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How the hell do you get a decnt face scan on Raibow Six? I spent ages trying to do it and after numerous messages saying the picture is invalid I managed to get my face on the computer character only to have him look nothing like me. Any tips on how to do it?


Also this Lost Planet Faceplate is one of the best looking ones I have seen.



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Those nuggets at Microsoft have done something to my account, after my avid complaining they put me back on silver, when I should now be debited and reinstated. I check out xbox.com to find that my free trial was cancelled at some point.... but not by me

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How the hell do you get a decnt face scan on Raibow Six? I spent ages trying to do it and after numerous messages saying the picture is invalid I managed to get my face on the computer character only to have him look nothing like me. Any tips on how to do it?


Follow the instructions. Try placing a light infront of your face. I think it uses the eyes as a reffrence point for the alignment of the pictures. so make sure they are visable.

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Halo 3 is the end of the Halo saga... well this part anyway. Theres bound to be spin offs.


Certainly. And in the following order:


Halo Wars

Halo 0

Halo Anthology

Halo Chronicles

Halo: The Official Game of The Official Movie

Halo 1-3: Special Edition

Super Halo

Halo DX

Halo RPG

Halo Heroes - Red/Blue Edition

Halo 2 Turbo

Halo Extreme Volleyball

Halo DDR

Halo: Advent Children

Steven Spielberg Presents Halo

Halo 2 Super Extreme Turbo

Halo - The Theme Park experience

Halo Total War

Halo Extreme Volleyball 2


You know this to be true...

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