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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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IGN confirm no online play.... NOOOOOOOOO!


After playing Hunters online this would've been a great feature for Metroid, although I still feel the single player game is THE most important thing in the game!


No online play? Aww, that sucks! I'd rather that they not make this title a launch title to add online play now, nobody will ever play Multiplayer with me anyway. ¬¬

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the need to keep the aiming fixed to the centre like pc games, heres hoping for an option.


For a minute I didn't know what you were talking about. But I understand now. I think they should do that as a default, then it would be perfect.

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E3 2006: Metroid 3 to make Wii launch


May 10, 2006 - In an interview with the Retro Studios team, IGN Wii learned today that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will indeed be a launch game for Nintendo Wii. Developed from the ground up for the new platform and its unique controllers, Metroid will arrive alongside The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess offering up a first-party double punch when the console ships this holiday season.


Like its predecessors, the game will not feature an online mode for competitive multiplay -- however, support of the system's 24-hour-connection is under consideration. This would allow Nintendo to push upgrades and additional content to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption owners with wireless connections even when the console is switched off.


Retro Studios also confirmed that Metroid Prime 3 will depart from the light and dark world setup introduced in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and instead feature large areas to explore on multiple worlds. Though Samus will use her new gunship to travel between planets, players hoping to pilot Samus Aran's new gunship may be disappointed to hear that they will not be able to pilot the ship themselves. Travel between areas likely occurs only in cutscene form. That's not to say that the ship doesn't feature a large role in the game, however. Retro hinted at a new visor mode that lets Samus command her ship from the ground. For example, she can use the gunship uplink to blow up obstacles in her way and gain access to new areas.


Though the other visors are still being kept a secret, Retro did confirm that the X-Ray visor will return and play a bigger part in both combat and puzzle solving. Used in conjunction with a new beam that is able to shoot through walls, players will be able to detect obscured enemies and take them out safely.


The developer is also hard at work on polishing the graphics in the game to make it a noticeable step up over the previous titles. Retro has added new bloom effects and much more complex particle systems for even bigger fireworks. The target framerate for the final game is a smooth 60 frames per second.


Look for the complete interview soon.


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Launch = Must get.


I couldn't care less about online play, Metroid is single play. It saves precious development time not to implement a crappy MP2 multiplayer.


The fact I suck at Metroid Prime Hunters has nothing to do with it, by the way.



EDIT: The IGN videos show that the graphics are better than 'slight improvement over Echoes' by the way.

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They could add multiplayer with downloadable content.


That's what I was going to say earlier, but keep losing the server. That's assuming you meant that as in they could add multiplayer through downloadable content, because that'd make me happy. Especially online multiplayer.

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Nah cause hunters wasnt true to the tradition of the prime series. Id rather have a fully fledged single player with loads of cool scans and you know, what prime had but more of it, and more powers. I dont care about multiplayer with this but i did with hunters.

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I know and the dark beam it-self was absolute crap. It was a bit boring going through the same world only in different colour and different enemies, and the health constantly going down was irritating.

But I think that they've realised this and gone back to the formula we like.

*fingers crossed*

Introducing http://www.planetgamecube.com theres loads of impressions on many games and theres a few little titbits of info about corruption, most of which has been announced already.

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As long as it has some multiplayer (LAN would be nice, for 8 players), I'll be happy.

It's been said before and I'll say it again, Metroid is all about the singleplayer mode.


Still, if Red Steel's controls don't get fixed so it works by pointing and the slashing is real time, and has full swiping freedom, this could be the main multiplayer FPS on the Wii.


Actually, if the multiplayer is anything like CoD2's (even though they hardly ever patch the PC version), CoD3 will take the FPS multiplayer crown imo...

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As I'm so POOR at Metroid Prime I'm currently stuck towards the end of the original, and whenever I've gone back to try I've nearly done something then died and given up on for ages.

I WILL complete it though! :D And I got Echoes from the stars catalogue sealed on my self ready to play after :heh:


I'm going to try and complete both before 3 as I always have to play series in order. Until I've done that I'm not hyped for it yet heheh

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