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That looks so sexy. ARGH i'm gonna be so miserable with my wired pads, at least i have one this year though. I dont wanna add to the hype, but if you can get one pre-ordered now DO IT! It will totally spoil your xmas if your counting on a premium pack and you cant get any pack on launch.


At this time, i have two Premium packs on preorder.


I'm guranteed both actually, i'm not taking any chances! :D Once i have one in my hands which is working perfectly, i will give the other preorder to someone else.


The comet one may be 2nd December or the following week, so the woman said working there. The Gameplay one December 1st (please god) or on launch-day! I just hope nothing goes wrong.


The wired pads don't really bother me, as you can buy a wireless one.

It's not having a Hard-drive because you can buy one of them.


It's just your missing out on the other extras like a HDTV cable which is important to me, as i have a Samsung HDTV (rear projection, but the quality of the picture in games is still fantastic) and the disc tray isn't shiny, which is a little bit of a con etc..and it's a different colour isn't it?


Overall though, the CORE pack isn't bad at all, if you have the money to go out and buy the other extra bits you need.


I don't care anymore anyway, just give me a damn Xbox360 to play PDZ/Kameo on NOW!!!!!!! :D

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At this time, i have two Premium packs on preorder.


I'm guranteed both actually, i'm not taking any chances! :D Once i have one in my hands which is working perfectly, i will give the other preorder to someone else.


The comet one may be 2nd December or the following week, so the woman said working there. The Gameplay one December 1st (please god) or on launch-day! I just hope nothing goes wrong.


The wired pads don't really bother me, as you can buy a wireless one.

It's not having a Hard-drive because you can buy one of them.


It's just your missing out on the other extras like a HDTV cable which is important to me, as i have a Samsung HDTV (rear projection, but the quality of the picture in games is still fantastic) and the disc tray isn't shiny, which is a little bit of a con etc..and it's a different colour isn't it?


Overall though, the CORE pack isn't bad at all, if you have the money to go out and buy the other extra bits you need.


I don't care anymore anyway, just give me a damn Xbox360 to play PDZ/Kameo on NOW!!!!!!! :D


You oculd sell one on eBay and make a great £100 profit.

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^I may do that, although i would feel really bad. :hmm:


I'll see. The Comet i preordered didn't have hardly any preorders anyway, and they stated there getting quite a few in.....so perhaps i could? :D



Go for it, that's what I'm doing.

I have an order with GAME and one with Woolworths, the Woolworths one is guaranteed for launch, the GAME one isn't, but if it turns up before christmas I'm going to put it on ebay for a very healthy profit.

I'm also toying with the idea of going round some local shops and seeing if they've got any left to order, considering I can make an easy £200 on each one I think it's worth my while.


After looking at some of the prices on Ebay (can you believe £1500) I don't feel bad about doing it at all.

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yeah, but depending on the rumors of more stock week by week till xmas, i think there could be alot of xbox 360 on ebay, but you'll always get your money back.


Dunno about those rumours but we were told by "the microsoft lady" (as shes been dubbed) that they are planning a 'relaunch' in April. Dunno if that means they just won't be doing any new stock until then, or if there'll be a trickle until then and in April there will be a huge delivery. Either way its gonna be tricky.


Oh and I kinda played one today. Was wondering round Comet and there was a pod. Started a game of Kameo but took too long to go past all the intros and such and a kid wanted a go so I let him. Looked okay, the pad felt kinda...dunno. Slightly rougher than normal plastic, not rough, but rougher than smooth.

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Relaunch in April? Ouch that kinda sucks. I could be in for a long wait...


That makes me think Microsoft know something we don't? :confused:


Why 're-launch' in April? Perhaps that rumoured June Revolution world-wide release could well be true? and Microsoft kinda re-launch two months before to get more hype for the Xbox360 and less for the Revolution? which i doubt...but you never know?


April for more stock seems kinda daft to me! Theres no-way i'll want to wait till April 2006 to play Kameo/PDZ for example!


I reckon there will be small allocations going into certain shops way up to christmas and beyond, therefore Microsoft don't lose out on sales.


Well i hope anyway. :smile:

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You can't launch a console twice in the same region. If there are mass shortages Microsoft are only hurting themselves, because their wealth is clearly reason enough for them to be able to produce enough units for everyone... yet they aren't.


Whole thing feels a bit rushed out the door to me, but that's not gonna stop me getting one. IGN speak fondly enough about the multiplayer to redeem what people are calling a lackluster launch title.

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Id imagine there will be short supplies, but I think it'll be even worse than the PSP has been for the last few months to get hold of. I think "relaunch" is just a fancy way of saying "big supply", but I think maybe Microsoft might re-pimp it round April. Would have to be an interesting campaign "You can now actually buy the xbox 360, we've finally made enough stock!"

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The whole 're-launch in april' idea; When i went into Game, asked if by a small chance any pre-orders left (iv ordered on 18th from Game.net but not in 1st batch), but as i guessed, he said no, and added "Youll be lucky to get one before easter".


So its a possibility of an easter relaunch?

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OK i'm going to change the subject about shortages as i'm still really worried even being told by Gameplay i have one! LOL :grin:


Anyway something exciting to think about, someone from IGN has stated on the Xbox360 forums that there has been a Xbox360 game they have just reviewed that has 'BLOWN THEM AWAY'. He/she also stated that it's NOT Perfect Dark Zero!!!!!! (god help us).


They stated that the review will be up early Monday morning. It isn't there yet but do they mean like 8am in USA time??


Remember this could be aload of rubbish, and it normally is, so don't get your hopes to high.


but for fun, which game do you think it could be? My bets are on King Kong, which in my opinion looks fantastic!


It could be either:


King Kong

Dead Or Alive 4

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006

Quake 4


Also, it could of blown them away for all the wrong reasons! :grin:

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