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I caught Paul McGann when I watched it yesterday but none of the others.


Did anyone think the ending was very Spider-Man? Reminded me of the bit where the Green Goblin has the bus full of children and Mary Jane, and makes him choose which one to save (or Gwen Stacey and Mary Jane).

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That episode was fantastic.


So what with that little kid? Has inherited some the doctors powers now or what? A new generation of time lord that has been kept hidden by some force? This could turn the whole thing upside down.

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That episode was fantastic.


So what with that little kid? Has inherited some the doctors powers now or what? A new generation of time lord that has been kept hidden by some force? This could turn the whole thing upside down.


Looks to me like he is currently the Doctor.

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I caught Paul McGann when I watched it yesterday but none of the others.


Did anyone think the ending was very Spider-Man? Reminded me of the bit where the Green Goblin has the bus full of children and Mary Jane, and makes him choose which one to save (or Gwen Stacey and Mary Jane).


Its a fairly conventional storytelling device, happens all over the place. Think it happened on Buffy and I'm sure on others I just can't think of.

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WHY THE HELL did the doctor get all evil on the family's bum bums? It's not the doctor to be vicious and cruel like that. Nice ending if it wasn't for that huage oversight. Can someone explain how he can be so mean to them?

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Sypnosis: In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. However, when people start disappearing, a young woman called Sally finds cryptic messages bleeding through from 1969 – messages from a mysterious stranger called the Doctor.


But can she decipher them before the Angels claim their prize? Whatever you do, listen to the strange man inside the TV set: DON'T look away, DON'T turn your back, and whatever you do, DON'T blink

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WHY THE HELL did the doctor get all evil on the family's bum bums? It's not the doctor to be vicious and cruel like that. Nice ending if it wasn't for that huage oversight. Can someone explain how he can be so mean to them?


Well that's the moral conflict in the Doctor's character, see? He aims to protect life and avoid conflict, but cross him and he'll happily wipe out an entire race of beings. He's like a time traveling Dr. Tran: One step over that line and he'll fuck you up.

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Well that's the moral conflict in the Doctor's character, see? He aims to protect life and avoid conflict, but cross him and he'll happily wipe out an entire race of beings. He's like a time traveling Dr. Tran: One step over that line and he'll fuck you up.


He's always been soooo carefully in the middle between being a no nonsense evil killer of species and on the other hand a compassionate dude. I didnt feel like it went with how his character has been portrayed during this series and previous ones.

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From what i have read from the synopsis for next weeks episode 'blink' it sounds like it's one of them episodes that shows how the doctor can alter peoples lives without having him in the whole episode 'properly' like the one with Peter Kay in from the last series.

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From what i have read from the synopsis for next weeks episode 'blink' it sounds like it's one of them episodes that shows how the doctor can alter peoples lives without having him in the whole episode 'properly' like the one with Peter Kay in from the last series.


Hopefully it's not shite like "Love & Monsters" was. Moffat's doing it, so it'll probably be fantastic. Speaking of fantastic, that's what this 2-parter was.

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Genesis of the Daleks says otherwise.

No it doesn't. He reaches a decision where he can destroy the Daleks, but realises he would only be as bad as them, which is pretty much the conflict in a nutshell. In this instance he chose to meerly entomb them, and somehow I get the impression he doesn't feel it was the best decision he ever made. He's less forgiving these days.

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Hopefully it's not shite like "Love & Monsters" was. Moffat's doing it, so it'll probably be fantastic. Speaking of fantastic, that's what this 2-parter was.


Lol. Yer this weeks 2-parter was good. I also liked how it had that kinda underlying theme of how the first world war effected the kids that had to go to war showing them crying etc. Should of given em some whisky i say! (sayin that though, 2much and they may have laughed at the scarecrows...)

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Guest Jordan

Wow, what a fantastic episode!

I really enjoyed it, suspenseful and great writing.


Also Carey Mulligan (who played Sally Sparrow) fucking hot.

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