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I can't believe it, they've gotta be breaking some sort of anti competitive laws here!


There's absolutely no way on God's earth they can possibly get away with this, please tell me this can't happen!


This isn't possible, this can't be happening!!!

that's why we have to get organized against them.


Jeez I wonder what Kojima thinks of all that... Solid Snakes last mission must be sneaking into the console war (X360, PS3, Wii) and killing Ken Kuranagi. arghhh, i'm so pissed.


EDIT: OH and by the way...


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The difference here is that Sony actually cares what its customers think.


Nintendo: We're releasing this console with a motion-sensing remote with a cord attached to a little dongle thing with an analog stick on it, and if you don't like it, then you're unimaginative, and we don't care what you think anyway!


Sony: You guys didn't like the boomerang design? That's cool, that's cool..... we can change it back to the dual shock design.... Huh? You say you LIKE this motion sensing idea? Okay, well, I guess we can fit that in there too.



Listening to your customers FTW.


agree or disagree?

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I can't believe it, they've gotta be breaking some sort of anti competitive laws here!


There's absolutely no way on God's earth they can possibly get away with this, please tell me this can't happen!


This isn't possible, this can't be happening!!!


I'm seriously considering going down to Sony's European HQ and protesting outside. I'll wait till Ninty's conference and then I'll save up my money.


If anyone wants to come along, by all means join me! The more people we have, the more likely we'll get televised.


They didn't Copy.. They tried and failed.

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The Sony Sucks Militia! Metal, beer, and destruction of all things Sony, the dirty stealing shits. Biting permitted as long you hit an artery.


Sign me up , destroying Sony shit * whilst listening to some Unearth whilst being pissed up sounds like fun. Speaking of being pissed up, the Jim Beam is kicking in so hopefully I can now calm down and get to bed soon.


* is there a Sony Center in Milton Keynes , if so please send the money now. Its not for Sony but its my bail money soon to be comitted public order offences.

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If they listened to their customers (ie me) they would have sticked to the design of the dual shock but switched the positions of the d-pad and left analogue a la GC and Xbox, you just cannot play most analogue-required games with that pad like FPS's (although it is much better for sports games)

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totally disagree. Nintendo isn't targeting at the usual costumers, they need to appeal to new ones, so there's no listening to costumers here. Second, people liked the controller. Third most ppl don't know what good for them. Fourth, SOny just did this to cover their own asses if they really cared about the costumers they wouldnt sell 600$ consoles and defective hardware.

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that's why we have to get organized against them.


Jeez I wonder what Kojima thinks of all that... Solid Snakes last mission must be sneaking into the console war (X360, PS3, Wii) and killing Ken Kuranagi. arghhh, i'm so pissed.


EDIT: OH and by the way...




Change the slogan to "What Nintendo create, wii take." :D


totally disagree. Nintendo isn't targeting at the usual costumers, they need to appeal to new ones, so there's no listening to costumers here. Second, people liked the controller. Third most ppl don't know what good for them. Fourth, SOny just did this to cover their own asses if they really cared about the costumers they wouldnt sell 600$ consoles and defective hardware.


i think for nintendo the KEY is to get the console out atleast 1 month before sony.

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that's why we have to get organized against them.


Jeez I wonder what Kojima thinks of all that... Solid Snakes last mission must be sneaking into the console war (X360, PS3, Wii) and killing Ken Kuranagi. arghhh, i'm so pissed.


EDIT: OH and by the way...



If someone edits that pic to put in the "new" ps3 pad (and somehow indicate hows its ripped off the Wii controller) i will print a number of copies and attempt to post them around my town/city/college

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From Wii IGN



Just minutes ago, Sony made the announcement that its controllers would support tilt sensitivity and showed off the feature with a live demo of Warhawk. While this is a bit of a surprise, it also is to be expected in the grand scheme of gaming. Nintendo has been an innovator from the very beginning, and the best compliment is imitation. Of course, it's a little different when that imitation could put you out of business, right? Although PlayStation 3's and Wii's controllers may share some of the same technology, don't go counting Nintendo out just yet. There are some key differences between the controllers, and between what PS3 and Wii can do with the technology. Let's break it down.



We've known for over a year now that the Wii's input device is what makes it special. The Wiimote (as we've come accustomed to calling it), has the ability to point at any television with pixel-perfect control. In addition, it also can move in three dimensional space, meaning that if a player wants to punch an enemy in the face, they can by simply moving the controller forward. To add to the control, the nunchuck unit can team along with the Wiimote, giving tilt functionality to any game, as well as an analog joystick.


Luckily, Sony's technology isn't quite the same. Here's why:


The technology inside Sony's controller is a basic tilting accelerometer device. In a sense, that's the same style of control as the left hand of the Wii combination. Think of the technology as true 3D movement vs. basic tilt. The Wiimote will sense all pointing, motion and a new dimension of control, while the PS3 controller will expand only on the specific tilt functions. To make this a bit simpler to wrap your heads around, we've put it all in FAQ form below.





Is this technology the same?

No. In fact, the best way to imagine it is to relate the Sony PS3 controller to the left-hand Wii controller; dubbed nunchuck. In short, you would not be able to play a game like Metroid Prime in the same way using the PS3 controller.


What is the difference for developers?

Simply put, it's tilt vs. motion sensing. Monkey Ball for Wii and PS3 would essentially be the same, since it's only using the tilt ability of the controller. On the other hand, a 3D tennis game or sword fighting game with swing control elements is impossible for the PS3 hardware, as it requires full motion sensing technology.


Why doesn't it need a sensor bar?

Since the technology is based solely off the tilt ability, it is self-contained. Keep in mind that the sensor bar is used for the point and click ability of the Wii functions. It doesn't need the bar, since it doesn't use that technology. The same applies to the Wii nunchuck. It can function without a sensor bar.


What type of gameplay styles will work on the PS3 controller?

Here are a few examples: Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble (which featured tilt control on the Game Boy Color), Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, racing games (using the tilt to rotate), flight sims, Monkey Ball, fishing (flick the tilt controller).


What type of things won't work on the PS3 controller?

The following actions can't be done on the PS3 controller with the same precision: Throwing/Catching a ball at a specific spot shown on screen, swinging a sword in 3D space and performing stabbing motions, aiming a weapon light-gun-style, swinging a racket, punching, general 3D item interaction, 3D drum simulator, swatting an "on-screen" fly, performing two separate tilt/motion functions at the same time.


In short, Nintendo fans still have a ton to look forward to. Will Wii have what it takes to give the world a true gaming revolution? We'll see you tomorrow morning at Nintendo's E3 conference.

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Yeah I just read it Smowza, it has cooled me down. I still wont sleep though. Insomia + rage = even more extended periods without sleep! Meh, I'l collapse eventually. Still, dirty little theivin donkey suckers.

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