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Perfect Dark Zero : Info


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FUCKING HELLL!!!! This has shaped up Soooo much since E3 ithink this f=game will easly be the best FPS ever, its started to have the feel from the N64 back to wich is awsome.


How do yo uknow this before you've played it.


(I really want it to be an amazing game, but PD on the N64 was such a good game, I just don't think this can live up to it's name)

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Choze how dare you say that about Perfect Dark especially the bit about unfun multiplayer.


Goldeneye was better ask anyone. Perfect Dark is more like Timesplitters. Lots of options but little that are actually fun. I like the idea of many players. 64 players is so damn good in BF2 it should be great here. It wont top BF2 ofcourse since that game is ground up multiplayer.

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Goldeneye was better IMO, but i also loved Perfect Dark; especially the 2 player co-op!!


As for Perfect Dark Zero; from what i've seen (obviously i've never played the game so can't be sure) i would say appears to be missing alot of the feeling of the N64 original; it seems very similar in style to Halo.

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Jeux-france have high res scans. Epic's UT 2006 will wipe the floor with this.


Epic's engine is mostly optimized for pcs and the next gen consoles should really be surpassing it.


You should see it running first; the textures and bumpmapping are the best i've ever seen in a videogame.

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PD on n64 was a letdown. Especially the alien levels, modes and unfun multiplayer. Alot of people prefer to skip PD and remember Goldeneye.


You're an idiot. "unfun multiplayer"? PD's multiplayer is one of the best ever made.


noobChris, I wouldn't be surprised if it has been delayed. But Christmas isn't that far away from the 360 launch, it could only be delayed a couple of weeks at the most...

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You should see it running first; the textures and bumpmapping are the best i've ever seen in a videogame.


Yeah looks alot better. At least itd not ugly now. Also its called parallax mapping not bump mapping. Standard stuff on pcs now. Rare clearly arent pushing the graphics boundaries anymore. Polygonal detail is lacking in the videos, one of the pipes in the city video was cuboid shapped lol. Kameo is much more impressive looking.


You're an idiot. "unfun multiplayer"? PD's multiplayer is one of the best ever made.


noobChris, I wouldn't be surprised if it has been delayed. But Christmas isn't that far away from the 360 launch, it could only be delayed a couple of weeks at the most...



Shame no one cared for PD then ;) Most just kept playing Goldeneye or moved onto PC fps like Unreal Tournament at the time which were far superior. PD just had too many issues. I was pretty let down by it.

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Yeah looks alot better. At least itd not ugly now. Also its called parallax mapping not bump mapping. Standard stuff on pcs now. Rare clearly arent pushing the graphics boundaries anymore. Polygonal detail is lacking in the videos, one of the pipes in the city video was cuboid shapped lol. Kameo is much more impressive looking.


You actually checked for the polygon count of individual pipes?! :hmm:


It looks pretty damn swish to me anyway and probably to others that are sane.


Im surprised some of you can talk with Nintendos cock in your mouths.* :indeed:


What gave you the incentive to say that may I ask?

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What gave you the incentive to say that may I ask?


Perhaps its the fact that some people are always want to bring the topic around to cock-sucking - "OMG! Choze has teh Sonys cock in his mouth!!1". All the while convieniently ignoring the fact that their own mouths may not be unsullied.


While I dont condone Chozes behaviour, I find this highly ironic.



Edited by Johelian
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What? Choze jumps more band wagons than the average hillbilly. If i remember rightly before all this PS3 crap he was on MS's side, prior to that he worshiped Nintendo.

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