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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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In honor of the 20 year aniversary of The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo has announced a set of new collectibles. These are made and sold in cooperation with "The King of Games" and are available from 21 February, Legend of Zelda's birthday.


Of course we dearly hope that Nintendo will also make these collectibles available outside of Japan. We will keep you updated on this.


20 years of zeldal


Also new videos

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I was expecting May but this is good (like TWW), however the same date worldwide doesn't look right....
I highly doubt it will be released in europe in that timeframe, if so, they should be hyping up the game by now... I'm really expecting a september/november release date now, no problem though, just ordered tales of symphonia and baten kaitos to keep me entertained.


On a side-note... it's the 3rd portuguese post in a row :D

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Tales of Symphonia kicks ass, good choice. As for Baten Kaitos I need more money and recommendations.
recomendations? I didn't need them, I was totaly sold by the trailers, seems like having one hell of a story, and I'm not the type to be fascinated with FMV :p


about zelda... that site hyrule.net has a video with a skull kid in it:




looks awesome.


Also on that movie... pause effect looks like... horrible, I hope there is no pause effect in the final game, and that may have been a early build of the game... please... no pause effect it almost ressembles slowdown when it isn't... horrible! non-stop action please.

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LOL if you're going to play Baten kaitos hopeing to see FMV you're gonna have a big disapointment (I had one :( ), as for story I didn't think much of it, what's REALLY good in this game are the pre-render graphics and the battle system it's very entertaining.


As for zelda, if you're talking about the pause it makes when link hits an enemy it's been there in WW already, I didn't notice until well into the game, but a friend of mine who's a really expert in hardware (like you) noticed at the first time laughed because he thought it was a slowdown (he's a pc fanboy, go figure), I guess they're not going to change that.

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LOL if you're going to play Baten kaitos hopeing to see FMV you're gonna have a big disapointment (I had one :( ), as for story I didn't think much of it, what's REALLY good in this game are the pre-render graphics and the battle system it's very entertaining.


As for zelda, if you're talking about the pause it makes when link hits an enemy it's been there in WW already, I didn't notice until well into the game, but a friend of mine who's a really expert in hardware (like you) noticed at the first time laughed because he thought it was a slowdown (he's a pc fanboy, go figure), I guess they're not going to change that.

I know baten kaitos won't have much FMV (only one mini DVD), but still it looks pretty good, even the in-game graphics are awesome, I don't even picture why it has 8 out of 10 in that department on most reviews, sure it's pre-rendered, but it's simply beautiful, then again I think 1994 2D RPG's are beautiful. For story... most RPG's are always the same thing, it's a matter of presentation, and baten kaitos completly seduced me :D I can't wait to get my dirty hands in it.


Pause effect in Wind Waker it was really a nice effect slowing down the action in real time, a simple touch, could get in the way when surrounded by lots of enemies but it was really neat most of the time, but after seeying it in action in TP I think it doesn't fare well in there, needs tweaking, but it was a E3 2005 video, some of those videos/trailers weren't even on par with the playable demo shown (on the E3 2005 trailer, epona didn't have detailed hair, but in the demo... she had) it's really a matter to see how it's coming together now after more than 10 months (whenever they decide to show it).

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Yeah after watching the skull kid movie again, it is too much pause effect and it should be taken care of, but does the game look good, the shield is abslutely gorgeous! oh another thing is the way enemys die they do it exacly like in wind waker.

I wan't to play this game so much, but I fear that it's going to be ported to revolution and that this 10 months where to update the graphics and implement the revolution controller.

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It's very unlikely the pause effect will be taken out, I've noticed it ever since the first trailer and if anything all they've done is make it even more prominent. It was in all of Wind Waker, so it's obviously something Nintendo thinks is a good addition.


its an anime effect, they wont take it out. unless its an option which i doubt

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Just found something that makes me a little ... upset.

OK OK its just a retailers random? release date but... well Amazon.co.uk seem to think that Twilight Princess is coming on... NOVEMBER 24th!!!


So like I said... just random retailer speculation... BUT... think about it... when is a likely release date of Rev? Well I think its closer to the Years end and I also think Zelda will be part of the launch strategy. This all makes a strange sense...


I hope I don't have to wait till November to play this game...

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November is a little too late for my liking too! I'd guess it's coming shortly after E3... maybe July sometime...


I dislike the pause effect too, I think it'd be ok if they implemented it on the killing blow only and still not such a long pause!


The wait for this game hurts!

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Anyone seen that Zelda trialer thats currently on gametrailers.com?? Its a new one with the forest temple in it, where the guy completes the whole temple in one go. Its fookin amazing.
I know of that "speed-run" but I won't go and see it, because I don't want to spoil myself anymore, I shouldn't really see a video appart from trailers will I get the game on my hands actually, although I don't know if i'll be able to stop myself from seying them.
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Just found something that makes me a little ... upset.

OK OK its just a retailers random? release date but... well Amazon.co.uk seem to think that Twilight Princess is coming on... NOVEMBER 24th!!!


I've had an email from Amazon about my Zelda pre-order saying that this is due 28th-30th Nov 2006. Surely people can see now that this is going to be a Revolution launch title.

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I've had an email from Amazon about my Zelda pre-order saying that this is due 28th-30th Nov 2006. Surely people can see now that this is going to be a Revolution launch title.

Surely people can realise that every date is unconfirmed and speculation just know untill an official from Nintendo THEMSELVES say the date,no site ,magazine or blog

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Surely people can realise that every date is unconfirmed and speculation just know untill an official from Nintendo THEMSELVES say the date,no site ,magazine or blog


Yes of course I realise that. But surely it's in Amazon's interest to publish a date that represents the earliest possible time you could buy the game. They've been sending me these emails and pushing it back for months. The last time they pushed it back was to sometime after April. Does anyone have a concrete example of Amazon being spectacularly wrong with a release date cos I don't?

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