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Lair is experiencing some rough criticism, but it's apparently nothing compared to the game's bumpy development cycle. In an interview with MTV's GameFile, Lair lead director at Factor 5 Julian Eggebrecht calls the eerie streak of bad luck throughout the game's development a curse.


"I am not a believer in ghosts, but this one was haunted," said Eggebrecht. The setbacks started in May 2005, when the PS3 had its first big unveiling at Sony's E3 press conference. Eggebrecht says the Factor 5 team put together the game's first trailer and delivered it just in time to make it in the show, but the trailer was dark to begin with and the frames had an even darker black-level than Sony expected.


"They showed the material at the last minute to [former Sony Computer Entertainment President Ken] Kutaragi-san, who didn't see a thing and bounced us off the [PS3's demo] reel," he said. "That's why the first tech-trailer was shown at the PlayStation meeting a few months later. That was the start of one catastrophe after the other -- deaths in the family at the worst time [and] sudden surgeries for key members, which bounced the technology off-track. And just in general, every single time there was a crucial delivery, something bizarre went wrong -- all the way to power outages when writing the master disks."


Eggebrecht also addresses the critical lashing Lair has received, in particular complaints about the inconsistent motion controls. When asked how often he was able to successfully do the 180 maneuver, which requires yanking the Sixaxis controller back, he replies "About eight out of 10, which is the same ratio that I get in Wii Sports tennis when I try to do a backspin." Oh, burn?


He goes on to further defend his game's motion controls, echoing statements he made in an interview in this week's EGM Live* podcast. "The Sixaxis motion control itself feels a lot more organic and free-form than the rigid controls of other flight games and does much better for casual players, as we saw in focus tests. It does seem to alienate some reviewers who are at the top of the hardcore crowd and seem to have a passionate hate for all things motion..."


To hear a lot more of Eggebrecht's thoughts on Lair's critical reception, be sure to listen to his interview with EGM Senior Editor Crispin Boyer on the EGM Live*.

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Sony dates for europe, looks like a packed ending of the year for them. I didnt realize that Time Crisis 4 was out this year either.



October 17 - Folklore

October 19 - Lair

October 24 - Eye of Judgment

November 7 - Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction

November 28 - Time Crisis 4

December 5 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

December 2007 - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue


PlayStation 2

October 19 - Buzz! Hollywood Quiz

November 2 - Syphon Filter : Dark Mirror

November 7 - EyeToy Play : Astro Zoo

December TBA - ATV Off Road Fury 4

February 2008 - Pursuit Force : Extreme Justice



October 17 - Pursuit Force : Extreme Justice

November 2 - Syphon Filter : Logan's Shadow

November 2007 - ATV Off Road : Fury Pro

December 2007 - WipEout Pulse

February 2008 - God of War : Chains of Olympus


Playstation Network (PS3)

October 4 - SnakeBall

October 4 - PixelJunk Racers

October 11 - Home (tentative)

October 18 - High Velocity Bowling

October 24 - Aqua Vita

October 25 - Operation C.F

October 25 - Trials of Topoq

October 25 - Eye Create

November 8 - Tori Emaki

November 15 - Mesmerize

December 5 - Sky Diving

December 6 - Elefunk

December 13 - Pain

December 2007 - Dark Mist

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Makes you wonder, with all these really good games why the PSP was an utter faliure (in comparison to DS/DSL sales anyway)


Price and loading times and non traditional handheld games and strengh of ps2 and not going after non gamer market would be my guesses. However the PSP is now selling pretty damn well in america and japan however yeh its still getting trounced by the DS lite.

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A forward written by the President of developer Factor 5, Julian Eggebrecht, reads, "Open your mind and hands for something very different!" One of the most common criticisms of the game has been that the motion controls are frustrating, and there is no option to use a more traditional control scheme. Eggebrecht recently theorized that game journalists are generally hardcore gamers who simply don't like motion controls.



If only Greg had the Reviewer's Guide when he wrote his review.The Guide is elaborately illustrated with detailed facts on Lair's story, characters, and dragons. Six of the 21 pages are devoted to the game's controls.




This is officially a new low! Well done!

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Originally Posted by IGN:


A forward written by the President of developer Factor 5, Julian Eggebrecht, reads, "Open your mind and hands for something very different!" One of the most common criticisms of the game has been that the motion controls are frustrating, and there is no option to use a more traditional control scheme. Eggebrecht recently theorized that game journalists are generally hardcore gamers who simply don't like motion controls.



If only Greg had the Reviewer's Guide when he wrote his review.The Guide is elaborately illustrated with detailed facts on Lair's story, characters, and dragons. Six of the 21 pages are devoted to the game's controls.



This is officially a new low! Well done!


WTF Sony & Factor 5!

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Lair is not a 4.5 game. I'm sorry but it was one of the harshest reviews ever and that boy doesn't know what he's talking about.


All the controls seem to be working for me, the graphics are great and it's pretty exciting in places. It should definately have been given a 7.0 at least.

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I watched the review for Heavenly Sword on Gametrailers, they gave it 7.9. It looks amazing but being able to beat it in 7 hours is a bit of a rip. It once agains shows how short these big titles are in this next gen. *points at Gears of War*


In the review it seemed like there was alot of screen tearing. Did anyone else notice this? What causes this by the way?

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