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  stefkov said:
maybe to use the force you could switch off your lightsaber by simply pressing the big a button, then holding the b underneath and pushing in the direction. to just push someone you could hold and push but let go. then if you want to hold someone in the air hold it down and you can grab the person and bang him on a wall or something. then press a to get your saber out.


i dont think 2 FHC woud be good. then you wouldnt be able to move. then it would be on tracks which isnt gonna be good.


Very true about the 2 FHC thing, and i think the idea of being able to switch off the lightsaber is the best yet. It would stop the game becoming just an "FPS with a lightsaber" that way as well.

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I can't wait for a Star Wars game though ,it will be astounding with the Revolution control especially with Duel Weild and turning on and of the light saber would be amazing.


The developer who solves the "how to have dual wield and move at the same time" problem should be given a HUGE medal. It would open so many doors to making some incredible games.


I can't have signed an NDA :p

Well I had a few idea's but I can only remember one now.Just use the D-Pad on the Primary control to move and on the secondary control use that to change the camera.If I remember the other's i'll post them.


I suppose you could just hold a button to walk forward changing your direction by pointing the FHC. Then when you want to battle you just pull out your weapon, making you sedentary (sp?) ala holding R in RE4.

Guest Stefkov

(damnit jamba posted while i was away at dinner. hehe oh well)

ive just had a thought to the 2 FHC and move thingy.

if the controlelr is really comfortable then.. wait for it, you just press one button. EG:


to make this not on tracks and have a good none tracks game i was thinking:

say you press the b's to slng your web. then if your on the ground you could... press and hold the small a' and move the FHC's (based on they are flat parrallel to the ground) forward to move forward, then move them left or right acordingly. then release the a's and carrying on slinging.


There is definently a way for duel wield and it wouldn't surprise me if a developer -SEGA- has found a way and is making a game for 2 control's for the Revolution's launch or soon after the launch.


Ach never mind.... great minds eh?


Also I had another idea. Imagine you character is like one of those remote control cars that can spin its left and right wheels independantly. So if you held both A buttons on your FHCs, you would go forward but if you say let go of the left FHC A button, you would turn left as the right "side" of your character would still be moving. This allows you to move, fight and look independantly.


Only thing you have to think about after that is which hand controls the looking.



There is definently a way for duel wield and it wouldn't surprise me if a developer -SEGA- has found a way and is making a game for 2 control's for the Revolution's launch or soon after the launch."


Yeah true, but it is finding a good one that is the challenge.


I think it will be pretty soon actually,i'm sure constructive developers have thinking alot about the way's to move.I'm 95% sure we will see one on launch or close to it.


I don't think it will be pretty soon, becouse then the developers are limiting their audience with Rev owners who have more then one FHC.


Yes, I also have a feeling the new Mario will have an approach that doesn't need the nunchuck. I'm really curious how they're going to pull that off.


I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if I point out something that was already said but I just had the idea that a pod racer game would be perfect with two FHCs. It would be like in Ep1.

  DiemetriX said:
If nintendo make a FHC with an Analog stick there would be no problem.


Moving an analog stick and moving the FHC seems like it would be a bit too awkward. I'm sure all the problems we come up with Nintendo have also come up with too and will have solutions for them.

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