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on the spot!


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sorry no offence at all i was just giving an example of somat i wouldve said if i was gonna get bitchy thats all-i'm sure your more mature so as to not snigger at an everyday problem lol


sorry to all near and over 40's! nothing wrong with being middle aged! i'm looking forward to gettin to 60 though-hopefully!


Im only 19 really, but fair play. rokheds alright though.


As for spots, they can be a pain in the ass. My ones on me back will not go :(

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Im only 19 really, but fair play. rokheds alright though.


As for spots, they can be a pain in the ass. My ones on me back will not go :(


hell yes!!! back spots never go really theyre stupid and last ages! i only have a couple on my shoulders at the mo but i have saw some guys abcolutely covered without so much as a blemish on their face! isnt bio weird!!!


oh and rokhed just strikes me as a bully or an ex bully or somat-i get that kinda feeling

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Yeah, what the hell is the deal with spots on the back, I keep bloody getting them. If they're on the shoulders it's alright as a quick squeeze and they're gone, but when they're on the small of your back you can't bloody reach them. I think I've found a partial solution though, in the form of a loofa:




Scrubs all the dead skin off in the shower leaving it nice and smooth. Works even better in the bath in combination with some bath salts.

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Go to you doctor.

"I have acne"

Doctor takes a look..

"Hmm yes, here's some antibiotics. Take these for 4 months, come back and if there's no improvement we'll send you to the dermatologist"

Doctor hands you a prescription for oxytetracycline a general antibiotic which probably wont work.. the anti biotics mean you can get drunk for 4 months (i learnt this the hard way and puked a whole lot) so read your prescription.

4 months later, no improvement as expected.

Go to your doctor, get a referral to the dermatologist.

Dermatologist takes a look..

"We'll give you some roacutane for 4 months and see how you do"

take the prescription for roacutane, you can drink while on this medication.. it kills all the bacteria in your face meaning no spots however it dries out your skin really bad so you'll need plenty of vaseline.


The roacutane is pretty expensive stuff and usually given as a last resort.. if you're whinging over a few spots they wont take you seriously.

It's the best drug on the market for acne providing you can put up with the horrible dry lips (through winter it is a biatch)


That's what I had when I was a kid.. basically none of the spot creams work.. if you're interested in a more natural approach get tea tree oil (pure) you can pick it up at tescos, it's pretty pricey as it's an export of Australia.

Use 1 or 2 drops in your hands twice daily except around the eyes because it will sting (refreshingly) somewhat.


That should help.. seriously don't waste your money on Bacterial soaps.. they don't go deep enough and unless you wash your face 3 to 4 times a day you will end up with grease on it somehow.. it's just not strong enough or regular enough to deal with most spot networks.


I used to have a lot but now I get one or two every so often which is understandable due to stubble which remains on my face throughout most of the year.. it's not noticeable and I don't use any follow up meds or specific washes.. I just use soap and fresh hot water.

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wow! Nintendork! Huage help!!! i think i was put on the oxytetra cycline thing before and it actually did work!-my acne isnt like fuck off bad but i have about 5 new spots a day ish and they're startin to scar and a couple are like them ones that stay under the skin.


biiiig help there mate!!! thanks :)

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I use freederm and although it is pretty expensive (£10 for a small, and I mean a small tube) its does the job. Every time I have one of those huge red spots that can't be popped, I just stick on a little freederm and the spot looks much better a couple of days later.


But if you have proper acne then go and see the doctor as other people have already mentioned. I only have outbreaks every couple of weeks, where I get a couple of spots but they tend to go within a week or so.


Man I hate spots. I hate them so much. :mad:

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the thinking here is that acne-ridden people are stressed out, eat too much fast food, and touch their own face too much. So yeah, dont touch your face, lay off the greasy food, and figure out why your stressed out.
The Dermatologist (studied skin for 3 years so knows more than you) said that junk food, touching your face and stress has little and no correlation between acne.



Just because the adverts for skin products (which profit from you buy it) tell you something does not mean it is true.


Acne is 100% hormone based, unfortunately in extreme hormone inbalances it can leave you with scars by the time you hit your 20s.. which is what the dermatologists are there for (along with helping people with burns and shit)


Anyway.. if you covered your face with burger fat it probably wouldn't get much more spots that what you originally intended.. the real trend is in how much sunlight you get.


Typical geeks, yes they don't wash.. touch their face and usually after eating cheetos.. but the real problem is not getting sunlight which dries out your skin.. circulates the sebum (natural greasy sweaty shit) and washes away the dirt naturally.


I don't want to sound condescending.. sure literally not washing at all could probably land you a few extra spots but that is nothing to do with acne (a proper medical condition)


Take this lovely lady:




One of the fittest chicks in the world.. she had to cancel her invitation to the Oscars because she got a really bad outbreak of acne.. she suffers from it quite badly and there are plenty of pictures on the net trying to make a fool of her.


If you didn't know, she's a movie star.. spends a lot of time at the beach and she also surfs.. does that sound like the type of person who eats burgers, touches her face too much and doesn't get enough sunlight? nope.


It's nothing more than an old wives tale.

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