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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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If it was just the exact date then it wouldn't be a problem. But we also don't know:


Online details

Price point (one only? please god only one....)

Box contents

Official release line up

Other secrets about hardware


For gods sake Ninty just get ON with it!


Yea that's far to much they haven't shown,there has to be something from that list that will get shown/told.I'd be really annoyed if they didn't.

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They're letting the hype die down. Articles on the DS and the Wii have started to peeter out. There wasn't a great deal of mainstream coverage of the Wii at E3 either. What the hell is Reggie doing?!


Also just noticed how many people have posted in a relatively short amount of time. I think a lot of Tendofans are getting itchy.

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They're letting the hype die down. Articles on the DS and the Wii have started to peeter out. There wasn't a great deal of mainstream coverage of the Wii at E3 either. What the hell is Reggie doing?!


Also just noticed how many people have posted in a relatively short amount of time. I think a lot of Tendofans are getting itchy.




I understand Nintendo wanted to hold some things back but COME ON, I'm only human! If they don't give out the launch date tomorrow, I swear I'm gonna go buy a psp...that's right!!!! DON'T TRY AND STOP ME! *Maniac laugh*

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They're letting the hype die down. Articles on the DS and the Wii have started to peeter out. There wasn't a great deal of mainstream coverage of the Wii at E3 either. What the hell is Reggie doing?!


Also just noticed how many people have posted in a relatively short amount of time. I think a lot of Tendofans are getting itchy.


not a lot of mainstream coverage?! i saw Wii everywhere, from gaming magazines, to tabloids, to the broadsheets, to the BBC News At Ten!! :D


and we're a bit of-topic of zelda are we not...? lol {{hops over to the conference thread}}

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not a lot of mainstream coverage?! i saw Wii everywhere, from gaming magazines, to tabloids, to the broadsheets, to the BBC News At Ten!! :D


and we're a bit of-topic of zelda are we not...? lol {{hops over to the conference thread}}


Yeah we are, lol.


Ok back on-topic. Any hints that will we be shown a new Zelda trailer tomorrow? Seems ages since i've seen this running!

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Yeah we are, lol.


Ok back on-topic. Any hints that will we be shown a new Zelda trailer tomorrow? Seems ages since i've seen this running!


Yeah that's a good point! I think it'd be a good time to show one final trailer for the game, just to hype everyone up, aswell as maybe showing something in it that will make everyone go 'omg, I never saw that one coming'...maybe a little twist to get us all ready to go :D


All i've got to go on are those trailers from 2004/5. The E3 footage from this year didn't really make me go 'wow' tbh...

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I understand Nintendo wanted to hold some things back but COME ON, I'm only human! If they don't give out the launch date tomorrow, I swear I'm gonna go buy a psp...that's right!!!! DON'T TRY AND STOP ME! *Maniac laugh*


"He needs Elvish medicine."

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I have given a guy at work my copy of Zelda Collectors Edition for the Cube as he never got to play OOT and we had some interesting discussions at work about it.


One point that came up was where the hell did Link get his earring from? I mean he was sealed in the Chamber of Sages for 7 years, clearly the first Sage got bored and decided to pierce Links ear while he was vunerable.

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LMBO. Its all coming together now. The reason Link doesnt talk is clearly because the poor guy was sexually abused by an old man for 7 years straight in the Chamber of Sages!!!!


And just like that, all my fond memories of OOT are warped irreversibly ;)

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Does anyone remember the line out of Ocarine of Time where link has just grown up and gone into the first shop in Hyrule market after crossing the (broken) drawbridge and the chap selling ghosts (poes) says something along the lines of - If I was as handsome as you I could be in a completely different line of work -. Is it just me or does that line sound a bit dodgy. Whatever the deal Link is a hottie and I'm not afraid to admit it.

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I barely watched any Zelda at all at E3,I just saw what was at the Conf and the trailer.

yeah same here. i was hooked on the smash bros brawl trailer!!!


LMBO. Its all coming together now. The reason Link doesnt talk is clearly because the poor guy was sexually abused by an old man for 7 years straight in the Chamber of Sages!!!!

this, made me laugh. aloud. to myself. with people at uni staring at me...

well, the conference thing starts in a little less than an hour if im right (time conversion). we may see some new stuff with the new control schemes..

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