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Yeah, I got a month of free live when I had to send mine in. But it took six weeks to repair. And it died again within 24 hours of it's return.


oh my god that sucks man :(

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Anyone played the GRID demo? Its fucking amazing.


The graphics, the frame rate, the sense of speed, the car damage, the controls!! Everything is just right.

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Anyone played the GRID demo? Its fucking amazing.


The graphics, the frame rate, the sense of speed, the car damage, the controls!! Everything is just right.


Yeah I played it earlier today and was well impressed. Im not a fan of driving games but the demo was so much fun to play. I especially like the rewind ability.

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Oooh GRID demo, thats the new racer by Codemasters right?


Gotta give that a try.

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Anyone played the GRID demo? Its fucking amazing.


The graphics, the frame rate, the sense of speed, the car damage, the controls!! Everything is just right.


The download is acting stupid for me. It got to 67% 10 minutes ago (it's been downloading since 2PM) and now it's at 58%.

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GRID demo? Huzzah, I'll download after midnight. DIRT didn't grab me, but I think I'll be much more forgiving if it delivers on the promised spectacle.

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MUSE Track Pack is up on Live for GHIII ^^ *downloading now*

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Can't decide if its worth it downloading them...I mean, I really want to, but I pretty much never play GH anymore. Then again, maybe this is the thnig that will trigger the addiction again.


Think I'll watch youtube's of them to see if they are fun to play first.

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I'm gonna need some points to get that bastard. I fancy buying it just for Stockholm Syndrome.

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Just had a quick blast on all three Muse tracks just to let you all know how good they are :D and and y'know cos I wanted to play them too. :heh:


But yeah, Exo-Politics is the fun easy going track got 100% on that, Stockholm Syndrome is the middleground track that owns and Super Massive Black Hole is the hard track that while not in the difficulty of some GH tracks still takes a bit of getting used to and it's so good that you'll want to perfect it.


Overall... 500 points well spent. :smile:

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GRiD seems pretty good fun for a driving simulation. The ability to use the Sands of Time is pretty nifty.


Is it just me, or to the cars feel...toyish?

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So I bought GTA yesterday.

Today i was getting DRE.

I took out my disk and its scratched beyond all repair, it hasnt been out side my console.

I called up xbox support, some incoherant indian told me there is nothing they can do except check my console. I was like dude, give me 40 quid so i can get my game back. Eventually they hang up because of my foul language due to being put on hold for like 20 minuites about 3 times. epic phail.

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take it back to the shop, theyll replace it for ya straight away

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I really hope the rumours about the new BK having motion control is bullshit. I really, really hope.

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I really hope the rumours about the new BK having motion control is bullshit. I really, really hope.


Yeah I just read about that aswell. Here it is for everyone else.


The rumors of Microsoft’s motion-sensing Wiimote-killer just won’t fade. Is it the real deal, or not? We may find out as early as next week. Microsoft is holding an event on Tuesday, and they’ll be showing off Banjo Kazooie 3, which has had Microsoft’s motion-sensing controller tied to it through various rumors. Get ready for next Tuesday…we might get to see just how badly Microsoft has ‘borrowed’ Nintendo’s idea. Thanks to Hingle for the heads up!


Another source


Rumors about Microsoft entering the waggle market with a specialized, Wii Remote concept swiping controller have been popping up for the better part of a year. Talk of a partnership with Gyration, speculation that Bungie had quashed a proposal for a motion controller tied to Halo 3 and murmurs that Rare was now tasked with leading the waggle wand brigade have been bubbling up frequently. Microsoft and Gyration have both denied or brushed off the rumors, but we've just heard it pop up again.


According to sources that will go unnamed, Microsoft may be showing its Xbox 360 motion controller as early as next week to press, a controller geared specifically for Banjo Kazooie 3 gameplay. In fact, we've heard that select members of the press have already seen the controller—in use on the next Banjo Kazooie title—in action

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I hope Banjo Kazooie doesn't use a wii-mote like thing, i don't see how it would work unless it's point & click or something?


and surely people will say Microsoft have knicked Nintendo's idea?


Unless it features something unique, i don't like the idea myself....

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Just had a quick blast on all three Muse tracks just to let you all know how good they are :D and and y'know cos I wanted to play them too. :heh:


But yeah, Exo-Politics is the fun easy going track got 100% on that, Stockholm Syndrome is the middleground track that owns and Super Massive Black Hole is the hard track that while not in the difficulty of some GH tracks still takes a bit of getting used to and it's so good that you'll want to perfect it.


Overall... 500 points well spent. :smile:


That suprises me, I thought that Stockholm Syndrome would be the hardest track! Ah well, sounds good to me. Now, all I need to get is GHIII :heh:

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take it back to the shop, theyll replace it for ya straight away

I suppose its worth a try.

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If Banjo 3 isn't like the first two... i'll die.

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I hope Banjo Kazooie doesn't use a wii-mote like thing, i don't see how it would work unless it's point & click or something?


and surely people will say Microsoft have knicked Nintendo's idea?


Unless it features something unique, i don't like the idea myself....


It'll be worse than Sony. Really embarrassing if true.

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If Banjo 3 isn't like the first two... i'll die.


Same :( but if it's like the first two and somehow made better with this new controller then thats all the better, but if it's like the first two in essence and let down by the new controller then phail.

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That suprises me, I thought that Stockholm Syndrome would be the hardest track! Ah well, sounds good to me. Now, all I need to get is GHIII :heh:



The main riff to SS is tricky at first but once you get the pattern it becomes piss easy :D Good luck keeping up the strumming though o_o


SMBH is the easiest in my opinion, and Exo-Politics is good fun.


They all rock though :D

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If BK3 is waggle'd I might just sell my 360 and buy a PS3 in protest.

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