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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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For all those petrol heads amongst us, there is some new content for Project Gotham Racing 3 that has appeared on the marketplace.


Items available contain a FREE gamer picture, ‘ooOOOoo’ I hear you cry. Yes indeed, as the gamer picture displays, this is part of the PGR 100. What is the PGR 100? Well it’s an event being held on Monday 6 February, were lead footed gamers are offered 100 Opportunities, 100 Spectacular Prizes and 100 Winners!


"All you have to do to enter part one of the contest is to Fire up Xbox Live Silver or Gold on your Xbox 360 and download the specially designed PGR 100 Gamer Picture from Xbox Live Marketplace between 12:01pm GMT on Monday February 6, 2006 and 11.59am GMT on March 10, 2006. That's it!


All those who download the Gamer Picture between the dates specified will be entered automatically into a draw to win unique limited edition Xbox 360s and the first precious places in the PGR 100."

Could you be one of the lucky few to enter the draw and participate in one of four upcoming events? If you’re interested find out more by visiting the PGR100 page.


PGR100 Page: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/community/news/pgr100/


Annoying thing is, I downloaded that gamerpicture a few days ago... hopefully i can just delete it and download it again.


nice 1 thx for the info :smile:

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one ugly console its the birth child of xbox for sure dam big dam ugly and that controller is as obselete as a cavemans tool set bring on the revolution bring on the 3d free hand controller bring on the free toi play wifi online set up pay for oplay go suck bill gates

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...What the crap man?

the 360 is a damn sight nicer looking than the original. The joypad is the best "conventional" joypad ever made and no one is forcing you to buy XBOX Live, but it is the best thing about the 360.


Stop being a stupid fanboy and accept other people like other things. Jeeze.



I love the look of them both actually...



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...What the crap man?

the 360 is a damn sight nicer looking than the original. The joypad is the best "conventional" joypad ever made and no one is forcing you to buy XBOX Live, but it is the best thing about the 360.


Stop being a stupid fanboy and accept other people like other things. Jeeze.


Aye a agree with ya m8, The 360 is much better than the orginal and LIVE is amazing.


He is defo a fan boy his name is "CUBEBOY"

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Cheers for the info, Jord, but Feburary 6 is tomorrow and not Wednesday. Seems Xbox.com have fucked up.


Indeed, exactly what i thought Colin.

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Google is your friend, my liege.


EDIT: Matt is right though. Some of the high profile games and later games aren't supported yet. But a few more are coming on this month and more into March.


I PRAY and the Renderware engine is succesfully ported. Daddy needs Burnout Revenge (version 1!) and BLACK for his 360 :(

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Found this on another forum.

I orginally posted this at xbox.com, but it was deleted.




Talked to my old college roomate. I haven't talked to him in 7

years until he got my number from a mutal friend and gave me a call to

invite me to his wedding. Turns out he has been working at MS for

the last 3 years in (and here's the kicker) the gaming division.

Of course the first thing I asked is, What can you get me for

free? Well he said he'd work on that, but thats not the

great news. He told me some intresting stuff. Only

thing he said was you didn't hear this from me. So to me thats a

difference between don't say anything and don't use his name.

Anyway hear is what I was told.




1. Sometime around november 2006, MS is launching a complete

media service on the marketplace. This will range from 99 cent

songs, to 3.99 streaming movies. (just said the prices, you do

your own math to convert them to points).




2. AT next E3, MS will announce a parternship with Blizzard that

will bring World of Warcraft exclusively to 360. The deal is

done, and Blizzard is working on porting the game and a console

controll scheme. This game will also include a unannounced

expansion that the PC gamers will have to wait about a month to get

after we get this game. The other news, I don't know if this is

good or Bad to you guys, but only 360 gamers will be on specific 360

servers, he said this was because the game will include voice chat, and

it wouldn't work with PC gamers, unfair advantage yada yada....




3. Wasn't sure on a exact date, but said Halo 3 will be out before X'mas 2006. Exact words were Quarter 4 of 2006.




And the best for last at least to me.




There will be over 50 Sega dremcast games on the xbox live arcade

within 2 years. Launched a handfull at a time, he said the first

game will be Bonks adverture, which should be out in September

2006. Every dreamcast game released on 360 will be priced

at around 10 dollars. or however many points that is.



Now believe me, don't believe me, I don't really care. I thought

it would be nice to let you guys know what I had heard. I'm

pretty active on these boards and I have never came up with any ****

eyed conspiracy insider information threads before. Fact is I

wouldn't do anyting like this unless what I was told was true and from

a person I trust. So before you flame me with the usual smart a**

posts of I heard from my cousins, sisters, brothers, boyfriend

that........ All I ask is that you get on your knees and beg

forgiveness when this is confirmed later. Or at least say sorry.


Don't know if there's any truth in it, but it'd be nice if there was.

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WoW on the 360 would be immense, while the streaming movies would also get custom from me. Dreamcast stuff does sound strange and out of place, but it would be a welcome addition to the marketplace.


Another note: Crystal Quest is out now on the Xbox Live arcade. Going by the demo, it's a bit shit and no multiplayer modes are included.

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Ok, as it is a rumour, the WOW on the 360, wot do you think the probability (sp?) of it coming on the 360 really is?


I think that it will, well at least one of the nxt gen consoles, as theyres a lot of money to be made of it. But , i wudnt really wanna spend 9 quid a month subscription after spending 50 quid on the game.

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