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Motion sensing is the new rumble. It looks alright, have you played a ps3 demo for it? You say no you haven't, then you can't really critique it on the controls


You can as its a poor imitation of the Wiimote. The PS3 Virtua Tennis control via the sixaxis is an example of bad use of it, it looks so complicated and unwieldy to control. If Sony is forcing people to use the sixaxis then they are pathetic.


Its just the same with Nintendo forcing you to use a wiimote.


If it was Nintendo everbody would be "its alright its Nintendo", but because its sony everybody is saying oh its shit.


Has anybody here played the game then you carn't critique it.

Its just the same with Nintendo forcing you to use a wiimote.


If it was Nintendo everbody would be "its alright its Nintendo", but because its sony everybody is saying oh its shit.


Has anybody here played the game then you carn't critique it.


Well I havnt played it but it does look shit from the video, Nintendo's tennis game works so well because u swing the control "pretenting" its a tennis racket. Same goes with most of the sports games


But on the PS3 control u cant really swing the control, just move it side to side


And the whole Nintendo thing forcing you, Well motion was Nintendo's plan from the start, If your going to do it make the whole controller motion, Dont make it half and half like Sony, it just doesnt work


How do you actually know it doesn't work?


Half and Half is better than Nintendo forcing you to buy a wiimote, a nunchuk and a classic controller to get the most out of the wii.


And Yamcha makes a good point, the games that the hardcore likes where are they on the wii, THQ has said they don't plan on bringing wwe games to it.


And to me personally it seems quite simple to use for Virtua Tennis

Affraid its a bit BS your speaking they only demand sony published games to use the full sixaxis. And all they need is the menu to be working with the motion sensing part, to get it published


You sure about that, every PS3 game so far has used Sixaxis in some way, no matter who published it, and general opinion from people who've played them is that it is completely pointless and feels tacked on. Why would developers add such a pointless feature unless they had no choice?


And to me personally it seems quite simple to use for Virtua Tennis


I'll be looking forward to your video showing us all how easy it is to play with Sixaxis then.

How do you actually know it doesn't work?


Half and Half is better than Nintendo forcing you to buy a wiimote, a nunchuk and a classic controller to get the most out of the wii.





What about Sony forcing you to pay over £400 for a game console ?


Have you actually got a Wii ?


If you have and dont understand that the PS3 motion is shit on tennis then your stooopid


If nintendo suggested playing a tennis game like Excite Truck I'd think they were clueless as well.


Has Sony done anything right this generation? I can't see the PS3 being any more sucessful for them than the PSP.

How do you actually know it doesn't work?


Half and Half is better than Nintendo forcing you to buy a wiimote, a nunchuk and a classic controller to get the most out of the wii.


And Yamcha makes a good point, the games that the hardcore likes where are they on the wii, THQ has said they don't plan on bringing wwe games to it.


And to me personally it seems quite simple to use for Virtua Tennis


How are WWE games hardcore? In fact, WTF does hardcore mean?


Oh, and since when is Nintendo forcing you to buy things? It annoys me when people have no real argument to when someone says something doesn't look good, and all they do is have a go at Nintendo cus thats what a lot of people on here like.

You sure about that, every PS3 game so far has used Sixaxis in some way, no matter who published it, and general opinion from people who've played them is that it is completely pointless and feels tacked on. Why would developers add such a pointless feature unless they had no choice?




I'll be looking forward to your video showing us all how easy it is to play with Sixaxis then.


Em well Oblivion, Tekken 5: DR,Virtua fighter 5, Devil May Cry 4, Blacksite:Area 51. And loads of others aren't using the motion part of the controller




What about Sony forcing you to pay over £400 for a game console ?


Have you actually got a Wii ?


If you have and dont understand that the PS3 motion is shit on tennis then your stooopid


Well its a BD player as well and they are quite expensive


Yes I have a wii and its sitting gathering just as I completed zelda, rayman, and red steel. And traded the later 2 titles in.


I take it your an anti-Sony fan then.


How are WWE games hardcore? In fact, WTF does hardcore mean?


Oh, and since when is Nintendo forcing you to buy things? It annoys me when people have no real argument to when someone says something doesn't look good, and all they do is have a go at Nintendo cus thats what a lot of people on here like.


WWE wrestling games are considered to be played by the hardcore, rather than the casual gamer. Thats the reason behind that.


And yes they are seen as SSBM game will apparently need to use a classic controller. Therefore you will need to buy it. Plus how many games will just use the wiimote for multiplayer games not alot.

WWE wrestling games are considered to be played by the hardcore, rather than the casual gamer. Thats the reason behind that.


Who by, idiots who don't have a clue?

Who by, idiots who don't have a clue?


THQ PR department


Lots of negativity as usual, doesn't effect me. I'm so ready for my PS3 now. Slowly the excitment is getting to me, can't wait for Motorstorm!!


Yeah same here just isn't motorstorm, its Lair but I guess I have to wait.

Lots of negativity as usual, doesn't effect me. I'm so ready for my PS3 now. Slowly the excitment is getting to me, can't wait for Motorstorm!!


I'm not being negative. I think Virtua Tennis looks rubbish when played with a motion controller, but I'm pretty sure there's an option to play it with a normal control scheme so it doesn't matter does it?


The only thing I'm saying is people slag off Nintendo when people moan at something Sony has done. It's like 'Yeah but Nintendo did this!' just to kinda make something someone else likes look bad.


And if you argue, you're a Nintendo fanboy. I'm bored of this whole 'my things better than yours' discussion. And for once, I have consoles that are selling really well.

Lots of negativity as usual, doesn't effect me. I'm so ready for my PS3 now. Slowly the excitment is getting to me, can't wait for Motorstorm!!


Good choice, best PS3 game so far along with Resistance!


The motion sensor controls in Motorstorm aren't bad, there pretty difficult though...but if you keep at it, works pretty well....you'll probably decide to go back to the normal controls after about 5 minutes though...but it's a nice little extra.


I think Virtua Tennis is hugely popular due to it's realism and pick up and play factor...i believe the motion sensoring in that has just complicated matters but if it's a simple turn on and off and it's your choice..i don't see any problems...Of course if you don't have a choice then it may be a different matter....:awesome:


Well according to reports all the consoles are selling well. Sony's fastest console ever is the PS3.


You don't have to use the sixaxis. I know I wouldn't because there's something you can't get in tilt controls and that is exact precision, Wii or PS3. It just doesn't give you the same accuracy. Virtua Tennis always fucking rocks, no matter what it is on. :D


Senior retail sources have told GamesIndustry.biz that the 60GB PlayStation 3 will go on sale in the UK for GBP 425, as previously stated by Sony UK boss Ray Maguire.




Well according to reports all the consoles are selling well. Sony's fastest console ever is the PS3.


You don't have to use the sixaxis. I know I wouldn't because there's something you can't get in tilt controls and that is exact precision, Wii or PS3. It just doesn't give you the same accuracy. Virtua Tennis always fucking rocks, no matter what it is on. :D


PS3 is not doing well in Japan but PSP is doing better because of MGS:OP.

Senior retail sources have told GamesIndustry.biz that the 60GB PlayStation 3 will go on sale in the UK for GBP 425, as previously stated by Sony UK boss Ray Maguire.






PS3 is not doing well in Japan but PSP is doing better because of MGS:OP.


You have to remember though, you have to compare launch to a launch, Domstercool is right, seen as at the moment in Japan PS3 is a rarity there are bound to be less units

You have to remember though, you have to compare launch to a launch, Domstercool is right, seen as at the moment in Japan PS3 is a rarity there are bound to be less units


But Sony said they have shipped 1M PS3 in Japan last week. :wtf:

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