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If you can't handle a show which plays with time travel...why are you watching one? They've said countless times, even in the RTD era, that time can be rewritten. With the logic you're stating here, they can't introduce anything new without the "Why didn't we know that before?" complaint


I wouldn't mind a series based more around space travel instead of time travel. I was watching Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks the other day and I would rather enjoy seeing more episodes based in the future and on other planets instead of the past.. hmm, what is there other than time and space? Perhaps they could shake things up a bit.:heh:

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Yeah tbf, I know it's budget and all, but way too much of Doctor Who takes place on Earth... or on a Space Station above Earth. :p


That Tennant Episode where the tourist train breaks down while they're exploring that Ice Field, or whatever it was, shows a simple solution for making episodes out their in the universe.

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Well I enjoyed it.


OH! And my theories!


Who was that little girl?


Now the obvious thing to speculate is that she is the daughter of Amy and the Doctor. And so that is the LAST thing it will be.


But think. The Silence were just there… influencing mankind. But what exactly WERE they doing? The Doctor stopped them, made them leave Earth by arming mankind with a subconscious message to kill those things on sight. But what were the Silence doing? Are they REALLY bad? We never really found out.


What we DO know however, is that they’ve been building Time Machines. More specifically, TARDISs. They had one there in 1969, but there was an abandoned one over Craig’s House in The Lodger. (Abandoned because presumably, there’s no Silence on Earth post-1969… perhaps…)


So why are they building a TARDIS? Why are they protecting a little girl? Well… we now know. She’s a Time Lord. She regenerated. They’re trying to grown a pilot for the ship, just like the ship in The Lodger was looking for a pilot. Or is it more?


I think they’re trying to bring back the Time Lords. They’re trying to reboot the universe. They piloted the TARDIS in The Pandorica Opens in order to destroy the last of the Time Lords and then the universe, so that they could start again.


Or something…


I dunno. But it’s all linked, and I think that might be part of it. And I don’t think the little girl is at all related to the Doctor or Amy.


Who is River Song?


Before today I did wonder if speculated on who she was was at all productive. But I had a thought…


What if she’s nobody? Like… nobody important at all. The ONLY reason she’s important to the Doctor is because she’s a paradox. They’ll come a point in their relationship, when the Doctor knows far more about her than she does about the Doctor. The only reason the Doctor even says hello to her, or finds her in the first place before she knows him is because HE knows HER.


What if their whole relationship is just based on that? She’s absolutely nobody. The Doctor in this story was REALLY flirting with River, when he’d only jokingly done it before. Maybe next time the Doctor will be the one to lunge in for a kiss. I think he’s falling in love with her, while from his point of view, she’s knowing him less and less.


One day, they’ll be a day, when the Doctor (now in love) looks into River’s eyes… and she won’t know who he is… and it’ll kill him.


He’ll go back… to be killed by the astronaut, heart broken (seeing River for one last time).


And I think River is in the space suit there (not later obviously) but then. The laser looked a bit like hers. She killed a man who wanted to die… maybe…


Well I dunno completely… but those are my initial theories. Hope they’re wrong!


Edited by Hamishmash
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I wouldn't mind a series based more around space travel instead of time travel. I was watching Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks the other day and I would rather enjoy seeing more episodes based in the future and on other planets instead of the past.. hmm, what is there other than time and space? Perhaps they could shake things up a bit.:heh:

Doing too much in the future potentially dates the show

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Yeah, but it's on later than last time so the point is moot. If it was on earlier, then you'd have a point :P


Not if he's made plans to go out when he thought it would be finished by but hasn't.


hmmmm i'm trying to think of spatial time reason why I would still have missed it but I can't:weep:


If you'd waited 30 seconds I would have had you covered :p

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Was it me or was she doing that wrong at the end there?
I'm sure it provided the Pond fanboys with a gif they can all saver!


Was an enjoyable enough episode, kinda throwaway, but you've got to have those otherwise you'd get bored of the main story and it's contant twists and wtf's.


Trailer for next weeks looked pretty good!


Was thinking about River, and Hamishmash saying what if she's no one... well you've got to wonder why she's in solitary confinement... she's got to be someone, and have done something of significance, she's talked about a terrible thing she's done... maybe it was kill the Doctor... that's always been a speculation I think, but I'm not sure I'd want to see her be the person in that Spacesuit... it's all a bit predictable if that's the case.

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I wouldn't mind a series based more around space travel instead of time travel. I was watching Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks the other day and I would rather enjoy seeing more episodes based in the future and on other planets instead of the past.. hmm, what is there other than time and space? Perhaps they could shake things up a bit.:heh:


Series 4 only had 2 episodes set in the past. And if you include the specials year that came after (which the production team still call Series 4) that would be two extra alien planets (plus Gallifrey).


And I loved that little escapist lark. Lots of fun.

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Some good moments, but overall it seemed quite poor.




Oh and


The pirate that got cut by the ship was last seen barricading the armoury. He then completely vanished (even though he was stuck in the room with Amy, Rory and the kid) and was on one of the beds at the end.


Edited by Cube
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True, it was kind of bad... but it was still watchable, the only thing I really liked about it was the Siren and her expressions...





... all two of them. :p

Edited by S.C.G
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I thought it was better than expected to be honest. When I saw pirates last week I was expecting a flavour of the month/year/whatever thing like that awful vampires of Venice thing last year. Was OK though, only thing I though a bit iffy was the Doctor being happy handing over a spaceship to a bunch of pirates.

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only thing I though a bit iffy was the Doctor being happy handing over a spaceship to a bunch of pirates.





... at least now we know where Space Pirates came from.





I know where the door is.

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I didn't think it was a bad episode by any means, other than the pirate the kid cut suddenly disappearing without being taken, then appearing on the ship.


It wasn't the best but it wasn't anywhere near terrible

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Why are people saying he disappeared without being taken? I assumed it just happened off screen like the one who ran into the room after which the doctor realised it was reflections.


Anyway on the episode was alright. It was one of those neatly single episode that has no ramifications as such. Still liked the "twist" on an old siren story. Also interesting that the woman with the eye patch re-appearing, hope they develop this mystery well rather than just have her appear in the same way every episode then later explain who she is. I expect Moffat will as he seems better at creating these lil tidbits for over arching plots/themes than Davis ever was.

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The only positive things I can say about that episode are that Lily Cole was superb as the Siren and I liked the twist. Other than that, it should have been much, much funnier and used more pirate clichés.

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