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Super Mario Galaxy


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Played another 45mins, 4 stars now in 1 and half hours. That is a good pace for me, will lengthen the game significantly. Also, this game is great for pick up and play, short excremental play.


Hunting for Star Cookies (or whatever they are called) is actually fun.


Are there any 100 coin stars in this?


Game of the Year.

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Got mine in the post today ^^. F'ing amazing. Could be the game to change my opinion of the Wii. Only got two stars so far, and I've got work later so I'll have to play it some more tomorrow. But I think Nintendo have pulled off something only they seem capable of doing. Has the potential to be a classic.


Do you think it's worth trying the 24hr Tesco/ASDA after midnight? I'm not sure when they put their stock out.. Really can't wait til 9 in the morning!


I work nights at Asda, and we've only ever had one game on sale after 12, and that was PES2008 but I think that was only because a few colleagues said they were coming to pick it up at midnight. Usually the new release games don't get put out until 9am-11am.

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Mine came this morning as well, got the first 10 or 12 stars atm.


Just got back from a GAME event. There was a massive queue, quite a few people dressed up, including these kids. One kid was dressed as bowser, pretty good costume as well. Everyone's was tbh.

I got the goodie bag, it has a Sonic + Mario poster, a MG hat, a telescope keyring, which doesn't work unfortuantatly. And oddly a MG rain coat.

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Mine had I arrived when I got home this morning, and I've played for an hour or so, collecting 5 stars. Really great start, and light years away from Sunshine. I still haven't gt completely to grips with the spherical playing fields, though - I keep missing when I try to stomp on goombas!

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Just passed Oxford Street GAME and a pretty long queue is there with a few bodyguards o_O. I guess some celebrities will be there.


PLEASE tell me your initial thoughts on Galaxy.


I can tell you this. Astounding. My mouth as been open in awe for a good hour or so just admiring everything. And the orchestrad music just made me feel all fuzzy inside. I can't believe I have this. 4 stars in and it's simply beautifull.

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My worries about this game, as hyped as i am about it, is that it looks like a long fetch quest for the stars. Like the planetoids etc are just there to make the path to the star difficult? I know that was sort of the case of with 64, but galaxy just looks...different? this isn't the case right???

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My worries about this game, as hyped as i am about it, is that it looks like a long fetch quest for the stars. Like the planetoids etc are just there to make the path to the star difficult?


Wasn't that all the 2D games were though, basically? Paths to the end of the level?

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My worries about this game, as hyped as i am about it, is that it looks like a long fetch quest for the stars. Like the planetoids etc are just there to make the path to the star difficult? I know that was sort of the case of with 64, but galaxy just looks...different? this isn't the case right???


I was worried that about the planets was gonna make it a long fetch, but I was wrong, there's only paths in the direction you need to go, and even then it's not as if there's much (so far)


I was concerned I wouldn't like this cause of all the traveling, but I love it.

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My worries about this game, as hyped as i am about it, is that it looks like a long fetch quest for the stars. Like the planetoids etc are just there to make the path to the star difficult? I know that was sort of the case of with 64, but galaxy just looks...different? this isn't the case right???

Well yeah, so far you go from planetoid to planetoid with a star and the end is a star. It works well, how else could they do it?


Thats not really a fetch quest is it? I'd say forcing you to get 100 golden monkeys to progress or something is a fetch quest.

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