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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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More and more I am beginning to think that this was a great move on Nintendo's part. Everybody is talking about the name. Visually it looks good, great idea for the double 'i' representing two people playing games. It's short, easily remembered and original.


The only real down point to the whole thing is that the urine connection. But I don't think this will be such a bad thing in the near future. Just look how everyone jumped on the name and came up with every pun thinkable. In a week, heck just in a couple of days, every single pun regarding Wii will have been done to death.


Don't you see? The playstation 3 and Xbox 360, due to their multi syllable nature both have practically infinite possibilities of unoriginal puns that can be done (poostation, shitbox360 etc..) but the Wii only has one and once that has been done to death (which will be very soon) people will be fed up of it and simply see Wii as Wii and not urine. You'll soon look a bit of a dick if you're making yet another lame Wii=piss pun. I mean, even at E3, say Sony or Microsoft decide to take a dig at Wii, they're going to look very lame and unoriginal.


Great move on Nintendo's part, genius in fact.


Also, I find of greater importance is that since the announcement (whether this will stick, I don't know but I think it might) whenever I have read the word "we" Nintendo's "Wii" has instantly sprung up in my mind. This, I think is one huge thing that will make this "Wii" name extremely valuable in the future and shows Nintendo is a lot smarter than people think right now.

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Pedrocasilva, please, don't be so ridiculous. It's people's good right do dislike the name, or not being 'open' to it (because then we would all like it right?).


The name's a rat's ass to pronounce, especially with that focus on the double i'ed 'wheee' sound, which is just painful for my Dutch tongue. The name doesn't look right when written either, no matter how much philosophy you throw at it. It screams bad image, uncoolness, and stupidity - you can't expect everybody to go 'oh whatever about it', especially not in a business like the console business.


It takes getting used to what Nintendo's doing, and that's hard on people. Nintendo is not being easy on us, that's for sure.

I'm not going "radical" on this... of course you have the right, but it's not like it is the end of the world, people are overeacting over this... it's not a open-minded atitude... also you hear "We" everyday at the beggining of english phrases, that's how it reads... it's not "wee" or something, it's really a normal word... actually it might even be the most spoken word in the word...
Thats the most balanced piece I've read on the name.

and I totally agree with it.

Of course, I expect the Internet to brim over with toilet humor; that is what the Internet is for. But the Internet is not real life. They've already proven this in a variety of ways related to Nintendo product announcements. Remember the almost universal outpouring of disdain following the announcement of the Nintendo DS? Nintendogs?


And look where that got the Internet. Nintendo DS is nothing short of a nationwide cultural phenomenon in Japan. Nintendo pushed hard away from the traditional notion of a video game system and did quite well for their efforts.


In short, the fuss over Wii is an Internet Problem, not a Real Life Problem. In real life, the name's soundalike will pass almost entirely without notice. The positives of Wii will vastly outweigh the negatives.

I only have a little thing to say about that article... (I even posted it in the comments section):


That is... I don't know in what extent that applies, since in Wind Waker's case... when it was unvieled to be cell shaded on the forums... It was really not a good omen and the game sold less than it should...


But do you know what? I love Wind Waker and I blame the poor sales on the picky gamers. "I won't play it because it looks kiddy" kind of thing... I admire that courage on Nintendo's side... and this just reminds me of that... So... i don't care about anything anymore.


Also I'd like to point... a lot of people here in R-E disliked Wind Waker when it was first unvealed, I'm sure of it... now it's a personal favorite for most... give them a chance before going all against it people... It's not like they're going to change it, just because gamers want so.

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But do you know what? I love Wind Waker and I blame the poor sales on the picky gamers. "I won't play it because it looks kiddy" kind of thing... I admire that courage on Nintendo's side... and this just reminds me of that... So... i don't care about anything anymore.

That's an interesting point, and part of my worries.


Nintendo didn't need to do something like this. The Wind Waker was made that way purely out of artistical reasons; you cannot apply the same alienation on a home console. This is going to cost sales the same way the Wind Waker lost sales, but now we don't get a better product for it. Purely looking at my small person, I wouldn't care, but looking at the bigger picture, lower sales and bad image for Nintendo worry me. The frustrating part is that Nintendo is doing it to them theirselves.

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So now the name's hard to pronounce? Saying we is hard? Dear God.

EDIT: DCK this is really simple. Does the name affect you decision of buying it?



If you answered yes, you're a cockfag, if you've answered no, STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT.


Meanwhile in Nintendoville, Iwata is laughing at all the publicity and media coverage without wasting millions of dollars on advertising.

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So now the name's hard to pronounce? Saying we is hard? Dear God.

EDIT: DCK this is really simple. Does the name affect you decision of buying it?



If you answered yes, you're a cockfag, if you've answered no, STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT.


Meanwhile in Nintendoville, Iwata is laughing at all the publicity and media coverage without wasting millions of dollars on advertising.

Of course my decision of buying it isn't affected. But I'm someone who buys these kind of things, I am someone who follows it. But look at the big market, the same superficial market that didn't buy the Wind Waker for the graphics or didn't buy ICO for lack of coolness. They judge unthinking on package, impression and likability. A name like Wii doesn't seem exactly inspiring them to hand over their money for it.


By the way, do you really think this is any major news beyond gaming forums? This is not the audience they want to advertise to.

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Actually this situation cannot be compared to any previous one. Nintendo pretends to distance themselves from the typical console and this name helps achieve that. And yes, news are already beyong gaming forums: cnn, bbc and more news stations have already talked about this.

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Talking to Dabookerman about this, and i was telling him how i think that the name is an abbreviation. Nintendo Wii maybe means What Is It? It's a name with which you can speculate a lot with. :)


I agree and said that in a earlier post.


The use of 'we' is just for marketing purposes but the actual W.I.I means something broken down and thats what the console is or does.


Well thats my idea anyway. :)

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I liked it when I heard it first time, now I like it even more. The name is very unique and different, just like the whole console is, and it fits like a glove. Those wee-wee jokes were fun about a while, but it's getting very dry. Same joke in different forms. And talk about Nintendo-fans being childish, while all the bash from Sony and MS-fans are something between a wiener and urine. LOL


And seriously, if your first thoughts when you hear the name "Wii" are a wiener, urinating and golden showers... GET HELP!

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i do like the name...


but the fact is any time you have to explain a brand it's a bad brand. You don;t have to tell anyone anywhere what 'playstation' means even if you had never heard of it you could pretty much guess.


the first thing nintendos press release does is explain the concept of the brand... thats bad because the brand should be able to communicate what it is and does all by itself - thats the point of having a brand in the first place.


however... i still quite like it.

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Okay just took another look at revolution.nintendo.com and the last line of the press release has caught my attention



And together, Wii will change everything.



Now i know the Wii is pronounced "we" but does this sentence imply that all is not as it seems? That the controller maybe isn't the only aspect of the Wii that is new?


Could Nintendo have something extraordinary up their sleeves?


"And together, Wii will change everything"


Or am i just going mad.......??

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i love the name, and would not want Nintendo to change it back to revolution at all.


i think it looks good, easy to pronounce, will kiss ass in marketing. people who get too stuck up on the pronouciation are seriously retarded. i mean who the hell cares if it sounds like wee. we all do it anyway.


Nintendo will reach it's target audience with this name - The Whole World. Not just the muppets who care too much about their street cred, chavs & chav scum.

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but the fact is any time you have to explain a brand it's a bad brand. You don;t have to tell anyone anywhere what 'playstation' means even if you had never heard of it you could pretty much guess.

Do you think 'iPod' is a bad brand? I guess it's just some type of pod for your eye... :zzz:

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Well, im liking the name, its piss easy to say (puns galore)

So what if the name has made me go toilet more often, at least i dont sit on the same spot all the time then eh eh. its different, if wii does become a huge success well, Nintendo have become the ipod of the games market (with a lot less and a lot more innovation ahem)


PS3 is the safety net of sony, they could of done a risk by renaming it, but they didnt, they just did the obvious thing, it can become a bit bleh


same with xbox 360 really.


Everyones talking about Wii, theres no such thing as bad publicity


its like if there was a film called tinkle, and it was about raw hot sex mixed with theigh sex and pencil poking head violence, it would generate a lot of bad publicity and people would wanna see it


as long as Wii (not us) have the games to prove worthy of its innovation i think nintendo are halfway of getting the Wii across to most people, and who knows, there may be a few hundred people queuing up for a Wii CUM release date in the uk.


i cant help but add so much puns but meh, i need to go for a Wii now.


Also how many of yours have Wii in your msn screen name, own up, its gonna spread like wildfire.

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