get challenge done for 15 minute Brawl. Oh god T_T


That ridiculous. With my new router and shit my connections are on fire. Tapedeck and Matthehat had excellent connections with me yesterday.


I wouldve loved it if they put in the old version of Saria's song. There's a snippet of a new style in the medley but still.

Zelda music in general is incredible.


Gawd, I'm still waiting to find Molgera's Theme.


I'm currently doing Homerun Contest with Ganondorf as well, my best record is currently about 3400 feet. But I think I can make it up to 4000. Also got to 2700 with Falcon.


If you want an early morning Brawl Thom, i'm coming on now. ;)...

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well i got brawl on saturday morning and have been playing alot. Loving it, I can't seem to decide on a main character, there's alot i really enjoy using.


Now I just need one of those usb internet adapter things. Any idea where i can buy one?

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Guest Jordan
well i got brawl on saturday morning and have been playing alot. Loving it, I can't seem to decide on a main character, there's alot i really enjoy using.


Now I just need one of those usb internet adapter things. Any idea where i can buy one?


I got one from a shop in town. Look around they're pretty easy to find.

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I hate it when you use an aerial move to get the Smash Ball, you desperately trying to use it mid-air and yet you just fall and get it smashed out of you.


I really want a lag free game, but i don't see it happening.


Yeah level 9 is not too difficult as long as you only play one.

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I haven't looked at all the stages yet but could someone answer this question?

Is there any other zelda stages besides the bridge of eldin, the wind waker boat and hyrule temple (GCN)? Thanks :D


Also oddly I'm becoming unstoppable as Jigglypuff in Melee! It's amazing how good she is! Especially the deadly rest. :laughing:

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Finally Brawl has come, I got a little bit excited :P I was so worried as I put it in, I was certain it wouldn't play or something, but it's all fine and great. Played a few matches with my gf to try out some characters, she's already picked Pit as her main and I've started on the SSE, I'm loving it all so far. My friend code is in my sig if any one want a match some time.

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So I started the Boss Battles today. Never knew you couldn't continue it. Completing it on Intense mode is gonna be a total bitch. Anyone know how many bosses there are? I can get to 7/8 on Hard mode.


I think there are ten of them. I don't think I'll ever be able to beat that on Intense, shame that you can't use a Golden Hammer on that challenge.

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I think there are ten of them. I don't think I'll ever be able to beat that on Intense, shame that you can't use a Golden Hammer on that challenge.


You can't? Oh god...


I was going to avoid using a Golden Hammer for aslong as I could, but I really don't know if i'll ever be able to do it in Intense. I'm determined to get all the achievements done, but this might make things a bit longer to do.


Anyone know if you need to do boss battles with every character? Can't remember if i've seen that one or not.

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Fuck. My Wii is struggling to read the fucking disc. It takes like 30 tries, then decides to play for half an hour and then stops again. It's a fucking bastard.


Apparently it's to do with the laser in the console. Is there any way I can fix this? I know NOA are doing a free service, but I'm not American. I'm just hoping NOE can somehow clean my console.






At times when the game decides to play, this game is brilliant.


Though the Subspace is, how can I put it, overly long and tedious. It's just all the same! I was expecting an extended version of Adventure from the last game. I do like how the story is told through those lovely cutscenes.


Out of all the new characters, I'm in love with Ike, Pit and Zero Suit Samus. They're all awesome and they've sort of become my regulars long with Falcon (a bit better than I first thought), Pikachu and Falco. And I've also started using Marth a lot, despite only using him in Melee occaisionally.


Also managed to get ten kills in Cruel Brawl, thought it was much easier.

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Does anyone know when exactly will be the Smash Bros Dojo's last update?


Back on Jan 31st, Sakurai said this


31st January, 2008. Super Smash Bros. Brawl has officially gone on sale in Japan. Is everybody having fun with it?


However, Smash won’t come out in North America for a bit, and sadly, Europe has an even longer wait until the game is released.


For the past eight months or so, the Smash Bros. Dojo has served as a source of basic information for the game, but with the release of Brawl, the Dojo will take on a new role.


From here on out, the Dojo will begin to introduce the hidden characters, hidden stages, and additional features in Brawl that have gone unmentioned until now. I’d like to continue to add on to the Dojo so that players of Brawl can come back to this website following its completion and view Smash Dojo as a sort of guide for the game.


I plan on continuing to update for another two months, so please continue to enjoy the site.


Just remember, I’ll be posting information on hidden characters and other in-game secrets, so you should take caution when viewing the site if you want to save those surprises for later.


Tomorrow, is 8 weeks since that was posted...which is technically 2 months, so, the last update must be coming soon...and surely they can't possibly end the Dojo without giving us a European release date.

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