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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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And the head of Nintendo UK denied there were any plans to redesign the DS exactly 1 day before the redesigned DS was announced.


If Nintendo don't move Zelda over to Revolution as a launch title they are missing out on a cast-iron guarantee that Revolution will fly off the shelves. It's the only decision that makes any business sense. In fact, it's the only decision that makes any sense at all.

Not true at all not,its not the only move,it WILL BE for the Gamecube not the rev,and NoE deny everything cause in a round a bout way there shite.

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i hope it doesnt come out april


for my convenience, i hope it comes out...1st june, that would be very nice.


June 2nd would be more likely, I'd think. Being a Friday and all. It's also the last day of school before the Summer holidays, and when my exams finish. That'd be a treat. Though, it's not going to happen.


I don't really care if it does happen to be released on Revolution, I'll be getting one anyway. But I would probably prefer if they released it on Gamecube, and a lot earlier in the year then Q4. Third quater, maybe. Second Quarter seems unlikely. First Quater, never.


If the delay was mostly based on making it Revolution compatible. I'll be disappointed, waiting so long for something that'll probably only be a fun little gimmick.

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well second quarter may seem unlikely, but we don't know...you never know. we just have to wait and see what happens, but the same deal over here guys about nintendo not talking...NOA isn't talking either, the whole company worldwide is not talking...let's me know they've got something BIG planned, theyre just waiting for the right moment to SPILL THE BEANS! and we're all ready! and I believe it'll be either march 20th and the GDC or May 9th - 11th I think at E3! let's keep our fingers crossed. :D

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well second quarter may seem unlikely, but we don't know...you never know. we just have to wait and see what happens, but the same deal over here guys about nintendo not talking...NOA isn't talking either, the whole company worldwide is not talking...let's me know they've got something BIG planned, theyre just waiting for the right moment to SPILL THE BEANS! and we're all ready! and I believe it'll be either march 20th and the GDC or May 9th - 11th I think at E3! let's keep our fingers crossed. :D
don't count on it, they seem to want to keep a news blackout till E3, they could have talked about Zelda TP back when Revolution controller was revealed (and had lots of changes later on), why revealing now... this close to E3? nintendo want's to steal all the attention on floor... they better not leak any of it, appart from small tidbits to keep the hype growing.
where I put and, I meant to put at* sorry
you have a "edit" button/option for that you know...
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When is Nintendo gonna hurry the fuck up an get this game released? Its the only game I'm looking forward to on the GC, if it wasn't for this, I would have sold my GC a long time ago.


I just really want it.......please???

I'm still enjoying my cube a lot actually, probably I'm enjoying it better than ever. There's always more games than those I can play per generation, this "pause" in system sellers allows me to spend it with other masterpieces I wouldn't be able to play otherwise...


I hope Zelda TP comes out as soon as possible, but I'm sure of one thing, it wasn't delayed beyond December 2006 because of that, but it probably was delayed from april as "now it doesn't matter, as we already lost the christmas release period" face it... any game released from January to May tends to sell pretty bad compared to if it had been released in christmas.


That delay wasn't for revolution controller support in the first place, although they were testing ideas for Revolution Control in a future Zelda game, ultimatly as they lost their 2005 release date they went into including those.


One of the last interviews already in 2006 stated they were still working in characters like ganon (as a boss design) so it's clear that they are still going full speed on the game, adding stuff, but the control scheme has been finished or polished for a while, not much to do, why not putting those workers making another control scheme for revolution? it's advancing work for a Revolution Zelda and getting Zelda TP to be a example of how a regular game could play in revolution... that's a big chance for nintendo.

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By looks of things they werent even finished the game when they said 'Were plugging in the pieces now' which was ages ago but they still havn't done all the designs by what you said...least there working hard on it
the thing is, they could have rushed it, and the game would be out, they must have rough sketches of pretty much everything, but for example, most side-quests can be added with no increment in size for the game, it's a matter of wether you have time or not... Majora Mask coming under OoT engine and some unused material from it... had time to develop this, and we know how complex that game is... I expect Twilight Princess to surpass that, because that's my favorite Zelda ever, from the looks of it that market scene they shown us that it was a work in progress, if they didn't add this kind of extra complexity it would be just a city and the development of the game would be a little ahead of what is now, lots of these things can really delay a game, it's not like they couldn't meet the deadlines if they really wanted to, it's more like they still weren't satisfied releasing it as it was...




As you can see in the image it's clearly unfinished... Being a zelda game, this much people means... lots of sidequests, if those people are static and just say a couple of things in loop the city wouldn't feel natural and alive, so it's not only the work of implementing the animation frames of non player characters... and architecture of the place, but also giving it depth as part of the game, and not something added from 15 days of the Gold Build of the game

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okayyy........welllllllllllllll in the meantime we can re play OOT while we wait for this one...and I've already played WW till I'm sick of it. I beat that game in 4 days! and everytime I re beat it too...just 4 days! I hope TP takes more like 4 months!


especially since we're having to wait on it for years!


Edit by Fierce_LiNk: Please don't double post

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The same characters thing is something that happens in every game, they can't have separate models for every single random town person when there's that quantity. The same goes for shadows really, with the TON of characters on screen there, giving them all shadows would likely bring the framerate to its knees. It's impressive enough that all the characters are high poly enough to have individual fingers.


The only thing really looking "unfinished" there in what they're trying to pull off is the clipping with the guy on the right and the board. Well, that and the fact that the trees over on the left look like they're sprites at the moment, which would be unforgivable, though it may be a misconception. The draw distance is kinda weak but considering all the characters onscreen I really can't blame them for dropping it down a bit to keep the framerate up.

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The same characters thing is something that happens in every game, they can't have separate models for every single random town person when there's that quantity. The same goes for shadows really, with the TON of characters on screen there, giving them all shadows would likely bring the framerate to its knees. It's impressive enough that all the characters are high poly enough to have individual fingers.


The only thing really looking "unfinished" there in what they're trying to pull off is the clipping with the guy on the right and the board. Well, that and the fact that the trees over on the left look like they're sprites at the moment, which would be unforgivable, though it may be a misconception. The draw distance is kinda weak but considering all the characters onscreen I really can't blame them for dropping it down a bit to keep the framerate up.

the characters will probably get some work, you'd be right if this was not zelda, but never in Zelda since OoT you had two people alike in the same game (unless they are brothers, still sporting some diferences... or if they are twinrova), that can be clearly seen in the village where link starts this one, having a city like this next to the other places would be a real sign of it being rushed.


As for the trees yes, they are indeed sprites, and I don't believe they'll be like that in the final build... it's a work in progress in other pictures you can even see the strange movement frames of the non-player characters...


My guess on that pic is that they were just testing how many diferent characters they could get on-screen in that scene, they'll probably tone it down (a lot), apply shadows and add some variety and still run it on a acceptable framerate.

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There's no way the Cube can pull off all those character models with proper shadows and with a good poly count each. The textures look crap and the tree is a sprite - the game is probably too ambitious for a console with only 24mb of main RAM. I'm just hoping the game gets a significant graphical upgrade on the Revolution TBH.

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im 21... older than a lot of you, and am often impressed by whats said at this forum... keep up the good work guys!


2 things...


1) i like that pic. love the atmosphere. even if there is still heaps of work to be done there, i would be impressed as is. (even with the guy being skewered by the wood *grins*)


2) what is wrong with making this game more than one disc? is it a problem with re-entering dungeons or what? ive played quite a few multidisc games (Final fantasy series... tales of symphonia... baten kaitos) and found no real dramas with them.

probably a dumb question, but i need this explained to me.

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2) what is wrong with making this game more than one disc? is it a problem with re-entering dungeons or what?


I don't think that is the problem. Games like Resident Evil 0(GC) Skies of Arcadia(DC)....have more than 1 disc, and you can explore the world how you please when you're on the second disc.

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