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Bad is no longer a permitted word - you want ungood.


D'oh, damn new editions of the dictionary, erm, i mean, er, GLORIOUS new updates to make the language so much more efficient and, er . . . *carted off by thought police*

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It sucks that theyre gone, as they were all interesting posters, but they were practically begging for it, no?


They were regulars (i hate the term afficionado :shakehead ). They knew they were testing the mods patience and intentionally kept pushing. Giving them 3 warnings would have just delayed their banishment for 3 more posts.

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As far as I can see, Motion should have been banned years ago. I don't think "wiping the slate clean" should apply to people who take it as an excuse to carry on being turd bags.


And by years, I mean months.


The whole point of the "clean slate" is to start again irrespective of past issues. Your point about how it shouldn't be applied to those kinds of people is absurd simply because they are the ones that need the clean slate, the rest of us don't.


It sucks that theyre gone, as they were all interesting posters, but they were practically begging for it, no?


They were regulars (i hate the term afficionado :shakehead ). They knew they were testing the mods patience and intentionally kept pushing. Giving them 3 warnings would have just delayed their banishment for 3 more posts.


What is the harm in giving them the chance to prove you wrong?

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As I stated before, the new rules do not apply to what happened to motion and fields. In fact they were entirely disconnected. The rules and changes were put into effect by a different group of staff to those who made the decision to ban motion and fields. I had a busy weekend and had suggested the rules go up on Sunday (in the end, I was late and put them up Monday...). Late Sunday, someone suggested the ban of the two members based on some fairly inflammatory recent posts. Jordan agreed with the majority and said he would do the bans when he got home from work. Around the same time, I put up the new rules.


Now as for whether or not they deserved it, irrespective of the new rules, it seems from this thread that most members are very split on motion's fate, and almost everyone agrees fields had gone too far. Personally I'm certain both members had pushed their luck too far with flaming, attacking moderators and unecessarily causing baseless arguments over EVERYTHING.

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Talk out of place about higher regime and you get kicked out..... I could go on.


I'll have you know we're fascists, not communists! :wink:


Any mentions of "the circle" will not be appreciated. :heh:


We all know that the hammer and sickle symbolizes much more than ideological communism. It's about oppression and greed.

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now there's a first


Look, nobody's out to get you guys. First we openly get complained at for not being tough enough or keeping the forums in check. Now we get complained at for kicking people out who flame and stuff?


Also imagine if we were to unban someone now... a complete undermining of the system we've just set out. A lot of you would hate us more for that....


Try to look at this from our standpoint. A lot of the recent happenings have arisen due to complaints that we as staff were not moderating properly, had confusing rules and enforcements and were letting the forums go. We've had to react the only rational way, by no longer giving out empty threats.

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I'd like to echo Shorty's comment.


Unbanning users would go back on a staff rule we have had for years. Banned users are never unbanned. Sure, we can be seen as a little tough but our decisions are always a staff wide thing, one person doesn't take charge.

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now there's a first


Look, nobody's out to get you guys. First we openly get complained at for not being tough enough or keeping the forums in check. Now we get complained at for kicking people out who flame and stuff?


Also imagine if we were to unban someone now... a complete undermining of the system we've just set out. A lot of you would hate us more for that....


Try to look at this from our standpoint. A lot of the recent happenings have arisen due to complaints that we as staff were not moderating properly, had confusing rules and enforcements and were letting the forums go. We've had to react the only rational way, by no longer giving out empty threats.


We understand you point of view however when you have members such as Takeo, Rez, Conzer and Daft who are long standing, respected members who normally don't complain or crave attention complaining about an issue maybe you should rethink. Personally a temp ban for motion would have been fine.


Than again a is a temp ban just under-minding the whole idea of a ban? How confusing.

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I don't know where you guys got the discussion about temp banning from. As far as I know we've never temp banned anyone....


(Some of you may point out that Hobbz returned once, but that wasn't because he was temp-banned, it was because we decided what he had done wasn't intentional)

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There are always exceptions to the rule. I don't think anyone would complain if general opinion was in favor of unbanning someone.


I think you overshot your target of sorting the forums out. The "clean slate" peace offering would have been the perfect place to start anew, for everyone.


I don't know where you guys got the discussion about temp banning from. As far as I know we've never temp banned anyone....


Why don't we have temp banning? It makes sense.

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Temp banning is a pain on our side.


We hardly log anything, so if a user had to be unbanned on a certain date it'd just be an arse. Plus only admin can ban/unban, meaning of course if none are around the unban can't take place.


As for the clean slate thing? You honestly think some members would have changed their attitudes? I doubt it to be honest.

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