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Name A Game You Should Play Before Wii.

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F-Zero. The racing is hardcore, you'll need to be pretty handy on racing games to unlock most of it, but even the best of us will struggle to unlock everything. I love that game.


Could someone please explain to me the attraction of Eternal Darkness? I spent hours with that game, searching for items and hacking through zombies, but that's all I got out of it.

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I suggest that everyone post one and only one game that someone hasn't said. You can later edit the first post with the descriptions and the poster. That way, we won't have noobs coming here and asking "Which game should I get?". Good thread.



Well thats what I was going or but it seems to have gone a bit out of control....oh well.

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F-Zero. The racing is hardcore, you'll need to be pretty handy on racing games to unlock most of it, but even the best of us will struggle to unlock everything. I love that game.


Could someone please explain to me the attraction of Eternal Darkness? I spent hours with that game, searching for items and hacking through zombies, but that's all I got out of it.

Storyline's supposed to be immersing?:hmm:

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This is inspired by ONM who in their last issue gave a list of things to do before the release of Wii. What I want to do is get everyone to name 1 game from the Gamecube that everyone should have at least played once before Wii arrives. I will start....


1. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.


From the opening sequence to the final battle the game was a joy to play. Despite the look of the game the storyline was anything but kiddy. Sure people complained about the overall shortness of the main game but the sidequests, especially the model collecting one, made up for that. Even if your not a fan of the series ( if not why the hell not??! ) I recommend everyone should give this a go. With its colourful look and inspring music the game will draw you in.



I tried to reply it about a month ago, all was going fine, i fully restored the master sword but i just don't want to go through the tedium that is the triforce chart/pieces collecting:mad:


Well right now i got Lost Magic on the DS last week but when i finish this i'm thinkin of repling Beyond Good and Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Tales of Symphonia, REmake, RE4, Eternal Darkness and Killer 7 (if i have the time to get through them all, not nessicarilly in that order) and if i still have time before Twilight Princess comes i may, just maybe force myself to go through the triforce crap in Wind Waker

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Another vote for Zelda Collector's Edition.

F-Zero. The racing is hardcore, you'll need to be pretty handy on racing games to unlock most of it, but even the best of us will struggle to unlock everything. I love that game.

yeah the difficulty, particularly that of the 2nd level (I think) is legendary. I don't think I cleared any of the levels under 10 tries. Most took me like 50 tries at least. I dont think being handy on racing games helps with F zero. You just have to be handy with... F zero:awesome:

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jaysus.. I have so many games that i have not even tried properly yet..


Pandora tommorow

Shadow of the Colossus

Gods of war

Silent Hill: The Room


Battalion Wars

It's Mr. Pants

Golden sun I

Golden Sun II


and yes.. windwaker would be great to play through again

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There’s so many games But I'll name just one:


Donkey Kong Jungle Beat: Its one of the most fun games I think I've ever played. You would think a platformer played by using a pair of Bongo's would be:


A) Not very good and a bit hard to control


B) And when you do get used to it, its just a platformer at the end of the day. Nothing special


But No. DKJB really is quite excellent. It'll take all of a few seconds to get used to the controls and before you know it you're pulling off endless combos in levels to try and beat whatever the high score is. Make sure you buy it with the drums though, they deliberately made it as close to unplayable with the normal GC controller.

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I can't decide just one >_<




Metroid Prime

Resident Evil 4

Metal Gear solid

Zelda Wind Waker

Eternal Darkness

Pikmin 2

Super Smash bros

Mario Sunshine


highly recommended


Resident Evil Remake


Fixed for great justice.

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yeah the difficulty, particularly that of the 2nd level (I think) is legendary. I don't think I cleared any of the levels under 10 tries. Most took me like 50 tries at least. I dont think being handy on racing games helps with F zero. You just have to be handy with... F zero:awesome:


Sounds like I kick ass then, I've beaten all levels on hard and nearly all on very hard. Master difficulty isn't too tough once you build yourself a sweet machine. I'm teaching myself to be skilled with the wheel atm, so that's even better...

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Your obsessed with Resi - am i right? :grin:

Naw......mambe.......just a little.....Hey! Its only the best game ever made. I mean 4 has better graphics and storyline than Halo, and Half-Life, and the storyline of the games it amazing. I play resi everyday, and I still haven't gotten bored of it. I beat 1 in one day, and I have almost beat 23&4. I am starting Zero, and replaying the d.s. version as Rebecca Chambers. It's AMAZING!:hehe:

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Yeah...Resi rules. I got the Remake AGES ago, before I got 4 but never really got into it. Then I got 4 anf completed it; then the same with Zero, but now I'm going well with the Remake and will soon order 2, 3 & CVX.


Do you generally prefer REmake or Zero as a RE game. I prefer REmake for the simple reason that it's the remastering of my personal fav RE game. I think the fact you can control both people kind of takes away from the experience, much like the dropping items anywhere thing. I also think REmake has slightly better visuals and is a generally more atmospheric/scary gaming experience. Anyway to keep this on topic both are excellent games in their own right and you owe it to yourselves to play them!

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Do you generally prefer REmake or Zero as a RE game. I prefer REmake for the simple reason that it's the remastering of my personal fav RE game. I think the fact you can control both people kind of takes away from the experience, much like the dropping items anywhere thing. I also think REmake has slightly better visuals and is a generally more atmospheric/scary gaming experience. Anyway to keep this on topic both are excellent games in their own right and you owe it to yourselves to play them!


I like both for different reasons.

I like that you can drop things on Zero, but I can understand about the duel people thing. I don't mind it though. I also find the 'burning the zombies' thing slightly annoying on REmake.

Zero's SLIGHTY too easy I found though, whereas the Zombies on REmake take about 10 Handgun shots sometimes, so towards the start of the game, before I left the Mansion, I found myself quite low on ammo sometimes (Barry's been a help though:))


Oh...And I forgot to put DS on my list, I'm going to get that of course, even if it is just the original + a few extras.

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Yeah, we're kinda talking about GC here.


True. Sorry about that... a little tired at the mo. Think I'll spend some much needed time exploring every corner of WW. I'm sure there are a few villagers somewhere I haven't annoyed yet!

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