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The slate for the 50th got posted early http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24030127




The BBC has announced a raft of programmes to mark the 50th anniversary of the first episode of Doctor Who.


A 75-minute special called The Day Of The Doctor will star the soon-to-leave Matt Smith and David Tennant.


Smith said: "Hope you all enjoy. There's lots more coming your way."


Other highlights include a BBC Two lecture by Professor Brian Cox on the science behind the hit show and the drama An Adventure In Space and Time, written by Mark Gatiss.


The one-off programme stars David Bradley, of the Harry Potter films, as William Hartnell - who was the first Doctor in 1963.

Restored episodes


BBC Four will introduce new audiences to Hartnell, with a re-run of the first ever story. The four episodes are being shown in a restored format, not previously broadcast in the UK.


BBC Two's flagship arts programme The Culture Show is to present Me, You and Doctor Who, with lifelong fan Matthew Sweet exploring the cultural significance of the BBC's longest running TV drama.


A 90-minute documentary on BBC Radio 2 will ask "Who Is The Doctor?" - using newly-recorded interviews and exclusive archive material to find an answer - while BBC Three will be home to several commissions.


For those less familiar with the show, Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide will provide a handy primer.

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Ahh crap... Daleks are in it :/


It's the 50th Anniversary. There's no way that the Daleks aren't going to be in it.


That and this is supposedl the doctor who fought in the time war, the one daleks are scared of because of how he slaughtered them, the one who did the unthinkable and sealed time with a forbidden device.......


I thought it was a given it would have Daleks in it

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So this is the doctor after McGann, before C.Ecclestone who fought the time war and destroyed the time lords and the daleks?


So we are seeing that period of time then? Im confused, iv not kept up with much who for the last season or two.


We've not had his position in the doctor sequence confirmed, but he has to have been before Ecclestone at some point as we've seen the regenerations upto Matt Smith and he knew who the John Hurt Doctor was so its obviously not after him.


But its heavily hinted at he is indeed the doctor from the time war


he could in theory be an older McGann doctor

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The only regeneration we haven't seen is from 8 to 9, making it the most probable timeframe for a previous incarnation of the Doctor we haven't seen yet. His clothes support this as he's wearing a Victorian era waistcoat (8th Doctor) with a leather jacket (9th Doctor) over it, suggesting he's midway between the two. The Time War also took place sometime between his 8th and 9th incarnation, making it very likely that the horrible deeds he did were the actions that ended the war.

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The only regeneration we haven't seen is from 8 to 9, making it the most probable timeframe for a previous incarnation of the Doctor we haven't seen yet.


This is why I think there will be 8 to Hurt and Hurt to 9 regeneration scenes in it. Both will have been filmed in complete secrecy and neither will confirm it until we see the episode.


It would be very fitting for the 50th to fill in the gap, the most important part would be the regenerations themselves.


I can understand if Ecclestone didn't want to have a major part in the special, but I don't think he'd refuse such an important small part as the regeneration scene.

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This is why I think there will be 8 to Hurt and Hurt to 9 regeneration scenes in it. Both will have been filmed in complete secrecy and neither will confirm it until we see the episode.


It would be very fitting for the 50th to fill in the gap, the most important part would be the regenerations themselves.


I can understand if Ecclestone didn't want to have a major part in the special, but I don't think he'd refuse such an important small part as the regeneration scene.

There has been a persistant rumour over the last few months that Paul McGann did film some scenes for a mini episode

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This is why I think there will be 8 to Hurt and Hurt to 9 regeneration scenes in it. Both will have been filmed in complete secrecy and neither will confirm it until we see the episode.


It would be very fitting for the 50th to fill in the gap, the most important part would be the regenerations themselves.


I can understand if Ecclestone didn't want to have a major part in the special, but I don't think he'd refuse such an important small part as the regeneration scene.


This would completely make the special for me. The rest can be horrible - if this happens, I'm satisifed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

That's a seriously awesome trailer. I don't care that it has no footage (I hope that they don't release any, actually).


I still can't find any information on what cinemas will be taking part, or if that's still happening.

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So this is the doctor after McGann, before C.Ecclestone who fought the time war and destroyed the time lords and the daleks?


So we are seeing that period of time then? Im confused, iv not kept up with much who for the last season or two.


Like others have said it's not been confirmed....lots of intigue around it...I throughly recommend everyone reads this article:




Explores Doctor Who of old drawing possible theories from there. Whose to say none of these couldn't be true Moffat has definitely made this clear effort to pull the old series closer to our new modern series.




The only regeneration we haven't seen is from 8 to 9, making it the most probable timeframe for a previous incarnation of the Doctor we haven't seen yet. His clothes support this as he's wearing a Victorian era waistcoat (8th Doctor) with a leather jacket (9th Doctor) over it, suggesting he's midway between the two. The Time War also took place sometime between his 8th and 9th incarnation, making it very likely that the horrible deeds he did were the actions that ended the war.


Not strictly true.....we never saw regenerations between 1 & 2 from what I understand! Wasn't even called a regeneration but instead a renewal!!! It would seem weird to pull that far back and not really make much sense but with time travel anything is possible!!!!

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Like others have said it's not been confirmed....lots of intigue around it...I throughly recommend everyone reads this article:




Explores Doctor Who of old drawing possible theories from there. Whose to say none of these couldn't be true Moffat has definitely made this clear effort to pull the old series closer to our new modern series.






Not strictly true.....we never saw regenerations between 1 & 2 from what I understand! Wasn't even called a regeneration but instead a renewal!!! It would seem weird to pull that far back and not really make much sense but with time travel anything is possible!!!!



All regenerations except the one between 8 and 9 have been shown on screen, but, as the article points out, under various circumstances. That's the beauty of the Doctor Who canon; it's very flexible. I still stick with the Time War Doctor theory ("8.5" - or maybe just an older 8th Doctor?) based on his clothes.

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