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I second that.


Thirded. Halo 2 is the best thing to online console gaming ever. The matchmaking system is immense, it's so easy to get started in a game with people your own level. If all games had a matchmaking system like that the world would be a better place :)

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Forgive my ignorance, I've never played a Hitman game. What's the game play like? What games is it similar to? I quite like the look of the new Hitman but I don't know if it's worth getting...

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Forgive my ignorance, I've never played a Hitman game. What's the game play like? What games is it similar to? I quite like the look of the new Hitman but I don't know if it's worth getting...


download the PC demo

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I want to play UNO it sounds pretty cool, only thing is I don't have any bloody points to buy stuff with which is a bugger and the Demos arn't the best of things, I've got the Geomtry wars Demo not palyed al ot of it but it's pretty cool, still Livinng on perfect Dark, only game that I have here theres anyone online, Rumble Roses was empty and Halo 2 is a bag of toss compared to PD IMO. I need points ;_; *Gets a sign* "Will dance for points" *Dances*

Trade in Rumble Roses for a decent game.

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Trade in Rumble Roses for a decent game.


I'm thinking about it, I liked the ps2 verison more than the 360 one, I ahven't touched it since I got ti, but I only got it becasue it was the only game that I was intrested in along with PD, Oblivion I dunno weather I liek ti or not I've only palyed al ittle bit of it at work, and I wasn't impressed with it but a couple of guys play t on stop whiel we're at work and the stuff I've seen looks alright, but I'm gonig to get Table Tennis Tomorrow I think, if we get the thing in was gonig to get it today but we only got Hitman and Princess peach so I got Peach, i'll trade in RR tomorrow and get it.

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I was shocked to find out people thought Perfect Dark was actually good.


I liked PDZ but Halo 2 was obviously the better game overall becuase it was alot more polished etc...


Saying that i have more fun on PDZ multiplayer offline, prefer the levels and you have bots for example.


Don't go online, but what i've heard Halo 2 is the better game.


PDZ really isn't that bad, it just didn't live up the hype nor did it beat Perfect Dark on N64 which it perhaps should of, due to the amount of time they had to make it.




Oh and Hitman looks very interesting. Is it as hard as the others though? I had number 1 on the PS2 i believe, It annoyed me, so i didn't really play it. Probably because i was shite at it! That was a long time ago so perhaps i like it now?

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PDZ ain't that bad, its ok. Well, maybe I'm just telling myselkf that cos i want it to be good ... -_- (stupid rare!)...

Playing with friends is fun and live can be fun.

But no chance, Halo 2 is much better, with friends and live.

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Guest Stefkov

im finding it extremely difficult to get higher than an F in kameo co-op with my brother...

can you not get higher?!?!

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New Information about Dashboard Update!


Okay, so I did some digging around after looking at another post, and I found some interesting things.


First off, the Active Download feature for those that havent seen the article...


Check the links on the post, MS has updated their Q & A section of Xbox.com to detail the upcoming additions.


Background downloading




Boot to dashboard with a game inside




Something to do with DVD movies




Hopefully we'll see the update soon. It was scheduled for yesterday.

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im finding it extremely difficult to get higher than an F in kameo co-op with my brother...

can you not get higher?!?!


Yup I got all A ranks in single player which means I can get them in multiplayer as they are the same scores. I got 1 A in co-op but I couldnt be bothered to get the rest especially when you dont get gamerpoints for it, just didnt seem to be worth the effort.

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Guest Stefkov

i thought you do get gamer points for getting A's in co-op, yeah you do


its in the list so surely you must get some points. its so difficult on easy aswell i think. do you have to get oer a certain amount of points or something?

Also CompSci:

"The Knowledge Base (KB) Article You Requested Is Currently Not Available"

links dont work

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You don't get any points for them, those achievements were added around a month ago but the game already had a maximum of 1000 points to be earned. Can't get anymore.


Also for the A-Rankings check out the Xbox.com forums, you need to get your multipliers as high as possible (kill enemies with Brutals/Frenzies), and then rack up the points at any of the troll spawns. When you go into Focus with high multipliers, doom trolls spawn. It's difficult to explain, check it out over there.

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Guest Stefkov

cheers for the tips, its just that when you get hit you lose one of everything i had like 2 frenzies and then i got hit twice being surrounded by loads of enemies so i lost them. anyhoo gonna try some more sometime in the meantime off to watch CSI

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