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Oh, and @Mokong, there is another David Tennant episode as part of The Sarah Jane Adventures. I'd recommend at least watching the episodes with The Trickster - "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?", "The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith" and "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith" (the last one is the David Tennant one). There's also a Matt Smith episode called "Death of the Doctor".


If you can put up with the show being really childish at times, it is actually pretty good.


So sad :(

Does he even remember them :(


He definitely remembers them. I'm sure he references some of them a few times.


I meant the woman Time Lord that Will kept seeing and who looked at the Doctor at the end and he worked out to shoot he diamond white star thing.


Ah. Your instinct is kind of right as she was originally created (and cast) as The Doctor's mother, but in the end they decided to leave it open for interpretation.

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Read that there's rumblings that a promo photo of Peter Capaldi in his Doctor's outfit is going to be released soon. Makes sense if they're going to do location shooting soon.


He definitely remembers them. I'm sure he references some of them a few times.


He most certainly does.


Rewatched the Paul McGann movie last night. By no means saying it was great and I think a jointly produced BBC America, Canada and UK would have been horrific BUT it's not all bad! Paul McGann is actually really good!

Paul McGann is a great actor and a great Doctor. He was just let down somewhat by that material...but it was made up for later.

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Paul McGann is a great actor and a great Doctor. He was just let down somewhat by that material...but it was made up for later.


Yes. It's made me want to try and track down some of the audio books. His boundless enthusiasm as he struggles to remember who he is, it's simply marvelous!

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Yeah Paul McGann was actually really awesome, it was just the script and other casting in the movie that let him down....wish they'd do some specials with him in


Yes the time is now as well whilst he is fresh in peoples minds and still looks like he does at the point of his doctors regeneration leave it late and he'll age.

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Watched the first 3 eps of season 5 so far.


Not fully sure how I feel about it yet.


First ep was really good. Enjoyed the way he met his new companion as a young girl first and then comes back 12 years later. The whole trying to save the world without the TARDIS or Sonic Screwdriver was god too. Was gripped wondering how he'd pull it off.


Then the end when the aliens go away and he calls them back so he can "talk to them" and he shows them the planet is "protected", loved that :D


2nd ep was alright too, loved the idea that at some point in the future Britian's royal family becomes black :D Wonder if any of teh Royals watched the show and what they thought of that :D


3rd ep despite having the return of Daleks felt a bit flat :( For a Dalek episode I didn't get that huge sense of HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE END! that most other Dalek eps have, just felt like "hey rememebr when we killed all the Daleks well we didn't really so we can use them later down the road for a bigger story" which is grand, always expect they would return but the reasons for their return "oh one ship survived" could have just been said in that later ep when they have a bigger plan/story. Also I guess with it being set in World War 2 I felt it had more potential to be something bigger than it was. (Was hoping there would be Nazi Daleks too and both sets were actually secretly behind WW2 :heh:)



Matt Smith is alright too, different but similar. One thing though that kind of makes me think "might not be as good as Tennant" is so far he doesn't seem to smile as much. Both Eccleston and Tennant when they sensed something was wrong would get both excited and worried, Tennant especially... Smith just seems to get worried. But early days only 3 eps into his tenure, lots more to come

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Watched the first 3 eps of season 5 so far.


Not fully sure how I feel about it yet.


First ep was really good. Enjoyed the way he met his new companion as a young girl first and then comes back 12 years later. The whole trying to save the world without the TARDIS or Sonic Screwdriver was god too. Was gripped wondering how he'd pull it off.


Then the end when the aliens go away and he calls them back so he can "talk to them" and he shows them the planet is "protected", loved that :D


2nd ep was alright too, loved the idea that at some point in the future Britian's royal family becomes black :D Wonder if any of teh Royals watched the show and what they thought of that :D


3rd ep despite having the return of Daleks felt a bit flat :( For a Dalek episode I didn't get that huge sense of HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE END! that most other Dalek eps have, just felt like "hey rememebr when we killed all the Daleks well we didn't really so we can use them later down the road for a bigger story" which is grand, always expect they would return but the reasons for their return "oh one ship survived" could have just been said in that later ep when they have a bigger plan/story. Also I guess with it being set in World War 2 I felt it had more potential to be something bigger than it was. (Was hoping there would be Nazi Daleks too and both sets were actually secretly behind WW2 :heh:)



Matt Smith is alright too, different but similar. One thing though that kind of makes me think "might not be as good as Tennant" is so far he doesn't seem to smile as much. Both Eccleston and Tennant when they sensed something was wrong would get both excited and worried, Tennant especially... Smith just seems to get worried. But early days only 3 eps into his tenure, lots more to come

Don't fret. Once he's settled into the role, he's awesome :) The tonal shift takes a little while to get used to, too.


That season took a bit for me to enjoy it...sort of fell into it at Episode 10...that's what convinced me

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That Dalek episode is generally ignored by the series. Everyone hated the new design and it was quickly pushed aside.


You mean the different bright colours? Good! WHen I saw those I was like...WTF?


Anyway watched the next two eps last night, double ep with the return of the Weeping Angels and River Song... LOVED IT.


The Weeping Angels, even though had only been in 1 ep before now have quickly become one of my fav ememies simply because of how terrifying they can be. Still gave me chills. The only thing I didn't like about it was that one scene when Amy drops the communicator and you see some of teh angels turning there heads. That took away a bit of their menece I thought which is at full throttle when there's just a flicker of light and all of a sudden they've moved.


Finally learning about these cracks in time we've been getting glimpses of too, looking forward to seeing where all that leads.


And seeing River again was cool and the little details we learned about her seemed interesting...though I worry did they give away too much too soon?



So she killed a "good man".... pretty sure The Doctor has been refered to as a "good man" many a time!



What I am interested in seeing though will be Rivers own first meeting with the Doctor.

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Nearing the end of season 5 now.


Got 3 eps left according to Netflix but took a quick look at the titles and looks like the last one is a Christmas special, so I just got a double ep season finale left then.


Been enjoying this second half of the season since the Weeping Angels ep, the "Dream Lord" (can't remember ep names) ep was good (though predictable), the "vampire" ep was good too and I loved the "Van Gogh" espcially the emotional punch when he brought Van Gogh to the "future". Then that double ep with Lizard People was AWESOME, loved that and the last ep I watched just now with James Cordon, another good ep :D


Kinda gotten over my slight annoyance that Matt Smith doesn't smile as much as Tennant did when there's a crisis too so enjoying his doctor a bit more. Though I'd say when I'm all caught up Tennant will prolly be my fav of the 3 I am familiar with.



Also been trying to find a way to get Netflix Canada without paying Unblock-Us or similar site/company, can't seem to find (free) DNS numbers for Canada like I do for Netflix USA, but found a new site (Unloactor) that offers same service as Unblock-US but they are in Beta at the mo and as such are offering their service for free, so signed up (luckily don't need credit card to sign up while in beta so not a scam) and tried it and I now have Netflix Canada working on my WiiU :D


Though they only have up to season 6 of Doctor Who... who here said they had up to season 7 :mad:


Well least this saves my the bother of "aquiring" season 6 by other means :heh:, now hopefully I can get through season 6 before Unlocator end their beta and start asking for membership fees :heh:

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Definitely a magician feel to it...


Nice that the is no tie. Matt Smith's bow tie far too iconic to try and trump.


I feel it's quite understated. I like the cardigan rather than a waist coat and actually did imagine him some kind of knit. I definitely feel like the jacket is a modern interpretation of the sort of jackets Jon Pertwee would wear perhaps as a result of red lining and it being that bit thicker?


I watched World War Z over the weekend and one thing I love about Peter Capaldi is how he has this air of authority that steals scenes whilst still managing to be very understated. I think it's going to make for a very different Doctor indeed cannot wait!

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When is season 8 due to start?


I finished season 5 last night... bloody hell was that finale awesome or what. SO GOOD. Prolly my fav finale so far...well close between that and the season 4 one :D


And watched the Christmas Special, A Christmas Carol, that was pretty good too.


Gonna start on Season 6 this eveing hopefully :D

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When is season 8 due to start?


I finished season 5 last night... bloody hell was that finale awesome or what. SO GOOD. Prolly my fav finale so far...well close between that and the season 4 one :D


And watched the Christmas Special, A Christmas Carol, that was pretty good too.


Gonna start on Season 6 this eveing hopefully :D

It's apparently set to start around August.

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It's apparently set to start around August.


Oh well in that case I got tons of time haha.


Anyway just watched the first 2 eps of season 6.... HOLY FRAK, BEST OPENING TO A SEASON YET!


A double ep to open the season, so unexpected, and it was awesome, good enough that it could have been a finale... man that sets up this season for so much expectation I hope it doesnt disappoint :)


Oh and I loved that Romo Lampkin!!! woot, love Mark Sheppard, just checked IMDB hoping he'd appear in more eps... he doesn't :(



The start... with the "older" Doctor getting murdered! like WTF, I kept expecting him to get back up like he faked it or something for some big purpose.... then the reveal that he was from the future and the other 3 unable/unwilling to tell the "present" Doctor what happened!


Finding out then about The Silence... when that was being said to River in the Tardis in the season 5 finale I thought it would be a plot device that would drag from the whole of season 6 before we find out what it was, glad we found out so soon.


(though still trying to figure out why they tried to blow up the TARDIS?)


And bloody hell what an enemy was that! I thought the the Weeping Angels were scary as as frak. But these Silence... an enemy you cant remember once they are out of your field of vision! Holy frak!!!!


And then the little girl... ok so the photo Amy found would suggest the girl is somehow her future baby! But why would The Silence kidnap Amys baby in the future and bring her to 1969?


But if that wasn't enough of a mind frak, WHAT THE FRAK WAS WITH HER REGENERATING AT THE END! So what is the Doctor the father of Amys baby???? but that makes no sense, there's no attraction shown on his part towards Amy, there was that bit in season 5 when Amy kissed him but pulled away and brought her right to Rory.... or did he?????????


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OK so season 6 is fan-bloody-tastic so far, up to ep 7 now and in those 7 eps there were like 3 cliff hangers worthy of a season finale! Seriously I have some massive high hopes for the actual season finale, haha.


Ok so after the awesome first two eps came "The Curse of teh Black Spt" nice little stand-alone ep. and Smith had a nice moment at the start that reminded me of Tennant when he got excited when he heard of the "demon" :)


The ep "The Doctors Wife", very good, bit emotional too


From the title I was expecting something very different but I guess it does make sense that the TARDIS could be like the Doctors wifes haha

Having him be able to converse with the TARDIS and giving her a name (Sexy :D) was awesome and a big moment for the character I thought.


When I first heard reference to the TARDIS haing a soul and being alive I always hoped we'd get an ep where we might hear the TARDIS talk, and this does nicely :D



Then the double ep of

Really enjoyed this one, although I did find it a bit weird when Rory kept going off helping that other girl. Kept waiting for Amy to go "hey I'm your wife remember" or something like that.


The 2nd Doctor was cool too, reminded me of the 2 Tennants at end of season 4 :D


Then the end with Amy turning out to be a Flesh Avatar too? Though I had some suspicion, of course the "postivie/negetive" thing was a tell something wasn't right and with the way the Doctor seemed to be trying to get Amy to trust the Doctor-Avatar, and some of the scenes the way he looked at her just made me think something was off.



And then "A Good Man Goes to War", awesome awesome ep, like this and the previous two eps were all a big triple ep :D


Wow where to start?


So first thing I wonder then is when did these people kidnap and replace Amy? We know it is prolly during ep 1 of teh season but exactly when during it?


I'm thinking it was prolly when she and the FBI guy played by Mark Sheppard were searching the abandoned orphanage? When she was in the room with the sleeping Silence maybe? Since it was after that part that she first saw Eye-patch lady.


So does that mean The Silence were working with eye-patch lady (I forget her name)?


Oh and what was up with the people The Doctor and Rory recruited? The Lizard Lady and friend from 1888? (I assume no relation of any of the Lizard people we saw in that double ep from season 5 since those eps took place in what 2020? The Nurse Sontaran? The Blue Guy? It was said these were people that owed The Doctor, but I don't recall seeing any of them before? Were these characters The Doctor met before the "9th Doctor"?


ONly downside I guess was this could have been a great chance for them to bring back a few characters from before Matt Smiths time to help The Doctor again. Captain Jack and Mickey and Martha would have been awesome to see them appear to help out... maybe they couldn't get teh actors back on :( Of course Rose would have been top of my list but that whole stuck in an alt reality...gggrrr....though thinking on it if they brough Rose back they could have brought back Tennant to be 10th Doctors-Human-Clone too... ah man that would have been awesome, ah well.


Loved the scene BTW, when the Doctor was telling the Colonel to "Run Away", love it when we get a glimpse at the Doctors darkside :D


And then the baby...oh my the baby... so River Song is really Amy and Rorys daughter!!!! *MIND BLOWN*

Though when they showed the babys name as "Melody Pond" I thought to myself, "ha that's weird it's very similar to River Song's name, maybe water and musical based names will become a running theme?"


But didn't make the full connection till River turned up at the end haha :D


SO wait hold up then, so if Amy's baby is also the Girl in the Spacesuit in 1969 and that girl later becomes River Song then how come River didn't seem to remember anything about the suit and The Silence and everything else when that was all happening... or was she just playing dumb cause "spoilers" :heh:


Does this also mean River is the one in that spacesuit that kills the Doctor (plus 200 years)? I had my suspicions when she previously said she was in jail for killing "a good man", but if she was in jail for killing The Doctor and the version of her that was on that beach and witnessed he Doctor get killed was after she went went to jail, shouldn't she have remembered what was going to happen (assuming I'm theorizing on the right track of course) as such why was she so shocked when it happened?


The revelation of River=Melody plus the likelyhood that little girl is also River/Melody and the spacesuit connected to the girl and the use of teh term "good man" (as spoken by River and used in reference to The Doctor in this eps title...and pretty sure he's been refered to as that before) do add up? Or again was River playing dumb cause "spoilers"?


Oh just a note, I'm just talking/typing out loud, do not confirm or correct me here, haha, though an indication as to how many more eps till this is all wrapped up would be nice (assuming it has been in season 6 or 7?)



looking forward to watching the next ep later :D

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OK so season 6 is fan-bloody-tastic so far, up to ep 7 now and in those 7 eps there were like 3 cliff hangers worthy of a season finale! Seriously I have some massive high hopes for the actual season finale, haha.


Ok so after the awesome first two eps came "The Curse of teh Black Spt" nice little stand-alone ep. and Smith had a nice moment at the start that reminded me of Tennant when he got excited when he heard of the "demon" :)


The ep "The Doctors Wife", very good, bit emotional too


From the title I was expecting something very different but I guess it does make sense that the TARDIS could be like the Doctors wifes haha

Having him be able to converse with the TARDIS and giving her a name (Sexy :D) was awesome and a big moment for the character I thought.


When I first heard reference to the TARDIS haing a soul and being alive I always hoped we'd get an ep where we might hear the TARDIS talk, and this does nicely :D



Then the double ep of

Really enjoyed this one, although I did find it a bit weird when Rory kept going off helping that other girl. Kept waiting for Amy to go "hey I'm your wife remember" or something like that.


The 2nd Doctor was cool too, reminded me of the 2 Tennants at end of season 4 :D


Then the end with Amy turning out to be a Flesh Avatar too? Though I had some suspicion, of course the "postivie/negetive" thing was a tell something wasn't right and with the way the Doctor seemed to be trying to get Amy to trust the Doctor-Avatar, and some of the scenes the way he looked at her just made me think something was off.



And then "A Good Man Goes to War", awesome awesome ep, like this and the previous two eps were all a big triple ep :D


Wow where to start?


So first thing I wonder then is when did these people kidnap and replace Amy? We know it is prolly during ep 1 of teh season but exactly when during it?


I'm thinking it was prolly when she and the FBI guy played by Mark Sheppard were searching the abandoned orphanage? When she was in the room with the sleeping Silence maybe? Since it was after that part that she first saw Eye-patch lady.


So does that mean The Silence were working with eye-patch lady (I forget her name)?


Oh and what was up with the people The Doctor and Rory recruited? The Lizard Lady and friend from 1888? (I assume no relation of any of the Lizard people we saw in that double ep from season 5 since those eps took place in what 2020? The Nurse Sontaran? The Blue Guy? It was said these were people that owed The Doctor, but I don't recall seeing any of them before? Were these characters The Doctor met before the "9th Doctor"?


ONly downside I guess was this could have been a great chance for them to bring back a few characters from before Matt Smiths time to help The Doctor again. Captain Jack and Mickey and Martha would have been awesome to see them appear to help out... maybe they couldn't get teh actors back on :( Of course Rose would have been top of my list but that whole stuck in an alt reality...gggrrr....though thinking on it if they brough Rose back they could have brought back Tennant to be 10th Doctors-Human-Clone too... ah man that would have been awesome, ah well.


Loved the scene BTW, when the Doctor was telling the Colonel to "Run Away", love it when we get a glimpse at the Doctors darkside :D


And then the baby...oh my the baby... so River Song is really Amy and Rorys daughter!!!! *MIND BLOWN*

Though when they showed the babys name as "Melody Pond" I thought to myself, "ha that's weird it's very similar to River Song's name, maybe water and musical based names will become a running theme?"


But didn't make the full connection till River turned up at the end haha :D


SO wait hold up then, so if Amy's baby is also the Girl in the Spacesuit in 1969 and that girl later becomes River Song then how come River didn't seem to remember anything about the suit and The Silence and everything else when that was all happening... or was she just playing dumb cause "spoilers" :heh:


Does this also mean River is the one in that spacesuit that kills the Doctor (plus 200 years)? I had my suspicions when she previously said she was in jail for killing "a good man", but if she was in jail for killing The Doctor and the version of her that was on that beach and witnessed he Doctor get killed was after she went went to jail, shouldn't she have remembered what was going to happen (assuming I'm theorizing on the right track of course) as such why was she so shocked when it happened?


The revelation of River=Melody plus the likelyhood that little girl is also River/Melody and the spacesuit connected to the girl and the use of teh term "good man" (as spoken by River and used in reference to The Doctor in this eps title...and pretty sure he's been refered to as that before) do add up? Or again was River playing dumb cause "spoilers"?


Oh just a note, I'm just talking/typing out loud, do not confirm or correct me here, haha, though an indication as to how many more eps till this is all wrapped up would be nice (assuming it has been in season 6 or 7?)



looking forward to watching the next ep later :D

Na, Vastra, Jenny & Strax hadn't been in it before. Apparently, Moffat wanted to have Jack in it, but Barrowman was unavailable as he was in the US filming Torchwood. These characters are just ones he met in unseen adventures, and I think part of Moffat's desire to flesh Silurians and Sontarans out so they're not just seen as monsters.

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