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Well my prediction of how the trailer would play out was kinda right, i thought there would a transition from "playing the game" to "being in the game" but they started off already "in the game".


The trailer was actually a let down, too short and little (or no game footage).


I actually still think the "flames and shovel" bit is in-game (i don't see why they would obscure the face of the character if it wasn't, also the part just after when she slits someones throat and you only see a silhouete(sp?) of the character (with knife) and the victim falling is also in-game.


Also... what the hell was that "creature" at the start:woops:


Every one of us...has it in themselves...darkness...which leads us... SADNESS


When the game is ready and they are making adverts they should definatly use that line..... actually now that i think of it, that trailer would make for a good advert.


She is HOT (The girl holding the wiimote)


True:D :love:

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Sorry guys, I just must say this. There was no in game graphics there. The same girl is playing both characters and only a real person could wave the torch like such a retard. I'm not going to make any judgement on it so far but the atmosphere and the concept that they seem to be running with seems pretty exciting. It is just horrifically dark, not in a RE kind of way but in an EternalDarkness way. E.A.P. be praised!

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Guest Stefkov

I might get this to see how they convey Ukraine, i was surprised when i read itl be based there.

and ill scare the shit out of my mum by making her play it, maybe

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Guest Stefkov

i want to see hw this game turns out. i might be tempted into byingi t. even though im nota fan of scary games. they shit me up more than scary movies, i laugh at them for some reason.

im gonna get this. just to see, as ive said, how they convey ukraine, and to scare my mum

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I must admit (and god it sounds stupid) but I'm really put off by the fact that their English is so bad. It's nice to have new and crazy devs around but we have seen no evidence for any of the games to be that great apart from their enthusiasm for the platforms.


Wanted: Any details at all.

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  • 4 months later...



nibris <-- RED NAME.

collection | wishlist

Posts: 81

Registered: Mar '06

Date Posted: 12:16am Subject: SADENESS - new info at the end of October



I just want to tell you that new info about Sadness will be give to big media at 31 of October. We are working on it with our partners very hard.

And one thing - rumor about that Sadness change status into PS3 exclusive isn't true. Sony are interesting in get this game but Sadness is still Wii exclusive.


All the best,


Nibris team


SOURCE: http://boards.ign.com/nintendo_wii_lobby/b8270/129042454/p1/?6


NOTE: Some spelling errors on behalf of the representative of Nibris but I am VERY HAPPY to see that see they have not given into PS3 and releasing the game on that system as well.

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This is a game that I've been looking forward to for some time. It really is nice to see a company get some guts and make a game how they want to make it.


Given the little movie that we have seen, I think it would be hard to adapt their plans to the PS3... Only time can tell though, October 31st here we come!

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The reason they are making Sadness in the first place is because of he Wiimote, and given what they seem to have planned for it control wise it wouldn't make sense to make a PS3 version even if its control is "tilt" sensitive it wouldn't be able to mimic the wiimote.


We support only consoles of the company which brought games to life - Nintendo. Not because we are blind fans of this firm, but because the philosophy and path choosen by this company suits us most. Video games have reached a wall they will not break - an audio-visual wall. In an age of comercial hits and two numbers in the title, a larger number of players is reluctent to play the same titles, enriched with only a larger number of military training grounds and textures. The video games department has therfore come to a standstill. Nintendo, the synonym of video games and entertainment, decided to conquer this barrier. The company has decided to create new systems, which through their solutions direct games to completly different paths. The many ideas that we apply wouldn't have a chance on other systems other than the DS and Wii.

Thanking Nintendo for this breath of freshness of electronic games we hope, that through our work, though to a slight degree to pay homage to the genial ideas Nintendo. Nintendo means "the path to happiness".



i had to type all that out, the flash site wouldn't let me copy and paste :heh:

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