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theres quite a few this year that will have feeds, i found these.








they will all have free nintendo press confrence feeds, vgamin one im not sure will be posted at the actual site but one of the hundreds of member sites should have it.

I haven't been able to find the pages on those sites saying that they'll do a free stream, and the link to the E3 stream thingy on IGN required memnbership.

Guest Jordan

I heard about this, but i wasn't best happy.

I just paied £12 for Gamespot Plus for a year so i could watch these, although any paid subscriber will get better quality feed and servers... so i suppose theres one up side.

Guest Jordan
Panic over, any streams in Apple Quicktime? Tends to be higher quality.


Gamespot use a Flash/WMP10 stream so it doesn't run outside of the browser.


Good news. Last year I tried watching the IGN stream without subscribing. Had to watch it without the sound and with the occasional black screen. I remember being pissed about missing the Metroid Prime 3 footage, had a black screen and after that I saw a big "3". Hope this free stream won't have any similar problems.


The only thing is, you can nearly be guaranteed that all those free streams will be badly clogged up with traffic, even moreso than other years in the past - this is the big one for Nintendo. I might subscribe to IGN or GameSpot for front row seats.


I'm not sure if I should pay for Gamespot or IGN so I can hear/see the news straight away rather than watching a crappy stream.


i'm just gonna try and watch a stream, but if that fails I'll just wait for IGN to up load the vids! Also alot of websites are doing transcripts, gamesindustry.biz is doing a minute by minute transcript.


Done - I subscribed to Gamespot+! For £1.56 (according to xe.com ;)) that's not fuckin bad for all the HD and exclusive trailers to be downloaded this E3, not even including the 700k conference stream :D


i've subscribed too! love the site anyway and the jump in video quality being streamed is very noticiable! i think next month i'm going to sunscribe for a year! depends how good the forums etc are-been a member for months but never really looked round :S


heres to a free nintendo press conference viewing for the world! just hope the servers dont crash etc

Guest Stefkov

ill watch the free stram if its crap ill wait for the downoad and not goon the internet or read any news until ive seen it. i tried this at GDC but there was stuff all over the place it was hard to miss that the controller was what it was. got up dead early for it aswell.


also wahts 12:00pm and 9:30pm PT in GMT?

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