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You don't like it, you know where to go, where many others have.


Rokhed, please stop lurkig in the past. Time has moved on, you hate the new generation, we get it, now go buy a classic Doctor Who DVD and sit in your living room watching it all alone while the Earth evolves around you.

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Rokhed, please stop lurkig in the past. Time has moved on, you hate the new generation, we get it, now go buy a classic Doctor Who DVD and sit in your living room watching it all alone while the Earth evolves around you.

You obviously don't get it.

And like I said, you don't like it, you know where to go.

I am as entitled to my opinion as Takeo is to express his wish to stick his cock up David Tennants arse.

Get used to it.

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Anyone else think Captain Sp >cough< Jack doesn't fit in with Torchwood?

He was/is a happy go lucky conman/mercanary type, seeing someone like that hook up with a black ops government organization is about as likely as, let's say, Russel T Davies scripting/producing a decent episode of Doctor Who


Good point. "decent" is far below the standard of the eposides of his that I have seen, which have all been "great". So, making one thats only "decent" would be very rare.

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Did a guy try to kiss you and you got frightened, or something? You seem awfully paranoid.


Why would I be paranoid about other peoples sexual fantasies?

I don't have a problem with anybodies sexuality, it's just I thought this was a thread about Doctor Who, not a Russel T Davis/David Tennant arse kissing thread.

Obviously I was wrong.


Good point. "decent" is far below the standard of the eposides of his that I have seen, which have all been "great". So, making one thats only "decent" would be very rare.


There's no accounting for taste I suppose, if you think continuity errors, gurning celebrities and flashy effects are a good substitute for strong storylines then I'm not going to question your standards.

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There's no accounting for taste I suppose, if you think continuity errors, gurning celebrities and flashy effects are a good substitute for strong storylines then I'm not going to question your standards.


With a show thats been on for as long as Doctor Who has, its going to be hard to keep it tightly consistant, but im not sure if you mean minor slip ups, or huge gaping errors. Not that much of a fan to notice really.


Stunt casting is unfortunatly part of TV nowadays, some shows get cool people (Scrubs namely), some get Paris Hilton (VM unfortunatly. that was unpleasant)


Flashy effects, I agree with you, are often overused and can cause poorer storylines. Wouldn't say I've really felt that too much in Doctor Who, but again, not really that arsed to pick faults.


Not sure if I agree with your or not... ah well.

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There's no accounting for taste I suppose, if you think continuity errors, gurning celebrities and flashy effects are a good substitute for strong storylines then I'm not going to question your standards.


Well, the storylines (in my opinion are strong). Also, (even tho i havent seen a Dr Who before the 10th Dr) i dont wee how the continuity errors can be bad. But then...i watch Star Trek.


Also, after a 10-second search. There seems to be a few continuity errors in the old series 1 and 2, and i cant be bothered looking further.

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The Cybermen two party (Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel) as been acclaimed as one of the greatest of the series by people who went to see the preview last night.


Reviewers have said that if you have hated the series so far (and were a fan of the original series) then you'll love this.


The Girl in the Fireplace looks good as well.

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The Cybermen two party (Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel) as been acclaimed as one of the greatest of the series by people who went to see the preview last night.


Reviewers have said that if you have hated the series so far (and were a fan of the original series) then you'll love this.


The Girl in the Fireplace looks good as well.


Where are these reviews? I can't find any in the normal places.

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Rokhed, most problems in this topic are down to you. This is not a Russel T Davis suck up thread, but he wrote Doctor Who episodes and the idea is to talk about him too. Please let people have an entitled opinion.

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Rokhed, most problems in this topic are down to you. This is not a Russel T Davis suck up thread, but he wrote Doctor Who episodes and the idea is to talk about him too. Please let people have an entitled opinion.

OK, Mr Sycophancy.

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Over the years religion has played a big part in almost every aspect of life. It is the cause of many wars and a way for people to find comfort after the death of a loved one or some other disaster.


Despite this no one can agree on one true faith. People fight and die for what they belive to be the real path to the afterlife. Some don't belive in an afterlife, some have no god, some can't even be called religions (i'm looking at you, scientology).


It has been used to control people many times in the past, fear of eternal damnation has convinced many a dark age peasant to obey the church without question.


All of this is about to change.


Major world leaders have finnaly agreed that evidence of a other worldy being that we should all worship is infact real. This evidence isn't new either. Some existed in the 60's and can be found if you look hard enough but the build up of this evidence has increased in recent years.


This being doesn't seem to be all powerful as the traditional vision of god shows. It doesn't have a long white beard and a toga on. It appears to look very similar to the average human, although it does change form from time to time.


This could also prove the previously dismissed as insane theorys that god is infact an extra terestrial being, (alien, to all those less educated), right. He seems to depend heavily on technology, despite having some above human abliltys.


While no first hand contact has been made offically several people claim to have met this being, others even say they have traveled with him. This could explain alien abductions aswell.


Now i'm sure many of you are wondering about that evidence. It ranges from eye witnesses to photographs to film, and I am lucky enough to have secured a picture of his preffered mode of transport.





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this thread is awesome!! it has provided me with so many hours (about 3) of laughter and good ol fashioned entertainment! long may it continue! well until series two finishes at least lol


is it wrong to be really looking forward to torchwood? just hope it has the same humour/horror slant that doctor who has


in unrelated news . . . 4 days to go :D

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Noel Clark (Mickey Smith) is writing an episode of Torchwood. Noel said that Torchwood is like Doctor Who, but much more for adults. This isn't saying that Doctor Who is a kid's show, but that DW is for the whole family and Torchwood is scarier, sexier and is more like a British X-Files.


He also says that you will not have to watch Torchwood to miss out on it's relevence to Doctor Who and visa versa.

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There's no accounting for taste I suppose, if you think continuity errors, gurning celebrities and flashy effects are a good substitute for strong storylines then I'm not going to question your standards.


I completely agree. The storyline is poor, just basic action really. With some attempted kinda extra bits that try to sound clever. I dunno, what to call it, there's an annoying thing that seems to happen alot, examples will be best:


"I thought the [thingy] screwdriver could open anything?"


"Not this specific item!"


Stuff like that annoy me greatly for some reason!

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