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Come on Jordan i know you hate Sony and all but it's been proven over and oven again CELL and RSX shits on the 360. The only bad thing i guess is that Blu rays loading times are abit slow.


I haven't seen any proof yet. RSX was severely downscaled and no one know how to use CELL properly, so until I see lots of games looking better than their 360 counterparts, then it will be proven over and over again.

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I haven't seen any proof yet. RSX was severely downscaled and no one know how to use CELL properly, so until I see lots of games looking better than their 360 counterparts, then it will be proven over and over again.


Erm, ok. What's the best looking 360 game out or coming up? Gears, PGR4, Bioshock? Yeah?


Right now look at Rachet and Clank, MGS4, White Knight Story, Gran Turnismo 5, Final Fantasy.


And tell me what look's better.

Erm, ok. What's the best looking 360 game out or coming up? Gears, PGR4, Bioshock? Yeah?


Right now look at Rachet and Clank, MGS4, White Knight Story, Gran Turnismo 5, Final Fantasy.


And tell me what look's better.



How long has mgs4 or grand turnismo been in production tho ? Any game getting made for that long will look amazing

I got '300' on blu-ray and must say i wasn't at all impressed with the quality. The picture was grainy, had like moving pixels on certain parts of buildings etc..like the snow you get when you aren't on a proper tv channel.


I thought it was my TV but my 360/PS3 games look great on it, and so do the HD trailers etc..


Perhaps a dodgy disc? or was it because my TV isn't 1080p?


The movie itself was pretty good though. :smile:


My mate got the HD-DVD version, so his letting me borrow that to compare..


I just added the Blu-Ray version of 300 to my wishlist... Tell me how it goes with the HD DVD version could ya? Thanks

Guest Jordan
Erm, ok. What's the best looking 360 game out or coming up? Gears, PGR4, Bioshock? Yeah?


Right now look at Rachet and Clank, MGS4, White Knight Story, Gran Turnismo 5, Final Fantasy.


And tell me what look's better.


Thats due to:



Exclusive engines (so far, there are very few specifically developed for the 360).


In terms of 3rd party? The games look identical. The PS3 is extremely powerful at raw calculations, that doesn't mean its good at game central things other than complex physics.


Well I fired up MotorStorm this aternoon, not impressed at all by it.


The loading times on that game are just stupid and if its one thing that annoys me about games its that. The music on the game is also annoying as hell and the crash sequences are just far too long. If I dont get into it anytime soon then to the trade-in bin it goes. At this stage ExciteTruck simply owns MotorStorm.


The last level was fantastic, wasn't it?


Yeah, I loved the full on battle at the end especially when the "Angels" attack you.

Is it worth buying the PSP value pack at 128 pounds now then? I keep contemplating buying one just for Loco Roco.


Wait til the beginning of September when the new PSP lite is supposed to arrive.


I played on a PS3 for the first time today!

I think it was the latest Ridge Racer, and, well, I was deeply unimpressed. It's probably a bad game to demonstrate the console, but no use of the motion sensor combined with bad framerate while cornering and dodgy driving mechanics (I've been playing PGR3 a lot recently, which makes it worse) left me thoroughly disappointed.


Also, the controller's sticks are still massively inferior to those of the 360 or Wii.


I was considering getting a PS3 for MGS4 if it doesn't come out on the 360, but now there isn't a hope in hell of it.


(Sorry about the rant).


It's a fat muther, too...


Why do people just come in this thread and post negative stuff?


I have been flicking through the pages and theres loads of it, if you don't like the PS3 don't come in here...


Anyone dissing Ridge Racer needs there face smashing in with a brick hammer.


Ridge Racer is a great racing game.


Bad framerate? It runs at a perfect 60fps, one of the only next gen racing games to actually do that, since all the others pussy out down to 30, because they are too busy supplying looks over fun. ;)

Why do people just come in this thread and post negative stuff?


I have been flicking through the pages and theres loads of it, if you don't like the PS3 don't come in here...

Everytime I play a game at a quiosk it sucks lol


Anyone dissing Ridge Racer needs there face smashing in with a brick hammer.


Ridge Racer is a great racing game.


Bad framerate? It runs at a perfect 60fps, one of the only next gen racing games to actually do that, since all the others pussy out down to 30, because they are too busy supplying looks over fun. ;)


I don't know about the framerate, but the controls are horrible and so are the physics. That totally breaks a racing game.



I don't know about the framerate, but the controls are horrible and so are the physics. That totally breaks a racing game.


Hasn't ridge racer always played like that?

Guest Stefkov

Not dissing but was in Virgin in Manchester. This is the newst Virgin megastore, they have some gmaing corner etc.

Anyway, they have this row of seats and tv with consoles. They all had PS3s on show, but they looked terrible, and they had wired controllers.

Clearly bad advertising by Virgin, PS3s on show with PS2s no doubt running in the background.

Yeah they had a PS3 on show round the corner on some big tv. Looked like GT HD not sure but it looked fantastic. Too bad I hate driving games and the people playing totally sucked.


And I mean sucked, they didn't know how to drive straight.


So, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about Ridger Racer so I downloaded the demo last night. I have to say I couldnt play the thing, since when did Ridge Racer become a slide fest? I couldnt even turn a corner without starting a slide for 10 seconds.


Dom, you got any tips on how to play the game properly as I really wouldnt mind giving it another go.


In other news EGM rate Lair...



6.0, 5.5, 5.0

Crispin says the combat system is confusing, and the sixaxis controls don't always work the way they should. lock-on system is also jacked.

Greg ford says the camera is frustrating in ground combat. the wide open levels hold a lot of potential but ultimately don't deliver.

Garnett says it's a "frustrating disappointment" with a few bright spots.


Again like Blue Dragon I will still be buying this. Its crazy how these guys can say its a poor game and then someone like PLAY magazine give it 9/10, wonder who is telling the truth?


EGM also rate Persona 3 ( 8.5, 9.5, 9.5 ) giving it their game of the month award.

Yeah, never liked the look of Lair.


I think it looks pretty cool.


Just been on Resistances online mode for the 1st time. Very refreshing not getting yelled at by stupid yanks, probably due to the lack of headsets lol.


When I go to the official Playstation 3 bc site, it only shows the updates from firmware 1.80. We now have 1.90. Where can I find an updated list? I want to buy Shin megami Tensei, digital devil 1 & 2 and Yakuza. Has anyone tried these on their ps3? If someone can tell me if they work on the ps3, I'd be very grateful!


I'm still really looking forward to Lair, although controlling with the tilt is worrying me....Still it looks so cool and total mayhem!


I'm going to reserve judgment to i play it i think...


It's Out August 14th in the States and 25th September in Europe, supposadely.

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