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I actually thought that was a much better episode, Robin and Clara were great, the Doctor was a bit odd though - i think this is a bit of Capaldi finding his feet, but also the character being a bit confused, living a new life and wondering who he is, what he is and questioning everything...its a little odd but i think it will all come together

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Just caught up with the Robin Hood episode and absolutely loved it. This was my favourite Mark Gatiss episode ever. We've always known he could do "dark + funny", but this was "light + funny", which I'll take over the former any day.


Everything about this episode worked for me - the story, the humour, the action scenes. I loved the modern take on the Silver Arrow contest - a constant display of one-upmanship! Lovely one-liners as well from Robin, The Doctor and Clara.

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Im still not enjoying it all that much and seeing as we and the Doctor know that the Silence and an alien like Prisoner Zero already exist, the whole search in that episode felt stupid.


You seem to be focusing on the lore a bit too much. I get that years of reading comics have conditioned you to think in a certain way and have shaped your expectations towards the way narrative should evolve in fiction, but I believe you're missing the point, in this particular case. It's bizarre to me that you would see the character of the Doctor as a whole along with his motivations and formative experiences in particular expanded upon in such a delightful way and choose to focus on who the bad guy is. It just seems like a bit of a narrow minded way of digesting what you were being presented.


In other words, I think you're looking at what this particular episode had to offer in the wrong way. Not that this should serve as an insult, but rather, I beg you to give it another chance and this time let go of all your preconceptions about what Doctor Who should be about and just try to enjoy the phenomenal character development.


Good to see the writing in Doctor Who still has it's occasional highs.

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Its like this show has been redesigned just to wind me up now.


......forward flipping Maths teacher :shakehead

Well to be fair, he was a soldier :p Clearly they can all break the laws of physics.


Seen people say that The Doctor's dislike of Danny is because of racism of the writers. Good christ -_-

Edited by Serebii
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Its like this show has been redesigned just to wind me up now.


......forward flipping Maths teacher :shakehead


This is a show about an alien who looks like a human, he can cheat death by regenerating all his cells and travels in time and space in a (sometimes) infinitely sized spacecraft disguised a 1960s police call box.


And you're complaining about a flipping maths teacher. :wtf:


Off on a tangent a little, but I'm getting a little irritated by fans constant criticism of Moffat Who, it's enjoyable TV - does it matter if he's adding to lore, bending some "rules" or making it up?

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This is a show about an alien who looks like a human, he can cheat death by regenerating all his cells and travels in time and space in a (sometimes) infinitely sized spacecraft disguised a 1960s police call box.


And you're complaining about a flipping maths teacher. :wtf:


Off on a tangent a little, but I'm getting a little irritated by fans constant criticism of Moffat Who, it's enjoyable TV - does it matter if he's adding to lore, bending some "rules" or making it up?

If he wasn't adding to the lore, he'd be a horrible show runner. The lore didn't just exist, his predecessors create it so why can't he? Shows are meant to change, to regenerate, not to maintain the status quo.


Moffat's era has been my most enjoyed era. I really enjoy it. People just moan because that's what comes natural to the Internet. We seldom enjoy things and post about it anymore, we just moan.

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This is a show about an alien who looks like a human, he can cheat death by regenerating all his cells and travels in time and space in a (sometimes) infinitely sized spacecraft disguised a 1960s police call box.


And you're complaining about a flipping maths teacher. :wtf:


Off on a tangent a little, but I'm getting a little irritated by fans constant criticism of Moffat Who, it's enjoyable TV - does it matter if he's adding to lore, bending some "rules" or making it up?


Yes I am, I thought it was stupid. I like a lot of Moffat's stuff and I enjoy the more complicated stories he has brought to the show but that doesnt mean when I find something stupid or am not enjoying something im just going to shut up because of the general premise of the show. You may be getting irritated by fans complaining about Moffat but im sure those same fans are just as irritated by people like you who seem to think because you are fine with it, everyone should be.


EDIT: I'm coming across as a bit hostile so I wanted to clarify that I dont mean to be. Just irritation.

Edited by Happenstance
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I thought the last episode was very enjoyable, but the flip did look tacky. Also, the monster looked cool but seemed extremely rubbish. I didn't get any sense of danger from it.


I have to agree with that, the robot was a bit rubbish, cool look but poor execution.

The front flip...was he a free running soldier? the average soldier cannot do that, My Girlfriend who is in the TA, says the only soldiers she's seen capable of doing that sort of thing would be a Marine or SAS, they can do that sort of thing....well the really fit ones...and even the 6ft high flip seems very very unlikely...so yeah unless Pink was some sort of commando and that mediocre frame he has hides supremely toned muscles...he wouldn't flip over a pupil in that school let alone a quadroped Robot killing machine



But the Episode was good, in that it was blatantly a set up for a new companion and more of a story about the three's relationships, the alien plot was more of the sub plot

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I thought the last episode was very enjoyable, but the flip did look tacky. Also, the monster looked cool but seemed extremely rubbish. I didn't get any sense of danger from it.


I have to agree with that, the robot was a bit rubbish, cool look but poor execution.

The front flip...was he a free running soldier? the average soldier cannot do that, My Girlfriend who is in the TA, says the only soldiers she's seen capable of doing that sort of thing would be a Marine or SAS, they can do that sort of thing....well the really fit ones...and even the 6ft high flip seems very very unlikely...so yeah unless Pink was some sort of commando and that mediocre frame he has hides supremely toned muscles...he wouldn't flip over a pupil in that school let alone a quadroped Robot killing machine



But the Episode was good, in that it was blatantly a set up for a new companion and more of a story about the three's relationships, the alien plot was more of the sub plot


I just thought the front flip meant as a cute throw away to the Doctor referring to him as a PE teacher, that kind of jump is perfectly practical for an excellent gymnast.

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Overall Id say I'm enjoying series 8... I like Capaldi Doctor, particular his interactions with Clara - probably one of my highlights of this series.


I did think that jump in last ep was a bit cringe tbh...


I can't say I'm warming to that Pink character, it just feels a little forced (his relationship with Clara). I dunno, I hope I warm to him but I just find him annoying at the moment, I can't work out if it is acting or just how the character is being written.

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Huh that makes some sense that! perhaps we are all just reading into it way too much


I thought it made so much sense at the time that in keeping with the slightly more comedic episode I was expecting the Doctor to say something like "See I told you he was a PE teacher"


So who thought the robot looked like Garrus from Mass Effect? After a quick google I found a few articles noting the similarity from the general series trailer, but nothing about the episode itself.


yeah I definitely remember people saying that during the trailers release. I thought the robot looked incredible but was a bit of a dud all in, although clearly not the focus of the episode.

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