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Well since you told Paj to be patient while he was waiting for an answer to my question I was hoping to get a least some response to it and im sorry but I think it was a fair question to ask. Movie chat has gone down since the reshuffle happened and there are barely any or even no threads being made about movies that arent from the past few years. I dont see why you are so dismissive of it really. If it was supposed to be this big experiment as you guys say then shouldnt you be looking at the results and seeing the same thing???

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Or we could not be so restrictive about the whole thread system and let us have whatever threads we damn want.


I don't get it. It only clicked with me yesterday, but my whole view on the thread reshuffle and trying to split up threads has changed. If we want to have mega threads, why not let us? We are the users, who use the site every day, and quite frankly it doesn't feel as if anything we say actually gets listened to or actioned any more. People have been asking for things in here for a long time with no resolution (Pokemon subforum, movie thread etc) and snarky or no responses from the admins. Of course people are going to start to get wound up when the place they used to love to come and hang out on the internet is turning in to something different.


I understand you want to make this place new user friendly, but all that's ending up happening it established members of the community are getting turned off by the forced changes and as such is dying out. When was the last time we had a new regular user in General Chit Chat anyway? The changes haven't made it easier for people to hop in to conversation (with a few exceptions) and it feels like we're being forced to accept changes that don't work for the majority of us.


tl;dr - it feels like the sense of community has dwindled due to the massive thread rip system and I don't think it has achieved what you've hoped.

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I gotta agree with dyson... On a regular basis I see half the amount of people online. I can see why it was done, but it seems like the strictness of it has really sunk the way the forum flowed.


I see new threads.... some generic title I don't immediately get... go into it... "oh this is such and such, I'm not interested in that" , rinse and repeat... I get tired of viewing threads before I find one I feel like I can contribute to. N-E used to be my first site visit and its now amongst the last. :(

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Understand that we bear our members no ill will. Do you imagine that we sit around a table and think about things that will piss off our established users the most? If we took that kind of approach, advertising would be aggressive, server downtime frequent, there would be half the number of boards and twice the number of bannings.


"Mega" threads were trimmed away because we believed that members often used them instead of making a new thread just because it was easier. A dozen potential responses to their topic would be lost amongst several other topics and the overall postcount and amount of user interaction would decrease.


Of course, this was just a theory and if it has really annoyed people so much, then so be it, we shall bring back some of the big threads.

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Understand that we bear our members no ill will. Do you imagine that we sit around a table and think about things that will piss off our established users the most? If we took that kind of approach, advertising would be aggressive, server downtime frequent, there would be half the number of boards and twice the number of bannings.


I doubt anyone thinks that. I cant speak for Dyson obviously but I assumed that the snarky comment was mainly directed at Ashley, who im sorry to say as I do like the guy but has become more and more sarcastic and snarky with his comments and responses to other members over the past year or so. So much so that it just comes across as rude and not banter between members sometimes.

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Ashley is a very busy guy who has taken on managing the main site as well as the forums. As well as being EIC of the site managing staff, advertising, server running and the future of the site, he posts about 75% of the news himself as far as I can tell. Add to that having to deal with people who, occasionally, demand very impatiently to be made a priority in his time - and for what? I see little gratitude going his way for keeping this place up and running the way he does. This place is a part of many of our lives and it used to be that forum members never really had any say in the running of it.


This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but I ask you not to take this place for granted, it may seem like we just wave off all your comments but we are all working hard in the background, discussing the boards, rules and and weighing up the opinions of the forum. Keeping N-Europe going is a harder job than it may seem.

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I doubt anyone thinks that. I cant speak for Dyson obviously but I assumed that the snarky comment was mainly directed at Ashley, who im sorry to say as I do like the guy but has become more and more sarcastic and snarky with his comments and responses to other members over the past year or so. So much so that it just comes across as rude and not banter between members sometimes.


Know what else has changed over the last year? My free time. I now have veeery little of it so to come on and people throwing their toys out of the pram, which it does feel like at times (but I know everyone has their reasons and its just my tired interpretation), and being accused of not caring, not listening and not bothered (particularly when we're just going round in circles)...well I get sarcy. I get annoyed. Mostly I get exhausted. Mostly I've been exhausted for nine months. It wasn't my idea to do the big change around (we'd discussed it yes but I didn't implement it and didn't know it was happening, I was out watching TS3 at the time) but since then I've been asked to account for it, justify it and explain it. Over and over again. And then getting moaned at. It's not like we're enforcing some kind of draconian policy that completely flies in the face of logic. We were concerned that it was killing off discussion and surely you've got to see from a logical/reasonable point of view it made sense? I admit, I know the reasons people want big threads but both sides, ne?


I apologise if you've considered my communication manner as being rude but dude, speak up before? I'm a cock in real life but its kept in balance by people telling me. I figured it was just usual banter level, sorry if you saw it as rude. But feel free to tell me (or Shorty if you'd rather speak to someone else) in the future but you can't expect me to change if I don't know there's an issue.


And you know what's particularly annoying (other than long paragraphs)?


People have been asking for things in here for a long time with no resolution (Pokemon subforum, movie thread etc) and snarky or no responses from the admins.


We said no to a subforum, yes, but we said if there is the content to justify it we will. So far nothing has happened. I know this is just one example but its kind of annoying to be accused of something that is completely contradictory to the truth.


(and obviously Dyson I don't mean anything to you in particular, you know I love you and your giant jewfro)


Anyway speaking to Shorty let's just open the floodgates. With the exceptions of How Was Your Day (or whatever new name you want to put on it) because it does just eat away everything. Good/bad is pretty similar and people insist on keeping it. Fine, but try and keep it in that kind of degree. We don't really need a blog like topic, particularly when thanks to social networking we practically live in each other's pockets anyway. Also no music thread. Yes, it had its good points but it also had bitchiness, superiority complexes and a general bad vibe to it.


But please try and think of a variance of topics. I can safely say if the movie thread had existed we wouldn't have had this. Yes, we can thrip but we can't be expected to do it all the time. Let's try and meet in the middle. Work together. All these yukky expressions that are thrown around.


Also: Don't forget part of the no big threads thing was to see if it would prevent ghost pages. I can't recall anyone talking about them lately so it had some uses at least :heh:

Edited by Ashley
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I havent mentioned it previously because to be honest, thats just not something I tend to do. There are more than a few people on this forum that I dont like or get along with but probably only about 2 that it tends to be obvious in the way I speak to them. Even my last messages after posting them I thought it was maybe a bit too much of a public place but it was in reply to Shorty so I went with it. But as I mentioned before in the post you possibly missed, I will not accept you being busy as a reason for the way we get talked to sometimes but as thats all been spoken about now it can just be left alone as I my intention was never to try and cause trouble.


I feel that our conversations about the most recent issues just have never gone that well, thats why they tend to get brought up again and again, and why you probably feel like you are going around in circles. This latest time especially I asked the question because enough time had passed that you yourselves could see the results of the experiment for both where it had worked and where it hadnt.


Anyway, as you seem to be allowing more general threads again (something funnily enough I wasnt actually asking for, just the film one) i'll leave this alone. I love the forum and a lot of the people on it (no ReZ not you, I hate you)

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Can we give the music thread another shot? I understand before there was a big aura around it but I do feel like it's necessary. I dunno. It's late and I'm tired but I miss it, despite all the problems. If it gets too closed in and cliquey again, then sure call it quits. But I think it deserves another shot, ala Movies.

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Please no music thread. It was completely shit.


I don't want a movie thread either. It's not like you have to have a separate thread for each movie, create a themed thread like "Old movies you've recently discovered" or something.


What I do want is a bit of a board reshuffle to get rid of the unused threads. I think import and high scores can go, and online should be a sub-board of other consoles.



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Something else that might help activity in subforums is by forcing you to choose a sub forum to post in when you click the main forum link. For example, "Wii Discussion". So it takes you to a page where you choose either "Wii General Chat", "Wii Online Gaming" and "Wii Technical Support" (for example). It makes you think about where the post goes because you can't just post to the entire Wii forum section.

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