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Guest Stefkov

I think I've screwed up Naruto. One of the peoples missions to go and get a bag, I can't get a pointer for it. I guess I'll start again.

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Nah I've had that problem a few times, you should be able to do the mission anyway. Maybe you've done it already and forgotten, and just have to return to the woman? Do you have more than one mission? If so, finish any others you have, then just run around outside the village til you get markers. I think that one was by the temple? Can't remember for sure though.


I now have gone over 10,000 gamerscore. Wahey, I guess. Kinda worrying since I have only had the console six months. i guess 5 months of lovefilm = a lot of games played.


Cannot understand how people cannot have games to play atm. I have to many. And I do not even own Metroid, CoD4 or Mass Erect yet. I try not to rush games though so that makes a difference. Although I do rush my rentals.


Just finished Naruto and am now playing Assassin's Creed and Mario Galaxy.

Congrats going over 10000 :) I'm miles off... too much uni! lol erect.

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My next games to get points on:

Mutant Storm Empire (on the last level, then going for the combo achievements).

Halo 3 (doing Legendary over Christmas)

Carcassone (just generally playing it, because its great)

Call of Duty 4 (going to finish on Vet, done about 5 missions so far)


Oh and my whammy bar on my GH3 controller is fucked, thanks to Knights of Cydonia on hard... thus i'm using my GH2 Xplorer. I guess i'll have to go back to that.

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Okay guys, heres the thing.


Letty bought a 360 transfer cable cheap off ebay, however its just the cable. Theres no disc at all.


Is it possible for me to transfer the data over without the CD? :-/

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I posted this in the AC thread but just incase anyone misses it here is an awesome explination about the ending! The comments section is worth a read as well. Obviously there are spoilers.




My friend just got Gold, when we try to play haloez together, we can do everything but matchmaking, like forge etc. It just says, information cant be loaded from server or something like that and flashes.


Yeah, I get that. I think its my internet connection...it happens with quite a few games annoyingly. :(

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Congrats going over 10000 :) I'm miles off... too much uni! lol erect.


Mass Erect is the official title. They just misspelt it on all the boxes, somehow.


Playing Assassin's Creed and thoroughly enjoying it. i think the key to avoid it getting repetitive is to play it at a casual pace. Rushing through a game ruins it, especially when the mission structure is similar throughout like AC.

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If Free Radical are making a new Dark Forces i might actually cry with happiness, one of my favourite FPS franchises combined with one of the best FPS devs around? It's like a match made in heaven!


Also, yay on KOTOR3 and GRAW3. Tomb Raider im not fussed about and Elder Scrolls Online is a worry, no way is it going to be Bethesda making it. They are way too busy working on Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V (i hope)

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My idea for Elder Scrolls V is to make it the RPG equivalent of Test Drive Unlimited. The usual single player storyline but when out in the towns and overworld you can see some other players going about their own version of the single player quests, where you can chat, swap items etc. There are also some NPCs that dish out Multiplayer quests where you can join up with friends or randoms within a dungeon of some sort. There could even be a separate multiplayer storyline.

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My idea for Elder Scrolls V is to make it the RPG equivalent of Test Drive Unlimited. The usual single player storyline but when out in the towns and overworld you can see some other players going about their own version of the single player quests, where you can chat, swap items etc. There are also some NPCs that dish out Multiplayer quests where you can join up with friends or randoms within a dungeon of some sort. There could even be a separate multiplayer storyline.


Great Idea! Sounds just like PSO or Monster Hunter and those games gave me some of my favourite online memories.

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It's made by Obsidian not Bioware so probably not.


I mean I hope the story is as good as the first one. I loved the second one, its just the pacing of the story was really off.


I hope it keeps the same combat instead of the Mass Effect combat style.

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I hope it keeps the same combat instead of the Mass Effect combat style.


I would get KOTOR3 if it had a (more polished) Mass Erect-style combat system. Otherwise, I'm not that interested in it.


And a Star Wars FPS by Free Radical would be a dream.

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I would get KOTOR3 if it had a (more polished) Mass Erect-style combat system. Otherwise, I'm not that interested in it.


If they put in that option to pause the combat and set strategies that way (the thing in the easly Mass Erect demos), that would be awesome.

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