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Whats everyones gamer tag? i say a 7 o.'clock Perfect Dark Zero game is in order.

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Whats everyones gamer tag? i say a 7 o.'clock Perfect Dark Zero game is in order.


aye am game for that like


mine is:



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If you had waited 17 hours in a que you WOULD OF NOT taken the money i was paying £360 anyways with the bundle, no-one in 10 people said said yes to the money you could after waiting all this time...


I would've, £1000! Just wait a couple of weeks and get it then. Think of what you could get for £1000!

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Yea i no but honestly when your were that tired and youve waited so long for it nothing else matters, no one sold it out of 10 people.


Also how would he pay? chque? fuck that it mihgt bounce? draw the money out? theres a limit, there was more things to consider.

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Yea i no but honestly when your were that tired and youve waited so long for it nothing else matters, no one sold it out of 10 people.


Also how would he pay? chque? fuck that it mihgt bounce? draw the money out? theres a limit, there was more things to consider.


I'd have taken his phone number, and called him today. Told him to come to your house with the money and he could buy it from you then, simple as. Nobody would have carried the deal out there and then.


Then again, I'd have gladly taken half of that for a 360.

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anyone think that the arcade points is shocking ??


1000 points for £18 and the games are 800 points :(


if they were 500 points i wouldnt mine so you could get 2 games for £20 but its a bit steep imo

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After waiting 12 hours i wudnt of took the money, coz im my opinion its kinda wrong, charging someone that much for something worth a 1/3 of it.


Dunno, just my personal thought.

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im really really pissed off, i preordered a 360 in october, not ages ago, but i hoped that it was going to be plenty of time to get a console on launch day, but you guessed it, i couldnt get one :( not even a core system as all of those had already been preordered. it looks like a long wait until im going to be able to get a hold of one so im very upset and its my 18th birthday tomorrow, so someone should take pity on me and give me their premium pack or at least sell it to me :)

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Guys, i found the 360!!


though my poor ps2 will have to take its place in the box, under the tree MWA HA HA

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If the guy offers it then theres nothing wrong, unless he was trying to sell it for that price then I would have seen a problem. Both guys were stupid, the one for offering the rediculous amount of money and the poster for refusing it for three times the value.

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Mine was ordered on November 15th, arrived 8am this morning, cant ask for much better than that. Thank you Woolworths.


Now just got to wait till Christmas so I can play the thing.

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okay lets leave the £1000 pund thing ok?


now hows up for some PDZ Live, right now?

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okay lets leave the £1000 pund thing ok?


now hows up for some PDZ Live, right now?


aye a am m8 :yay:

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yeah without the HDTV PGR3 and even NBA 2K6 look just above xbox versions. real price of a 360 is grands if u not already got HDTV.


Will everyone stop saying that! they dont! if you go up close to object on a shit normall tv you can see very roughness peeice int he roch and the light on them, there great graphics.


and how come all of a sudden pople are saying the graphics are shit and not going on about how amazing the 360 dashboard/guide is.


i thought graphics didnt matter, gameplay did?

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Will everyone stop saying that! they dont! if you go up close to object on a shit normall tv you can see very roughness peeice int he roch and the light on them, there great graphics.


and how come all of a sudden pople are saying the graphics are shit and not going on about how amazing the 360 dashboard/guide is.


i thought graphics didnt matter, gameplay did?


true m8 the dashboard is amazin


av just got a normal tv and u can see the graphics are better then xbox1 games. i know they look much better if i had a hd-tv.


a got me 360 at 3 and been playin on it all non stop since then. graphics dont matta.

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Mum had no luck getting one in city unfortunately(and obviously). I bloody hope microsoft send a second shipment to Europe before Xmas. They are for US this weekend so hopefully.


Other than that, my only choice is to HUNT!

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Well, all you lot who have your 360's are lucky sods aren't ya?


Lol! Seriously though I'm glad to hear it's all good. I'll see you on Live! in a few months when I get my 360, I'll be getting an mp3 player first methinks. Then again it depends on how much I get for christmas (or how long it takes me to crack, heh.)

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Yea its still good. I see you have all been playing PD0 and Gotham but what about HEXIC i'm in love with that game

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So, buyer's remorse hit yet?


No, has non buyers remorse set in yet?


Anyone playing it on a normal TV? Is it still good?


Yes, PDZ looks amazing, even on a normal TV.

Can't say about anything else as Gameplay fucked up the order on me other games.

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quick question


how do you enable themes ?? iv downloaded some nd dont know how to get them on



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A mate of mine just bought a core pack from his local games shop half an hour ago. So seems like there's still some about if you look hard enough.

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Lol anyone with todays sun check out the review for fifa on page 72 i do believe apparently the game was completly remade for 360 and the players are even modelled in 3d!!! Get in 3d modelling! Do they not realise its been done for years and years they also rated it 95% lol

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Lol anyone with todays sun check out the review for fifa on page 72 i do believe apparently the game was completly remade for 360 and the players are even modelled in 3d!!! Get in 3d modelling! Do they not realise its been done for years and years they also rated it 95% lol

Proof that the Sun is total rubbish. :laughing:

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