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I quite liked that episode, i'm disappointed with who died and who didn't, the way River acted with Rory when he came for her, made me think he was due to die permanently, oh well as a character he improved for me in the episode as it is so i can live with him living


I'm calling it now, the flesh doctor/John Smith is the one that actually dies or will be revealed in the next arc

before he was liquefied he mentioned it might not be the end for him

and they need a way to not kill off the Doctor, so it only makes sense that he survive, River kills a good man, and another cloned doctor is gone, easy way to tie up loose ends

I do wonder who will be revealed to be pulling the strings of The Silence, The Priests, The headless monks and eye patch lady

The Master?


Davros (unlikely since the daleks have been retired)

Rani? (i live in hope)



I liked the new characters, maybe we'll get episodes in future explaining them

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One thing I don't understand is how this was really a cliffhanger.


Well it wasn't really, was it? There was no danger to any of the characters, no unfinished storyline that is going to be concluded anytime soon. You'd think as a writer Moffatt wouldn't have such problems with the meanings of words, he has the same problem with the concept of plot twists.




Well, it's nice to know that some random ramblings on an internet message board can lead to a plum job at the BBC, there's hope for all of us. :idea:



Seriously though, whilst there is something in that, there is one big hole in that theory, and how he is currently using it in the show. The Doctor has always been a wise man for sure, and a healer in as much as he fixes things for the better, or at least tries to if he doesn't always succeed. But he's always been a warrior too, maybe not in the traditional sense, but he's always been ready to fight for the greater good, to stand up against evil and injustice, to fight the good fight. He's many things to many people I suppose though, I'm sure the word 'Doctor' has many meanings on many worlds, I'm sure it means hero or champion on quite a few, and there's got to be at least one where it means completely insane. In human history though the Doctor has probably performed as many acts of war and/or aggression as he has learned/healing acts. Whatever his actions his motivation has always been good though, so if he had brought about our use of the word I would expect it to be something with more meaning for intent than actions, because not all Doctors do good deeds, do they?



Anyways, I'll list some of the things I do/have liked about the last 1.5 series, just to show I'm not all about hate for the show and the man behind it.


The Daleks got a win over the Doctor, something that hasn't happened in a long time. RTD turned them in to a bit of a joke having them defeated so easily all the time, like Voyager did to the Borg, and it was good to see their plans succeed for a change. Makes their mothballing seem a bit odd, I can understand the need to not overuse them, but to use them so well, and then take them away seems very cruel to me.


The Silurians are back, and in a good way. They were never really evil to begin with and it's good that that is being highlighted now with them.


I like Matt Smiths Doctor, not the best by a long shot, but better than a lot of them. The only aspect I'm not keen on is all this 'new' business, but I blame RTD for that, he was the one who started this whole 'each regeneration is a new person' business rather than just a new body and personality with the same brain inside as it had always been before.


The use of religion, last series the religious types were the good guys, this time they're the bad guys. At the very least it shows that religion is messed up, at its best though it shows that people are more than willing to perform acts of evil in the name of religion. I like that.


Less messing about in Earths history, there's been a bit, not loads though, and a bit is good. And not every trip to the past has involved a famous historical figure, that's good too, the way RTD wrote things the Doctor couldn't go back in time without tripping over some major historical figure or event every time.


But for all the good it's all ruined by River Song. It's not because the idea of two people romantically linked travelling in opposite directions through time is shamelessly stolen. It's not because she's a strong female character, it's not even because she's always making the Doctor look stupid. It's the way she's been written, none of those things would be a problem is she wasn't so bloody smug about everything. They both know each others future, but he doesn't rub it in her face with cryptic riddles when something bad is going to happen to her. Even when she's got something to tell the Doctor she can't just come out and say it, she has to be all unnecessarily mysterious in a 'the facts are there in front of you why can't you see it' way.


She is by far the worst thing about the show now, and it's so obvious she's never going away, not while Moffats in control anyway. For the little that has been revealed about her so many more questions have been raised, the whole business is going to be dragged out over years.

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^ For once... I completely agree with you. :smile:


So much for the 'Cliffhanger' but at least now we can look forward to the next episode - when it arrives - and judging by the title 'Let's Kill Hitler!' It's gonna be pretty damn awesome. :cool:

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I'm glad he didn't give us a "characters" in danger cliffhanger because while nobody is under the illusion that during the week between two episodes the characters are stood there for a week, I think having 3/4 months of wondering how Rory is going to escape some monks coming to kill or something.. it just would be a disappointment no matter what.


Let's Kill Hitler will begin with the characters in a totally new situation, with almost no continuity from the last episode other than the fact they're trying to find baby-River.


I'm actually pleased the cliffhanger wasn't an annoyingly OMG one. Imagine if it was like the cliffhanger at the end of the Stolen Earth when David Tennant regenerated? It'd be unbearable. This means we can have a break and then get excited again in September.

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I watched it again last night and there were absolutely loads of funny bits. This is what I meant when I said it should have lots of humour!


"That'll be all, Parker"

"Yes, M'Lady"


"Let's Kill Hitler!" reminds me of the comedian Al Murray who (whilst in character) sometimes comments that if he could go back in time, he'd use the opportunity to kill Hitler. Now I'm guessing in the Doctor Who universe, World War II can't be unwritten, and so the Doctor might find himself in the awkward position of having to protect Hitler!

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Steven Moffat really is an arrogant prick sometimes.


Tweeted by Moffat on June 5th:

"steven_moffat Steven Moffat

Only one death threat, two demands for my immediate resignation, and two for my suicide. IT'S A HIT!!"


I guess nobody told him the viewing figures took a further slump this week, down to 5.5 million reportedly. He's obviously living in a fantasy world where everybody loves him apart from 12 people and a talking dog.

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I guess nobody told him the viewing figures took a further slump this week, down to 5.5 million reportedly.


Not surprising. It was competing with an international England football match and the final of BGT.

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Trimming the casual viewers away, leaving a more accurate measure of the fanbase.


Completely irrelevant to anything =\


You're saying the fanbase is lower than the viewing figures? Well obviously. You don't have to be an avid fan to watch Doctor Who.

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Demons run when a good man goes to war

Night will fall and drown the sun

When a good man goes to war


Friendship dies and true love lies

Night will fall and the dark will rise

When a good man goes to war


Demons run, but count the cost

The battle's won, but the child is lost


I must say it was chilling when they had that voice over.

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Trimming the casual viewers away, leaving a more accurate measure of the fanbase.


What if you're a fan of Doctor Who and England football? You really believe they're going to think "uhhhm, there's an England home qualifier, I can get tickets and watch it at Wembley stadium, but I'd rather watch a TV program even though I could just watch on iPlayer or one of the various repeats which will no doubt be shown on BBC Three, hell I could even record it".


Doesn't mean they're not a proper fan of the show...

Granted the England match was shit and in hindsight many who chose it over Doctor Who probably regretted that decision.

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Only one death threat, two demands for my immediate resignation, and two for my suicide. IT'S A HIT!!"


I wish he was just joking, but it's all too believable that he's had those.


As others have said, it's no wonder viewing figures were low against an England match and Britain's Got Talent. I like Doctor Who, but live entertainment takes priority. Personally, I recorded it on Saturday and liked it so much I watched the repeat, it was the best one for ages.

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Funny you should mention that, Primeval did a far better explanation of it tonight.


I love Primeval and I love mysteries/cryptozoology, so I'm looking forward to seeing that when it comes to ITV.


In fact, a few years ago when they suggested that Anomalies might explain legendary creatures, I was hoping to see lots of them - the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster etc.

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I love Primeval and I love mysteries/cryptozoology, so I'm looking forward to seeing that when it comes to ITV.


In fact, a few years ago when they suggested that Anomalies might explain legendary creatures, I was hoping to see lots of them - the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster etc.


It's a great show, really badly under rated in my opinion.

Didn't know it was still going to ITV, it's good that it is though, nowhere near enough homegrown scifi on telly as it is, would be bad if it was restricted to digital only.


No sign of any Yeti yet, but they had sea monsters last week, sort of covers the Loch Ness monster. Really good this week though, won't spoil anything for you, but Emily is back, which I thought good, she was a good character, and it's nice to have more characters from other times.

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It's a great show, really badly under rated in my opinion.

Didn't know it was still going to ITV, it's good that it is though, nowhere near enough homegrown scifi on telly as it is, would be bad if it was restricted to digital only.


Yeah, it was on ITV1 this January and I believe it's back in the autumn. Good to hear about the lake monster!

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Well i must say that this last series has been really good. Matt Smith is a great Dr Who.

Agreed, and for those worrying...ratings have been right on par with all 5 past series :)


7.94m - Series 1: Final BARB rating average (13 episodes)

7.71m - Series 2: Final BARB rating average (13 episodes)

7.55m - Series 3: Final BARB rating average (13 episodes)

8.05m - Series 4: Final BARB rating average (13 episodes)

7.73m - Series 5: Final BARB rating average (13 episodes)

7.65m - Series 6: Final BARB rating average (7 episodes)


Last episode had 5.4 million on the overnights, and 7.54million total, showing a massive 2 million timeshift. The overnight ratings have dropped, but its made up with more people having access to on demand services, recording devices etc. These do not count iPlayer either

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