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Who knows, just have to wait and see.


. . . . lmao


it can be argued that Wii is doing so well by comparison because of its low price but i don't get how the gba is out selling it . . . (i can't help but hate sony but some of their products are good, PS3 annoyingly is on my to get list for next year)

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I said in the other thread, 125k for a $599 console is pretty good. What's the better chance that will be higher when the price comes down + more games out? Who knows eh?


i know, i'm still surprised considering the level of hype of the past 2 years or somat and with the uk launch like a week or so away it just makes you think is all. momentum i think may be more important. and atm M$ looks to be doing the best now they're running properly. but then i could say M$ had that extra year so hey ho.


The price. You can get the Micro for around £35 in the US.


only GB that i haven't owned! i neeeed! lol

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I think most people, such as myself, are holding out on a PS3 until there's a price cut. I mean there isn't any pressing need to own one right now, but by the time the price comes down there should be interesting games to own that aren't MotorStorm. In any case, it's going to be interesting to see how this generation pans out.


Incidentally there's a nice feature on LittleBig Planet in the latest issue of Edge. Perhaps I missed this being revealed during GDC, but it mentions that whilst the game is limited to 4-players per PS3 the game should support more online. Personally I think 4 is a good number anyway, but I just thought I'd mention it.

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Missed this before:


But there must be a reason why they can sell it at such a cheap price compared to stand alone players, especially since its a high spec games console as well!?


Technically, they can't sell it at such a cheap price. It's their main reason for them having to make quite a large loss on every console. But because they can make money on every game on the system (Every game has to be licensed, and companies have to pay Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc), they can make a risk - IIRC Blu-Ray doesn't have this advantage (as it isn't just Sony).

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Just played the everybodys golf 5 demo :) great game, Must buy. I loved everybodys golf for the psp


The demo is jap and I got it from the jap server. I will post how to get demo's on your ps3 from other servers if I dont get banned


Or just look around the web im sure you can find it yourself

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Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


GI Infomation

-Release is "winter 2007"

-single player only


"After hearing about the game's cinematic story, seeing the technology that backs up the exciting plotline, and playing the game for ourselves, we're sure about one thing. This is one title that should give hold-outs against the pricey PS3 a reason to pause and look again."


-They want an emotional story, and so far there's fifty minutes of cinematics.

-They have an awesome animation scheme that allows for over 1,200 different unique ways of doings things like taking cover. There's nine screens of Drake taking cover behind a pillar...all of them completely different stances. Freaking awesome. (the final game will have 3,000)

-Sixaxis allows for some tilting moments, like crossing a narrow log and balancing, Kratos-style.

-more on the unique animations: if Drake is running across an open field, he will visibly become more and more out of breath, his entire body shaking if he runs enough. His face will show all these emotions as well.

-Everything in the jungle shifts and sways, with dynamic shadowing, and high-dynamic range lighting.

-soundtrack is also dynamic

-graphics are really, really good looking. I can't imagine how this thing is gonna look in real time...crazy.


And that's it...most of the time was spent on the tech and the story, less so with gameplay...which sounds like it's still a ways off.




While much of the article explains how great the story will be while not actually getting into details, the opening paragraph gives us a nice clue:


"Sir Francis Drake had a wealth of titles to his name by the time he died at sea in the winter of 1596. To his English Countrymen, he was a hero...an explorer who circumnavigated the globe, a sea captain who sunk dozens of ships in the Spanish Armada, and a knight by Queen Elizabeth's own hand. To his enemies, he was the worst sort of villain...a marauder that heartlessly destroyed their ports and colonies, a pirate that ceaselessly stole their chests of gold, spices and jewels. Whatever people called him, his infamous adventuring career came to an end when his body was tipped over the side of his ship off the coast of Panama some 400 years ago. But what if that lead coffin held no body? What if there was instead a mysterious book that hinted at his last great adventure? What if you found that book?"


The Audio Director speaks: "If I could have a metric for how well the game is doing sound-wise, it would be how far I can get through this game with my eyes closed."


While vehicles aren't a main focus in the game, they'll be there. One concept screen shows a jeep with you in the turret seat, another level has you piloting a jetski navigating submerged buildings and looking for clues. Still another has white-water rapids in another chase scene.


Naughty Dog (paraphrasing here): "With PS1, we had to go very simplistic...cartoonish. With PS2, we could take it up a notch with Jak but not quite human yet. With the PS3, we can finally do full-on human gaming while taking all of our great gameplay from past games we've done into this."


All cinematics are motion-captured with a director on the set...it's like a real movie (a la Heavenly Sword).


You won't be alone, as the girl in the mag cover shows (like Half-Life 2 in a way).


GI sums up the game: It's Die Hard meets Indiana Jones, with gameplay that goes back to Prince of Persia and Tomb Raider and gun segments like Gears of War. Ultimately however, it's a new genre that's unclassifiable at this point.


Oh, and graphics are Blue Steel, but will be Magnum in videos and when it comes out much later in the year for sure.






"Control of the action was in our hands in the level that followed. Nathan finds himself in a stunning moss-covered forest, with a streaming waterfall nearby. Climbing the rocks, we ascended up out of the basin. A wide gap between the cliffs above required a wild leap to the opposing ledge. Barely grasping the far edge, Nathan banged hard against the hard rock wall, knocking his breath away before we pulled up and over onto the far side.


A downed tree in the next area served to illustrate one of the game's uses of the Sixaxis controller. As we walked Nathan across the narrow beam, we controlled his balance by twisting the controller from side to side, which unsurprisingly resulted in him tumbling belly first onto the log before we managed to inch him across.


Once there, we heard the shouted arrival of enemy pirates, soon to be followed by whizzing bullets. As Nathan instinctively ducked, we ran him for cover behind a nearby boulder. Leaning out amid heavy returning fire, a few wild shots from Nathan's pistol dropped his foes, and we ran forward to a hanging vine to continue our climb.


Next, we saw the first signs of the strange, misplaced Spanish ruins of the island as more scruffy pirates arrived to attack us. Diving from rock to tree amid a hail of gunfire, we occasionally scurried aside at the sound of a grenade dropping by our feet.


Standing still for very long is almost never an option, as enemies are constantly flanking for a better position. With another wave of pirates defeated, we platformed from one ruined Spanish wall to another to reach an ancient metal grate. A button press event sent it spinning off its rusted hinges, and beyond, another troop of pirates poured over an old wall as the music swelled into high gear."


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Controls sound pretty good for it. Some nice uses of the SIXAXIS


To flap the dragon's wings (allowing you to fly faster), simply press the X button.


You can also extend the dragon's wings (slowing you down).


To get a quick boost of speed, you can press the circle button.


To lock-on to enemy dragons and turrets, hold down the L1 and L2 buttons until the lock-on reticule turns red.


The face buttons are used for various long-range attacks such as firebreathing and fireballs.


If you are close enough to a dragon which you are locked-on, you can start to attack them physically.


Controlling both the movement and physical attacks of the dragon is done via the motion-sensing.


By tilting in a certain direction, the dragon will fly in that corresponding direction.


You can perform dives, sideswipes, etc. with the motion-sensing.


If you pull back very quickly, your dragon does a 180 degree turn.


When doing physical attacks in the air, you can aggressively move the controller into the direction of the enemy dragon, and slam into it.


Occasionally your dragons will grapple, and you can press a random combination of the face buttons to claw, slash, and even bite the other dragon.


Also, you will occasionally have the chance to jump off of your dragon, and land on an enemy's, where you can kill either them or their dragon, or even both. This is also executed via the face buttons.


On the ground, motion-sensing is also used for steering.


If you slam down the controller, you can cause your dragon to slam his feet down, causing shockwaves on the ground, which damage enemies.


Also, if you move it back and forth, you can slash at enemies, and even eat some of them to regenerate your health.


Fire-breathing is controlled via a face button, and you can aim the fire with the motion-sensing.

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Lately I've been wanting a PSP! I don't know why. Really I only see 3 games I'm interested in:

GTA: Liberty City Stores

Vice City Stories

Star wars battlefront


Tell me is there going to be a San Andres Stories. Because that may push me into getting a PSP.

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