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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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That's because you don't treat them with love. You don't need to smash your controller while played SSBM.


Lol, it depends who you play as and if you play competitively (spell?) or casually. Zell's fingers move ridiculously fast whilst playing Smash, I'd be surprised if his controller doesn't break within another year.


That said, his brother has broken like 3 controllers seeing as when he loses he throws it everywhere (anger management probs...)

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Lol, it depends who you play as and if you play competitively (spell?) or casually. Zell's fingers move ridiculously fast whilst playing Smash, I'd be surprised if his controller doesn't break within another year.


That said, his brother has broken like 3 controllers seeing as when he loses he throws it everywhere (anger management probs...)


The other day he told me to: "stop resting me" :awesome: before throwing the controller at the TV. However, throwing controllers doesn't break them at all since they're very durable. Controllers only break internally.


Out of 5 controllers, only 1 is still left (3 were 3rd party though). 3 out of those 4 broke because the joysticks screwed up: this is mainly because of smash bros and timesplitters. Constantly "tapping" the joysticks doesn't help them one bit, which must be done while playing smash.

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this is mainly because of smash bros and timesplitters. Constantly "tapping" the joysticks doesn't help them one bit, which must be done while playing smash.


Told you guys :heh:


At least the sticks are decent to use though, unlike something else I know *coughPS2cough*


I really hope they add 'Mr Project H.A.M.M.E.R' into Brawl, and any other characters of future franchises they have in development for the Wii.

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I really hope they add 'Mr Project H.A.M.M.E.R' into Brawl, and any other characters of future franchises they have in development for the Wii.


They did that for Marth and Roy for Fire Emblem advertisement purposes and everyone liked it. So that idea is actually pretty good.

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Old news, but aparently not posted:


Sakurai on Smash Bros. Brawl

The director talks about controller usage and more.


October 5, 2006 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai made an appearance at last week's Tokyo Game Show as part of a talk event hosted by Metal Gear Solid producer Hideo Kojima. The topic of Smash Bros. Brawl came up only once, with Sakurai assuring that development is proceeding smoothly with the game.


It turns out that Sakurai had a bit more to say on the subject, but he was holding out for an interview with Japan's Weekly Famitsu. This week's issue contains the text of the interview.


Mostly, Sakurai reinforced statements he'd made in the past about his big Wii project. Smash Bros. Brawl will definitely see Japanese release in 2007, he said, although he wouldn't commit to a more specific time frame.


Following a discussion in which Sakurai commented that many Wii games seem to be tailored around the Wii controller, Famitsu asked if Smash Bros. Brawl won't be using the controller's special functionality at all. "At the very least, you won't be using it during normal play," responded Sakurai.


Smash Bros. Brawl seems to be getting all of Sakurai's attention at the moment. Famitsu asked if he's working on anything aside from the Wii title and a recent concert that he lead in Tokyo. Apparently, Sakurai has gotten many offers, but he's turned them all down. "I feel the need to fully take on the responsibility when taking on a job. This has become even more important since becoming a freelancer. If you take on two projects, you definitely won't be able do a good job with a game as big as Smash Bros. Brawl."


While Nintendo didn't have a presence at the Tokyo Game Show, and thus didn't show off anything from Smash Bros. Brawl, it's possible that we'll learn more when the big Japanese Wii tour kicks off in November.

Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/737/737632p1.html
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Stefkov

Yeah your Mii could Wii on other characters.........not funny i know.

It would be great to have your Mii in the game. As well as being able to beat up a person you dontlike by creating him in Wii boxing you can now beat him up with Pikachu, or mario, or link :D great.

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I thought of having your Mii in Brawl as soon as they were announced. The fact that you can use your Mii as a player in Smooth Moves makes an appearance in Brawl seem all the more likely, IMO.


Yeah that's way more likely. I doubt they'd work too well in Brawl, unless they were like an item or a trophy or something.

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Well yeah but he'd obviously work well seeing as it would be easy to give him moves. He was crap anyway lol.


Only because his weaknesses are so obvious. They could keep him the more-or-less the same if they made him cartwheel faster, and not leave himself so open in many of his moves. Especially 'Fire' -_-

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