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I've been playing around 3 hours and i've got around 26 stars. My impressions so far:


-The graphics are spectacular and the parts where you're flying around space are fantastic. I wasn't too impressed with one of the water levels but still it looks fab.

-Gameplay is great and the controls work very well. Wall Jumping feels so quick and the spin attack is SO responsive; a lot more awesome than i thought it was.

-Good Egg galaxy has the best piece of mario music i've heard; it's incredible. If only zelda got music this good :D

Amazing game! Absolutely Amazing! :D


Anyone agree? lol :)


So many positive responses in this thread!


Yeah, I almost feel like making a post saying how shit the game is just to be controversial and make this thread slightly interesting. Alas, I can't, for the game is too good.


16 stars in now and I am trying not to play, I like to get longetivity out of my games, especially one as magical as this.


Nope, I'm gonna cave. MARIO TIME.


Got about 12 stars so far, it's been good but I'm yet to be blown away for the most part. The music is incredible though, undoubtedly my favourite part so far.


I think I'm just waiting for the difficulty to be upped, so far it seems a bit meh finding things so easy. Plenty of time for it to ramp up though, there have been some pretty epic moments though.


Sooooooooo, great so far.

Yeah, I almost feel like making a post saying how shit the game is just to be controversial and make this thread slightly interesting. Alas, I can't, for the game is too good.


16 stars in now and I am trying not to play, I like to get longetivity out of my games, especially one as magical as this.


Nope, I'm gonna cave. MARIO TIME.


trust me i ain't even finnished it yet and when i do im gonna start a new file and then do it again and again and again and again and again ........................ ti'll i go mad mad mad

or hopefully before then with nintendo next handeld theybring out mario galaxy on their handheld just like mario 64 and mario 64 ds does that mean if they do they are going to add another 30 stars to the game just like ds version of 64 any way

I Love This Game Yes


Referring to the next handheld Mario remake, I'd bank on it being Sunshine, that is IF it's almost as powerful as a GameCube. Probably not for a long time though.


I can't play any more till tomorrow, which frustrates me.


Awesome game. Trule awesome. The garden and sweet cake, you know thart single level are one of my favourites. And Ice Mario <3 Oh, and the Toadmail was nice surprise. I had 54 stars when I quit, and 58 lives....I die every now and then, even at few bosses, but it's way too easy to get extra lives.

Does it wash away the scars of mediocrity on the Wii?


it has done more than that!


for me, this could be the best mario game ever! EVER!


so far it beats mario 64 and original SM (by miles) and close to SM3

it has done more than that!


for me, this could be the best mario game ever! EVER!


so far it beats mario 64 and original SM (by miles) and close to SM3


Thank You.


My day has been made.


Up to about 26 stars now, and this is quickly rising up my ranks for the best game of all time. Everythign is just perfect so far, the music, the difficulty curve, the art-style, the controls, the sheer fun factor, EVERYTHING.


It's just a game which makes video games fun again, something which I swear hasn't happend for me in a while. It makes me want to play it, just incredible.

Got ten stars so far, loving it lots. Camera's not the best in places, but all in all no real bad points.


Yeah the camera has it's bad moments but it also works flawlessly on other levels.


God i'm so in love with this game; can't stop playing it! Gust Gardens in now my favourite 3-d mario level; its so awesome :)


I need to download the soundtrack for this game tomorrow for sure; it's fab.


oh yeah n-europe do us all a very big big favour (Sp) never change that banner at the top of the page with mario and those stars keep it like that for ever so we can drawl all over n-europe

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