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Well you should I haven't had time to lately but most games appeal just don't have the money - but i don't waste my money on footy tickets, clubbing, or pubbing


Piss off and dont tell me how to run my life, i needed money quick for something unexpected so i sold something i dont use that much.



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Well you should I haven't had time to lately but most games appeal just don't have the money - but i don't waste my money on footy tickets, clubbing, or pubbing


how is clubbing or pubbing a waste-its called having a life!

Piss off and dont tell me how to run my life, i needed money quick for something unexpected so i sold something i dont use that much.




Regardless of whether you needed money quick. It's your life, your console.


And ZFreak, I CANNOT believe you said those things are a waste...


Because to me anyway if i want a drink i'll have a drink in the house, it stops anti-social behaviour because you don't usually end up drunk, which prevents loads of aspects of social degeneration.


And btw to me is better that way, remember my opinion


P.S. All of that stuff is dead over priced.


P.S.S games are over priced as well but I tend to ask for them as xmas, bday presents

Because to me anyway if i want a drink i'll have a drink in the house, it stops anti-social behaviour because you don't usually end up drunk, which prevents loads of aspects of social degeneration.


And btw to me is better that way, remember my opinion


surely having a drink in the house is being anti-social-when you go out you meet new people, have a laugh and just have fun.


and yes it is your opinion its just kinda sad to think what kind of life you actually have, locked up behind a computer all day, either practising your scripting etc for your course or posting on here-just you and your twisted lame assed opinions you've 'learned' form reading articles on the net, so that must of course mean you have the best opinion on everything. why do you try to be such a snob?! it just comes off as you bveing a fool.


but hey thats just MY opinion of you!


ps. shall ignore future ZeldaFreak posts cos they just piss me off


i really wanna be home playing Oblivion! i need to get back into it.

So, uh, how's about that Xbox?


we digress, but thats what makes this thread fun!


is it just me or does everyone only remember the bad things about oblivion after they play it?


No, you get me all wrong I eat at fancy restraunts, travel a lot and do alot of charity work.


To me I would rather be sat at home or in a fancy restraunt and having fun with other sober people, than be in a club and me surrounded by drunk people.


I guess its a preference thing. If everyone were the same it would be a sad world

If everyone were the same it would be a sad world


if everyone were like you it would be a sad world- i mean who would come up with the opinions?!


*the end*


XBOX 360


More NX 01 goodness.


but isnt it a 360 RTS game? as in a console RTS game? as in one genre thats never really worked on a console and the best example of it nearly working is BFME2 which was frustrating to use at best?


leaves me a little doubtfull tbh but hey ho-i'll give anything a go ;)

we digress, but thats what makes this thread fun!


is it just me or does everyone only remember the bad things about oblivion after they play it?


I do actually, well, not so much remember bad things, more just not wanting to play it at all, after spending a good 3 hour session on it a month or so ago.


I'm on holiday 21st of October and the whole week will be dedicated to some Xbox playing. I want to get into Dead Rising and Oblivion, because I have enjoyed moments of both, just can't be bothered to play them right now.


so glad i forked out on a 360 after seeing the lost oddessy and blue dragon trailers my god they look awesome.

Next game for me will prob be a second hand kameo then the wait for gears of war begins

we digress, but thats what makes this thread fun!


is it just me or does everyone only remember the bad things about oblivion after they play it?


No, its still my favourite 360 game!

It is according to Bethesda.




I am really tempted by this though being a big Trek fan, but the fact that it's an RTS is putting me off. If Bethesda were making it themselves I'd feel more confident about buying it but it's Mad Doc who made the sub standard ST Armada 2.




Its a mixture of Armada and Bridge Commander. So, half-RTS.


hehe. I loved oblivion when I played it. Back then I said it was one of the best games I had played. Now I only remember the bad things. It's one of my most played games tough.

Guest Stefkov

Hmm i like the sound of Star Trek.

Howeber what i would love is a Star Wars game, not lego, looking quite like that Star Trek, with pod racing, space fighting and loads of stuff.

What would be even better would be an Oblivion type Star Wars. I know there was info on a LOTR, Oblivion game. Which i cant wait for if its true, but a star wars one. with lightsabers, and podracing would be absolutely awesome. Have differenct planets on the game, being able to fly there aswell. Buy a spaceship, and travel like in Oblivion. Space ports would be cool. Damn i wish this game would come about.

Which i cant wait for if its true, but a star wars one. with lightsabers, and podracing would be absolutely awesome. Have differenct planets on the game, being able to fly there aswell. Buy a spaceship, and travel like in Oblivion. Space ports would be cool. Damn i wish this game would come about.


You tried KOTOR? Has a few of the things you said.


Would now be a good time to buy a 360?

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