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That sphere has something to do with it all - a rogue piece of Dalek technology? We know the Daleks were developing Tardis-like technology (hence the time war), could it be responsible for the Cybermen busting through the dimensional void? Or is the Docs impromptue trip into the alter-universe at the root of this new threat?

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Hazah! I was right! Daleks and Cybermen team together to destroy the earth!


Makes a change.


Rose might not even die.


Last weeks episode (sorry, been away for a week) was complete shite, another Rose Tyler special, and considering the episode was about people being converted to drawings and vice versa there was bugger all animation for it apart from the crappy scribble and the pre title sequence two and a half seconds. Seriously, how hard would it be to superimpose a bit of flash on to a bit of paper, they've wasted loads of money on CGI throughout the series and they couldn't even be bothered with the simplest of animations.


This week, apart from the good news that it's the lead up to Roses death, it was all a bit meh. Torchwood is a joke (as I'm sure the series will be) and all this episode was is just posturing from the two biggest bad guys in Whostory, but from next weeks spoilers they'll be joining forces, which is against character for both species. Just hoping Roses death is nice and graphic, preferably in front of her mother.

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Makes a change.[/Quote]


Thanks muchly.


This week, apart from the good news that it's the lead up to Roses death, it was all a bit meh. Torchwood is a joke (as I'm sure the series will be) and all this episode was is just posturing from the two biggest bad guys in Whostory, but from next weeks spoilers they'll be joining forces, which is against character for both species. Just hoping Roses death is nice and graphic, preferably in front of her mother.


1. Doctor Who has a scientific explanation for things happening such as ghosts, and nothing really supernatural happens unless alien species are behind it. If Rose narrated the start of it and she has "died", how can she be talking anyway? I think she means "died" in a different manner, as it would be a huge spoiler to put one minute into the first part of a two part story.

2. I thought the inclusion of Torchwood this episode was good, just wish they hadn't put it in the previous episodes apart from Tooth and Claw.

3. The Cybermen want to join forces with the Daleks, nothing has been said about the will of the Daleks. And the Cybermen are from an alternate reality, changing their nature slightly.

4. Once again, Rose might not die.


GOod to know that woman meant to be the next assisstant died.

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I dont think the Daleks will be friends with parallel world cyberman and the Dalek's Genesis Ark could contain Davros.


But the start of this episode was so awful.



Thanks muchly.


Good to know that woman meant to be the next assisstant died.


I hope its not Mickey or Rose's mum as the next assisstant.

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1. Doctor Who has a scientific explanation for things happening such as ghosts, and nothing really supernatural happens unless alien species are behind it. If Rose narrated the start of it and she has "died", how can she be talking anyway? I think she means "died" in a different manner, as it would be a huge spoiler to put one minute into the first part of a two part story.


The Doctor didn't say ghosts don't exist, just the apparitions in this epiode weren't ghosts. Paranormal activity can be explained by science, but that doesn't mean it's not real.

As for Rose not dying, this is the fucking Rose Tyler show (unless you hadn't noticed) only right she narates her own death.


2. I thought the inclusion of Torchwood this episode was good, just wish they hadn't put it in the previous episodes apart from Tooth and Claw.


It's just advertizing, if they weren't doing a seperate series they would have had to think of another crappy 'Bad Wolf' style running storyline. And judging from this weeks episode and the Inclusion of Captain Spack the new series isn't going to be anything special.


3. The Cybermen want to join forces with the Daleks, nothing has been said about the will of the Daleks. And the Cybermen are from an alternate reality, changing their nature slightly.


The alternate Cybermens philosophy seems little different from the regular ones, they want supremacy for themselves, they may want to assimilate Dalek technology but should not be considering joining forces with anyone, no matter how beneficial it may be.


4. Once again, Rose might not die.


You keep telling yourself that.

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One thing is certain, it's definitely not that woman said by the Sun. She had part of her brain ripped out through her ear by Yvone.


two words for you : alternate version.

You did see the alternate reality people with Prickey in the next week spoiiler bit, didn't you?


Tonights episode was quite good, but felt too much like a precurse to next week's episode, rather than a two part story.


If it works out like that I'll be surprised. This series best episodes were the first episodes of the two two parters, but the second parts both ended up to be cliched and predictable ruining the build ups of the first episodes.

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If it works out like that I'll be surprised. This series best episodes were the first episodes of the two two parters, but the second parts both ended up to be cliched and predictable ruining the build ups of the first episodes.

Dude. We're on the verge of seeing an all-out three way war between Daleks, Cybermen and humans. The only possible way it could disappoint would be if the Slitheen turned up.


As an aside, I've finished reading a couple of Sixth Doctor books - Killing Ground and The Shadow In The Glass. The first one's a Cybermen story, and the second one is the Doctor versus Adolf Hitler. Good stuff!

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Dude. We're on the verge of seeing an all-out three way war between Daleks, Cybermen and humans. The only possible way it could disappoint would be if the Slitheen turned up.



It has potential, I'll give it that, but so did the devil and other cybermen two parters and they both disappointed in the end. I wouldn't really call it a 3 way thing either, even with torchwoods stolen technology and the alternate reality people they haven't got much chance against the cybermen, let alone the daleks.

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It has potential, I'll give it that, but so did the devil and other cybermen two parters and they both disappointed in the end. I wouldn't really call it a 3 way thing either, even with torchwoods stolen technology and the alternate reality people they haven't got much chance against the cybermen, let alone the daleks.


yay your coming round to liking the new series :D


wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow that ep was amazing :D


cant wait till next week cept i can cos its all gunna be over after that :(

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It's called making the best of a bad thing.


Are you seriously ever happy? You seem to me the type that sits at the TV/computer with their arms crossed and frowning, whilst throwing rocks at children that passes their house. Lighten up, man!

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So it is Dalek versus the Cyberman. It's the battle for control of planet earth and the pieces are now set for the greatest robotic-bitch slapping since the governer of California entered his local bike bar and demanded clothes, boots and a large pina colada with extra lime. Can't wait.

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Are you seriously ever happy? You seem to me the type that sits at the TV/computer with their arms crossed and frowning, whilst throwing rocks at children that passes their house. Lighten up, man!


LOL sorry rockhead but it seems that way to me too :indeed:


anyway i thought the last ep was ok. I really dont want Billie Piper to leave, shes so great :shakehead

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Are you seriously ever happy? You seem to me the type that sits at the TV/computer with their arms crossed and frowning, whilst throwing rocks at children that passes their house. Lighten up, man!



Practically all the time, that's what happens when you don't set your expectations too high, you don't get disappointed.

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For me, this episode summed up a lot of what Doctor Who is about. Particularly this scene:




I think a lot of kids will have gone to bed last night and had nightmares about Cybermen marching down their street, into their house, up the stairs and into their room. This is a good thing.


Dr Who is crap. So many people love it, but I just don't see whats so good about it. Not my cup of tea.



Dude, you like Dragon Quest. That automatically makes your opinion null and void. ;)

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The only thing i didnt like about the second part of the previous 2-parters was the way the cliff-hanger was "resolved".

The first cybermen one ended in a seemingly-impossible situation. 3 seconds into the second part, its all over. If you blinked, you missed how the Doctor solved the situation.

And the Black-Hole made it seem like something was coming out of the pit. Only to be revealed in the next one as a big empty pit.

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