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Mine downloaded in about 30 mins...I know because I was watching the Simpsons and when that was finished it was done! Then again I do have ludicrously fast broadband...


I managed to level-up my guy to jump 25 feet this time! Alhough I think I came across a glitch because after about 15 mins of playing I couldn't find any bad guys to kill so I just started attcking civilians...

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I'm even more in love with lumines now!


the heavenly star skin is soooo gooooooood!!! :D


People: BUY THIS GOD DAMN GAME! (if you like puzzle games that is and don't own a PSP)


and remember you can buy the heavenly star song off iTunes :D

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Guest Stefkov

I love Crackdown. I just got 88 agility orb's and I could jump really really high.

Thats only 88, I wonder what the full 500 would be like..

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Am I the only one not that thrilled with Crackdown? Admittedly I've only played it for about 15 minutes but all i seemed to do is go to the flashing area, lock on and shoot a load of easy guys, then shoot the "leader" for about a minute until his energy fell to zero. Then i went for a wander and ended up under a bridge and facing a long run to somewhere populated to pick up a car. Maybe I should try it again but it didn't really amaze me that much.

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Am I the only one not that thrilled with Crackdown? Admittedly I've only played it for about 15 minutes but all i seemed to do is go to the flashing area, lock on and shoot a load of easy guys, then shoot the "leader" for about a minute until his energy fell to zero. Then i went for a wander and ended up under a bridge and facing a long run to somewhere populated to pick up a car. Maybe I should try it again but it didn't really amaze me that much.


I didn't love it, but it was a lot better than I was expecting it to be. Going to play it more tonight and over the weekend and then decide if it's really worth getting or whether I'd just be buying it for Halo 3 beta.

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Can someone explain to me what the HDMI port on the new 360 will do please? I thought the 360 could display HD resolutions already...


I think it allows you to get the full 1080p resolution where as component cables only allow up to 1080i...or something along those lines! In short, and my opinion, its going to make sod all difference! Especially since most 360 games run at only 720p at most!


Disclaimer: I could be 100% wrong, if so sorry!: peace:



I just bought Lumines and first impressions are that I like it! Are they going to keep releasing new songs for it on live or is that it?

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Guest Stefkov
Am I the only one not that thrilled with Crackdown? Admittedly I've only played it for about 15 minutes but all i seemed to do is go to the flashing area, lock on and shoot a load of easy guys, then shoot the "leader" for about a minute until his energy fell to zero. Then i went for a wander and ended up under a bridge and facing a long run to somewhere populated to pick up a car. Maybe I should try it again but it didn't really amaze me that much.

Thats what I did first time and thought it was a bit tedious and boring, but I suggest just going off, dont do all these missions, I was running around collecting the agiglty orbs. I accidently stumbled upon the first guy you have to kill. Try that out, get some agility orbs, jump high and you may change your mind.

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Thats what I did first time and thought it was a bit tedious and boring, but I suggest just going off, dont do all these missions, I was running around collecting the agiglty orbs. I accidently stumbled upon the first guy you have to kill. Try that out, get some agility orbs, jump high and you may change your mind.


Yeah I kinda enjoyed just wondering around exploring. Question is, is that really going to make it worth buying the game? I'm not sure yet, but I do like the game so far.

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Guest Stefkov
Yeah I kinda enjoyed just wondering around exploring. Question is, is that really going to make it worth buying the game? I'm not sure yet, but I do like the game so far.

I was wondering if this was a follow the storyline kinda game, like Zelda, if you understand. YOu can go and wander off but to achieve anything you gotta do the main game. If its more like GTA. Doing anything jumping buildings and stuff. It has a really long lasting gameplay then I'll purchase it.

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Guest Stefkov

Yeah, I'm guessing co-op could be a lot of fun, a jumping race witha friend over buildings would be cool. I saw when I was running around that you could stand in those purple things and actually do that. If theres a lot more of that, then I will most probably get it.


I cant believe I actually bought 3, 360 titles without trading in a single game.

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