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The only positive things I can say about that episode are that Lily Cole was superb as the Siren and I liked the twist. Other than that, it should have been much, much funnier and used more pirate clichés.

You mean hollywood created pirate clichés which have no place in a time travel story? I read that they purposefully stayed away from them due to their historical inaccuracies

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You mean hollywood created pirate clichés which have no place in a time travel story? I read that they purposefully stayed away from them due to their historical inaccuracies


Maybe, but it's meant to be entertaining, isn't it? I wasn't entertained.

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Jesus I need to stop coming online to see what people thought about Doctor Who. The whole room I was in was loving it, having a lot of fun.


I get the feeling too many people switch on the tv and sit down in front of it, already in a grumpy mood. Maybe that's Scare the Hare's fault.

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I have mild face-blindness, so am I just being wrong when I think that the eyepatch woman looks like River Song?






Anyway, I wasn't so keen on that episode, although it got better towards the end. The tension seemed a bit forced and it was too RTD-esque for my liking. And I don't think reflections worked very well as a plot device.

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Why are people saying he disappeared without being taken? I assumed it just happened off screen like the one who ran into the room after which the doctor realised it was reflections.


Anyway on the episode was alright. It was one of those neatly single episode that has no ramifications as such. Still liked the "twist" on an old siren story. Also interesting that the woman with the eye patch re-appearing, hope they develop this mystery well rather than just have her appear in the same way every episode then later explain who she is. I expect Moffat will as he seems better at creating these lil tidbits for over arching plots/themes than Davis ever was.



Yeah I agree with that, I'm not a fan of filler episodes... comes from having to watch rows and rows of anime filler I guess :p

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Yeah I agree with that, I'm not a fan of filler episodes... comes from having to watch rows and rows of anime filler I guess :p


At least it's not as Fringe season 2 where all but 4 episodes were filler.

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Jesus I need to stop coming online to see what people thought about Doctor Who. The whole room I was in was loving it, having a lot of fun.


I get the feeling too many people switch on the tv and sit down in front of it, already in a grumpy mood. Maybe that's Scare the Hare's fault.

I agree. I sometimes pop onto a DW forum and god, the bitching when they don't get exactly what they want...


Sometimes it seems people watch it JUST to bitch

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If it helps, it was still good, and I've been told that season 3 is better.


phew ok.


I agree. I sometimes pop onto a DW forum and god, the bitching when they don't get exactly what they want...


Sometimes it seems people watch it JUST to bitch


I do think that when we don't get episodes that hit the highs we've come to expect people are gonna bitch. It's not even a budget thing I don't think either, because I have heard people bemoan the episodes where they spend less money and its more character driven but there have been some great episodes of this ilk so what i'm saying is people do just like to bitch so yeah i'm in agreement lol.

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At the end of the day, there's no substitute for a witty script. I'd give the thumbs-up to an episode where it was just the Doctor, Amy and Rory talking in a room if it made me laugh.


I'd hate to watch that.


I prefer it when things are serious and it allows for some proper acting set to a brilliant piece of music.


After seeing Tenant's Doctor bouncing off the walls for 3 seasons, it was good to see him in the specials where they toned that down and brought a more somber feel to the character and the worlds he travels too. Makes it feel like there is cause and effect of everything that transpires unlike the episodes where he adverts or stops great catastrophes with seemingly little effort or consequence.


That's why I enjoy watching Matt Smith's Doctor because he does feel more real as a character. And I do like the relationship with Amy and the Doctor but I long for the day that Rory meets his maker as I really can't stand watching him on screen.

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I have mild face-blindness, so am I just being wrong when I think that the eyepatch woman looks like River Song?






Anyway, I wasn't so keen on that episode, although it got better towards the end. The tension seemed a bit forced and it was too RTD-esque for my liking. And I don't think reflections worked very well as a plot device.

The eye-patch woman is played by Frances Barber.

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It wasn't a terrible episode, but i've not liked any of them this season what so ever, they've all just felt...off and i can't put my finger on why, actually i can they've all felt like they were shortened, like more of the story was supposed to happen in the scripts but was cut due to time constraints and little bits be just show horned in, that's how i expect the missing pirate occurred, the scene was chopped


I'm sure any DVD releases will have deleted scenes which would improve them.


But can someone tell me did i miss something with that episode? i recorded it on SKYHD and i've played it back and still think some things not been recorded some how


The pirates stay on the ship right, the Captain does so because they don't know how to save his son (on this hugely advanced medical alien ship ::shrug:)


Then the doctor, Amy and Rory are in the tardis, with Amy having to give the kiss of life (why not the doctor, sure he's done it before)


Then suddenly The captain is flying the alien ship, that's no longer on Earth, with his son attached to the respirator, then the rest of the pirates turn up cured from their deathly paper cuts, and they fly off towards what looks like a Binary star system


that's what i saw



1 how did the ship leave Earth so fast

2 travel such a great distance

3 How the *?^# did pirates learn to fly an advanced alien ship?


that's too much for me


Edited by Agent Gibbs
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We have no idea of the time in which passed between the TARDIS leaving and the scene of the pirates on the ship towards the binary star.


As for pirates, as they said in the episode, a ship is a ship.


As for Amy doing the CPR and not the Doctor, Rory said he wanted Amy to do it and not the Doctor, that Amy would never give up

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My interpretation was that only Rory and the Captain's son were fatally injured. Thus, they needed to be saved or remain attached to the respirators. The other pirates only had cuts - it's just that the Siren was trained to look after them at the first sign of injury.


The spaceship was in another dimension, and not necessarily one where the Earth was in place. I assumed it was just flying through space.


As for the pirates being able to fly it - artistic licence. :heh: It reminded me of what Mickey said in Season 2's Cybermen episode when he was asked how he knew how to fly the helicopter: "PlayStation"!

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The spaceship was in another dimension, and not necessarily one where the Earth was in place. I assumed it was just flying through space.


As for the pirates being able to fly it - artistic licence. :heh: It reminded me of what Mickey said in Season 2's Cybermen episode when he was asked how he knew how to fly the helicopter: "PlayStation"!


I'd not thought about earth not being at that same spacial location in the dimension the ship was.....that works


i suppose i can ignore the pirate spaceship bit taking into account artistic license and "a ships a ship"


Plus if I had the choice, id want Amy giving me CPR :p


very very very good point :p



but does anyone else feel like i do, that something is off so far this season? that each episode has had a scene(s) cut that hindered the story a little?

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i suppose i can ignore the pirate spaceship bit taking into account artistic license and "a ships a ship"


Don't forget where he quickly identifies all the basic elements for flying the TARDIS.

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