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Hey rainbow six people...the voice problem just been told get your cache cleared , supposed to make internet work faster and run better on xbox live just deleted mine took me 20mins so much shit in there

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Guest Stefkov

Good thinking batman. I've just done it. I'm downloading the new maps, you invited me before and it said I don't have some content you have.

Anyway, I think there's more terrorist hunt missions I need to do.

Don't know which though.


Right came off phone with bt, ran me through NAT setting they said Home hub phones when they update can make it strict so voice settings can be weird so you can only hear people on same level e.g strict can hear strict.

so they ran me through it game me xbox live ip adress so when it updates it wont be affected, should always be open , therefore open to all voice then asked about friends...apparantly give an example... steff n caris when they cannot hear each other...one is on strict level 3 and other is 2 or 1 open something like that so you can play but not hear, anyway women on phone said if its a problem, usualy when sorted its friends modems not working or in a similar case , modems being bitches towards each other

Guest Stefkov

My NAT has been open everytime I've checked the settings.

It's most definitely the routers bitchin with each other because we can connect sometimes and sometimes we can't.


Got one achievement out of Bomberman, paint the town red, i need more practise. Btw, i'm playing with the eurofusioners at 8:30 so i might not be on with you guys until later or at all.


Now, we all know the kidz are just crazy about The Gears, but how's the GRAW? Would you recommend it to someone who had serious fling with GR2 in his youth, and can a man still get a good game on the first one or should I just skip straight to the sequel?

Guest Jordan


No online co-op for Halo 3...

Guest Stefkov

Before I got GRAW and found out it was a tad slow, it was the game that made me want the 360.

It's quite a good game, slow tactical game. I havn't had the chance to try online co-op because when I got it I was a small noob here and I didn't want to intrude on everyone else's games. Now no-one plays it, but if you were to get it, I would join in if you do the online co-op missions.

And I don't know about skipping straight to the second game. I don't know what the story is in GRAW2.


Edit: Jordan you got to be kidding...

Guest Jordan
I thought it was confirmed to have 4 play co-op online. I'm confused.



It has 4 player local co-op, no online what so ever.


Why you would even want to get 4 people playing the campaign, when 2 is bad enough is beyond me.


Just my cup of tea Stefkov. I've personally prefer GRs ranged, semi-tactical game, particularly in multi player, to the high action claustrophobia of R6. I'll most likely get both eventually at any rate.




Check 360fanboy.

Bah. Well, at least the door's open for downloadable content. Why on earth would wide levels be a challenge for online co-op specifically?

Guest Jordan

Technically its do-able.

Its probably due to time constraints, since they aren't ruling it out. Its possible that the version seen wasn't final, but they are nearly at beta now, so everything that major should be in place.


So, added at a later date as DLC is probable.


No online co-op for Halo seems really silly - I mean, is there a reason NOT to include it, other than perhaps to meet the deadline for release? If it is the words of a certain Mr. Miyamoto comes to mind: "A rushed game is always rushed, a delayed game will eventually be great."


Also, what is up with the achievements on EDF? No imagination there at all. Some stuff like "Kill xx amount of insects" "Destroy xx amount of buildings" etc would have been far better.

Guest Jordan

Also, what is up with the achievements on EDF? No imagination there at all. Some stuff like "Kill xx amount of insects" "Destroy xx amount of buildings" etc would have been far better.


It was originally just a PS2 game, thats why.

The achievements are boring, frustrating and pointless for that game.


Then again, its stupid fun and only £20...

Guest Stefkov

What do you expect from EDF?

It's an £18 game and its brilliant.


Damnit Jordan, you type to fast.

Guest Jordan
What do you expect from EDF?

It's an £18 game and its brilliant.


Damnit Jordan, you type to fast.



Winner in this direction.


It has 4 player local co-op

Would that be four players on the same screen or system link with 2 on each 360?



I'm dissapointed with EDF so far. First level felt like the most fun, ridiculous, awesome game ever. 6 more levels of the exact same thing and its not so great.

Guest Jordan
Would that be four players on the same screen or system link with 2 on each 360?



I'm dissapointed with EDF so far. First level felt like the most fun, ridiculous, awesome game ever. 6 more levels of the exact same thing and its not so great.


4 on the same screen or 4 systems or 2 on 2.. or whatever.


EDF is 53 levels of the same thing by the way!


Yeah. It's great so far though. Unlimited ammo makes it kinda easy though. Just spamming the rifle and rocket launcher. It's only a rental afterall so if I get bored of it I don't need to finish it to feel I got my moneys worth or anything.


Earth Defense Force.


I heard the reason was cause you could have a people in a warthog miles away from the rest of the players since the single player maps are huge.

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