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The official Christmas Thread!


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That's right folks! It's only 3 month until Christmas!


Some people would say that it is far to early to think about Christmas, but I'm with Jonathon Ross in thinking that we should plan ahead! What is on your Christmas lists? This is mine!


Video Camera

Memory stick (512Mb prolly)

MP3 watch

Mario and Luigi 2

Animal Crossing



With the power of eBay I should be able to get all of this for under £200! Good old Santa!

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My mum swears she saw someone with their christmas tree up already. Talking about Christmas in September is ridiculous. Though to be honest I've already told my parents I want an iPod this year. Best to warn them early 'cause they're expensive and popular.

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This is the exact reason why Christmas has just become a bullshit holiday. People making present lists already? Jeez. Christmas is meant to be about Jesus and all that & the season of goodwill. Not by adding to consumerism by making plans to force mummy and daddy to pay hundreds of pounds for your gifts.


Come back and make a proper Xmas thread around the 10th December.

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i do not celebrate Christmas, but i lov the ambience of it, plus it has the best tele shows of the whole yr, which is a plus, and also uni holidays!!!!!!!!!


*cowers* Strange things scare me :( What language is it that you speak?



Is it ok with everyone if I get in early and start the Official New Years Eve Party thread !!!1!


I'm reserving the 2007 one!

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Why wait to get excited. I starting feeling Christmasy a couple of days ago, so might as well spread the joy... even if it ain't getting far!


Also yes, maybe not the most serious of threads, you might as well be jolly now! Hohoho! Shops do have their Christmas stock in already, and some idiots do have their Christmas trees up, making the Christmas atmosphere come early.


I personally do not believe in Jesus ect, but the Christmas feeling has a mind of it's own!

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it's a season of goodwill, i'm sure for most of us it's meaning has been removed from christianity, but there should still be a spiritual meaning. for me it's all about spending time with the people i love, fine wine and finer food :) i'm not excited yet but i love seeing everyone else excited about christmas, it's such a happy time. i'm not sure about the idea of planning christmas lists yet though, it seems a little self-indulgent.

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