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Guest Stefkov

COD3 maybe yeah, Vegas I don't like and i dont have PDZ.


And I've just messed up my saves for THP8, now I need to start a new career.....





You're not enjoying yourselves cause you don't have me shouting down your ears anymore :heh:. I'll be back soon though...maybe in a couple of weeks.


Don't do Vegas...It's a bit dull in deathmatch...Terrorist hunt is good though :), PDZ blows...


I say we stick with Gears :).

Honestly I doubt you will ever get a game that everybody has and wants to play at the same time. That is until Halo 3.


Ditto. At my parties everyone wants to play Halo 2 but only a select few want to play Gears. Perhaps because on Halo you can have double the amount of players.

Guest Stefkov

Over 10,000,000 combo get!

Guest Stefkov

But I have it. I have the 5 mil combo achievement and the That was a sick high score or whatever achievement.



But I have it. I have the 5 mil combo achievement and the That was a sick high score or whatever achievement.



I dunt :( is there anyway i can see what the "secret" achivements are?"


Man, Tony Hawk. I played 4 and THUG so many times. Must have completed each at least 10 times. Might get the Xbox version, how does it compare to 4? I stopped getting them after THUG2, that game was just bad :(

Man, Tony Hawk. I played 4 and THUG so many times. Must have completed each at least 10 times. Might get the Xbox version, how does it compare to 4? I stopped getting them after THUG2, that game was just bad :(
After 4 everything sucked. Until Project 8.

As far as i am concerned its a return to form.


Support take their time answering calls don't they >> Ringing up finally bout my 3 red lighter had this bloody music in my ear for 20 minutes, not had the woman say anything for a while either o0

Support take their time answering calls don't they >> Ringing up finally bout my 3 red lighter had this bloody music in my ear for 20 minutes, not had the woman say anything for a while either o0


The Xbox Support are Eastern European Monkeys tied to a phone line with a gun to their head from Bill Gates telling them to give the worlds most retarded advice ever...


Seriously I call them on a weekly basis with problems with my 360, I'm on my 5th now...

Does anyone know of a customer support line that IS any good though, especially for IT/Tech Support.


The one I work for is great tbh. Not that any of you would ring it, unless you have a bit of a fetish for Call Logging.

After 4 everything sucked. Until Project 8.

As far as i am concerned its a return to form.


Mmm, might add that to the backlog of games I need to get for the 360; Viva Pinata, Kameo, DiRT, Project 8 :smile:

Guest Stefkov

I like the sound of COD3 for our new online game. You can get over 8 people playing and it's £17.99 at play.com.

Get it now!


I would much rather a CoD game than GoW. I've always found GoW rather boring. There aren't enough weapons, 4vs4 gets a bit boring. The maps are all really dark. It's really slow-paced. CoD is much better, although Halo 2 would be even better. :heh:

Guest Stefkov

Halo 2 would be better maybe.

I might try and get COD2 for cheap. If it has a better online, but the online matches I played on COD3 seemed fine.

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