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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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So basically you were too afraid to step out of the light bulbs? With the Dark Suit there was little stopping you.


Dark Aether's gameplay was a really cool addition in my opinion. The design of the world could have been better though.


Well the fact that you are punished by taking damage where you should be rewarded. I just thought it was a bit dull and boring tbh. Im quite happy there is no Dark world *that I know of* in MP3.

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Oh, Echoes definitely rewarded you but it needed a little perseverance.


The way I see it playing Prime was like having straight sex. Echoes was Prime dressed up in leather bondage gear, handcuffing you to the bed and whipping your bare buttocks enthusiastically. Bad boy! BAD BOY!

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The way I see it playing Prime was like having straight sex...


Oh man, I thought you were going somewhere else for a minute.


Echoes was a bold move by Retro - the game played a lot differently to the original. It was almost a different game entirely, which was quite a surprise, but also very refreshing for an established game franchise such as Metroid.

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You people shouldn't be posting so late. It affects your reasoning. Scan Visor was the best damn thing to happen in the prime series, it's a different way to interact with the world, and improves the story. All the tecnho babble and details in it makes me hot.


I couldn't agree more. Scanning a new Pirate Log in a Metroid Prime game is just about as good as sex. And when you scan a boss......uuuurrrrgh. So good.

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Well I don't base any of my opinions of what other people think. And yeah, if I like something about the game, I'll buy it reguardless since I only read reviews to find out what cool things a game has in it. I really could not care less about its score.


I'm just using common sense. I didnt like MP Echos, so I'll wait for the word on this (not just one persons opinion) from people that played the game. Not reviewers or Nintendo fanboys, just normal gamers that can write a decent explanation about what a game is like.


Doing the same for Mario galaxy too.


Echoes was mostly criticised for being more of the same with little difference then what's the problem?

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People are trying to excuse their lack of aptitude in the game, Dark Aether was never a problem with the Dark suit, all you had to do was kill an enemy every now and then. I admit the keys was a bit boring, but that's basically it, and if someone says Sanctuary Fortress had a boring design need to get his ass kicked.


It's essentially the same game as the first, but a little harder.

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I freaking loved Metroid Prime, and I can't wait for the conclusion to the trilogy. I love the sence of distance from everthing in this game. It is kinda of like going camping. You can really get away from it all, and have a blast doing it.


Scanning rocks!!! I love reading lore and stuff. Its is much more msticle and adventurous than a cutscene. Getting rid a this would practically be changing the games genra.(I think i spelled that wrong.)

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How about the fact that the ammo system was painful and the weapons weren't that great. Not to mention that Hellfire probably found it a bit too hard ;)


It was harder than the first one, no doubt about that, but it's not too hard. I love a challenge. That's why I also finished it in hard mode.

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Hey I was just suggesting ideas. I didnt dislike MP2, there are just a lot of small reasons that make it a lesser game to MP in my eyes. Like the ammo system, the weapons themselves, the palette of colour for the game (again not as good as MP), bosses, visors (cmon.... the "dark" visor and sound visor wasnt used enough or in any kind of variety) and the visual side of the scanning system.


But yeah people complaining about the way the dark world was with the bubbles is missing the point. It does a very good job of making you feel threatened. I thought it worked fantastically.

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Yeah, guess that is a factor. It's weird though because it's almost like the game spoils itself. Like later on when you get into the hi-tech areas, you just dont appreciate the level of detail that you are seeing half of the time. Never really known a game that has done that before.

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MP1 was a fantastic game, at first i didn't fancy it which is probably the reason why my mate gave me it. But once you got into it the game came close to sex! :) I think a big reason for the public not getting into Metroid Prime was because of the uber boring demo that was on the GC pods in stores, everyone was wanting to play the new GC but once they tried to play Metroid on it they just didn't grasp it at all. It was painfull to watch people not even being able to open the first gate!

MP2 was quite painfull to play, the weapons were really boring, dark and light worlds thing have been done far too much. I didn't really enjoy the game :(


MP:Hunters was fairly boring too, i never completed it. The online was ok but after a few days everyone used that annoying cloaking thing which just pissed me off to a high degree so i never played online again.


I'm looking forward to MP3, if they get the controls spot on i think it will improve the experience a lot! I was hoping the gfx would be more improved of previous primes considering Wii is more powerfull than GC but meh.

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The graphics are better. There are a huge amount of lighting effects being used in comparison to the other two and lots of nice particle effects. Find a video where Samus charges her beam cannon.


I'll do that sir! : peace: been a while since i saw a vid of it

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