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I hate to make you look even more silly, but you give me no choice:


1. You were talking about pronunciation, not context, and appeared to be trying to say that 'we' and 'wee' are pronounced differently, which they are clearly not


2. 'Wii', as in the console, is a noun. 'We' is never used as a noun, whereas 'wee' is.


See, you argument is flawed on at least two levels. But really, why are we being so fucking pedantic? I'm going for a wee.

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wee P (w)

-Very small; tiny.

-Very early: the wee hours of the morning.

(dictionary.com definition)


When was the last time you actually said you were going for a 'wee'?

This discussion is getting boring.

How can a conversation about piss ever be boring?


When was the last time you actually said you were going for a 'wee'?

All the time.

How can a conversation about piss ever be boring?
I'm going to the bathroom now (it's true), but yeah... boooooring...


(Let's see how many new posts about piss are there when I come back)

How can a conversation about piss ever be boring?


How old are you?


Is anyone else other than fieldsofanfieldroad upset that the name has connotations of urine?

How old are you?


Does anyone else other than fieldsofanfieldroad upset that the name has connotations of urine?


Nah. I like the name and the meanings that go with it. It's a bit sad to see so many people wrapped up in the fact that is sounds like "wee". But aw well, there you go.

Nah. I like the name and the meanings that go with it. It's a bit sad to see so many people wrapped up in the fact that is sounds like "wee". But aw well, there you go.
I'm actually more hyped about the conference now, as seeying what is happening now that they revealed the name... it's good that it didn't happen in the conference at E3, just shows that they knew this would happen and have a pretty solid masterplan, the benefits of "we" are clearly in the future...


Acording to their studies they must have concluded they have much to gain from using it. marketing wise...


I'm really, really hyped about hearing them talk at the conference now.


As it's such an abstract name/word, the advertising for it can be really good!

People will not automatically think urine when they see it as they'll just see the letters W,I and I.


For example, you have an advert (visually, not TV), it's plain white with the logo "Wii" on it and a date underneath. How can you relate this to urine, that won't be the thing cropping up on people's minds as they won't see the pronunciation... they'll be thinking what it could be, this kind of advertising could work for Nintendo.

Another, plain black poster with the blue light central with Wii and date underneath.


Simplistic advertising is the way to go for Nintendo in places like magazines and posters, when on TV then they should go along the route of the DS, to show the physical implications of the controller.


If you look on the advertisement ideas thread

- http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5924 -

there are a couple decent ideas on there (YenRug's is very clever and Catterick's is great - it would be Nintendo taking the mick out of themselves in a similar manner to how budweiser do now in regards to football/soccer)


Wii really is a great name, universal, easy to pronounce, very simple and minimilistic and they logo can be quite catchy!


Only in the English speaking countries (not all of them) can it be taken out of context and thats by fanboys really (people who "want" to find something bad in the name), the average Joe on the street won't think urine!

Look at Virgin, a huge corporate brand and people don't think about young ladies who have not yet been "spoiled", when talking about it or watching their adverts!


Not too bothered about the name now, but fieldofanfieldroad does have a point. Wii, sounds like we, which also sounds like wee. Unless you hold up a piece of paper stating the spelling and context as you're saying it people (i.e. the general public) will get a bit confused as to what you are saying and some peoples first thoughts will be wee as this thread has so clearly demonstrated. Don't underestimate the publics level of toilet humour. I am not saying 'Oh look it's called wee ahahaha lololol' I'm saying that is what some of the public will first think off when they hear the name will be rather then the intended 'we', which is what I think fieldofanfieldroad was getting at and is a reasonable point.

Finally wee is used by people over the age of 10, I still say 'I'm off for a wee' for example. Anyway, yes discussion is getting a bit dull, it sounds a bit like wee, some people love it, some people hate it, but it's not getting changed

I dont care how many times i read it i keep (and probably always will be) calling it wy!! its the double i that makes my brain not communicate with my mouth properly and i say wy........


at least it sounds better wee....i mean wii


I take it in the winter Olympics they go Sky-ing!! :wink:


Couple of things:


Firstly It never did Winnie the Pooh any harm!!


Secondly to all those who will ALWAYS call it Revolution, How many are still eating Marathons or Opal Fruits???


Finally have to use a purile wee joke!!!


"At this year's E3, Wii will be on everyone's lips!!"


I've now been thinking about this for nearly 24 hours and I've got say what a shrewed move this is by Nintendo. They are really nailing their colours to flag. Plus I think it's a great move by Nintendo to call it 'Wii' and not 'Nintendo Wii'. One of Nintendo's biggest disadvantages, to a certain extent, is it's own name.

People still aren't making jokes are they? God I'm glad the real world isn't like this.

I think must be dislexik though because is still pronounce this as 'why' and not 'we'. Guess I just need re-wiring.

I swear if Sony had thought of the name "PlayStation Wii", Sony fanboys and all the press would be praising it.
In my honest opinion... I think they wouldn't...


because those guys are not willing to accept changes, a change from Playstation for something else would not be recieved peacefully...


Even with Nintendo we are seeing this, a company whom we should be expecting this. people got used to the game (Revolution) and don't want to let it go.


Fierce_Link your argument is extremely flawed, though I agree 100% with your sentiment. The name DOES sound like Wee, and in its context it really does lie next to Wee rather than We - I don't care what NIntendo intend. And I think everyone is coming from the same place, none of us here will be affected by the name and ultimately none of us KNOW how it will affect Nintendo in English speaking countries, but don't slag someone off as being immature cause the name will be synomonous with Wee, it doesnt mean we think it, people are just being sensitive to how others may/will see it!! I don't care, I quite like it and especially its intent, but I also can see that theres a chance it could backfire in a big way. The name doesnt bother me, but seeing Nintendo fail would - I'll admit it, I hate labelling but I could be classed as a fanboy, I loved nintendo since the nes and they are the only company to excite me in gaming, I simply want Nintendo to be number one again, this name gives me a niggling worry that it will be much harder than if the console was called something else!

I spoke with branding company Igor International yesterday about Nintendo’s choice of Wii as the new name for their next-gen console.


During the interview Steve Manning became convinced that Nintendo had deliberately picked a bad name for the console and that it was, in fact, fake. Manning thinks that Nintendo is creating an enormous viral campaign by releasing a fake name and then coming back during E3 and announcing the real one.


It looks like he’s not the only one who thinks this. Site Snark Hunting is also convinced, here’s why:


Crazy? Here is the first clue, “By letting the gaming community vent now about the name, they will be less distracted as launch titles for the system are announced and initial reports about what it’s like to play the games begin to come in.†Allowing your audience time to vent is not SOP in a name announcement, and also telegraphs that Nintendo knows what a stinker this name would be.


Second, it’s not possible to engineer a worse name for this product.


Third, and this is a big one, there are no trademarks registered by Nintendo nor by any dummy corp in the U.S or over there for Wii. This is unprecedented for Nintendo and it is not possible that his is an oversight. If Wii were the name, they would have registered it. In fact, no new trademarks have been registered by Nintendo at all. This leads us to conclude that Nintendo has in fact registered the real name under a dummy corp, which is SOP when trying to keep a name a secret prior to launch.


I’ve asked Nintendo reps straight out if this was the case, several times, and they deny it through and through. They also say they don’t know why the name isn’t yet trademarked.


Manning is now calling this the “most savvy name announcement we have seen in many years.â€


We think Nintendo is setting you all up to be Punk’d at E3, generating a massive amount of positive buzz when the scam and the real new name are announced.


Given that their video game audience is the same demographic as Punk’d, the whole campaign is perversely elegant. Except of course for failing to make the illusion complete by registering a TM for Wii.


Personally, I think this would run too many risks and could far too easily backfire for Nintendo to attempt it. I’m thinking Nintendo just thinks the shock is going to create an instant and lasting impression.


Thats taken from Kotaku, I have no idea of their reliability and frankly it sounds far too risky for Nintendo to attempt it - Seems more likely it'd just be a thoughtless oversight on their part or quite simply a case of the trademark taking a few days to register, but y'neve know. Thoughts? (Apologies if this has already been posted)

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