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E3 2006 Hype/Discussion

Atomic Boo

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Sega will have not only have SMB:BB but Sonic and 2 other games in some form video and/or playable at E3.


Capcom have something special coming to Wii. Well they have more than one title in development but I am very interested in one particular launch title that will be at E3.


SquareEnix will finally announce that FF:CC 2 isn't the only game they have in development for Wii.

So what mind game are you trying to play by italising all o's and p's here?

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I cant wait for this to be finally over, Ive cancelled meetings and workshops so I can watch this live. I'm hoping a lot of games are announced by 3rd party's; obviously NIntendo are going to have lots of exciting software, but we really need to see support - if BigTac is right then Tuesday is going to be a very happy day for us here.

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I'd love for Capcom to do a wii Streetfighter, I had a nice little image in my head of it, you Hold down the A Button to start a Special, for say ryu's haduken you point the controller down and quater move it towards the screen and Bam you get the Haduken, or for E hondas Hundred hand slap, Hold a and jsut start moving the Controller up and down rappidly.

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So what mind game are you trying to play by italising all o's and p's here?


I noticed that! It's now either NIGHTS, Shenmue 3 or Skies Of Arcadia sequel they haven't announced!


I'm hoping for Shenmue 3! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! :D


BigTac please give us a major hint...like....It's: (Enter Name Of Game Here) :laughing:

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Does anyone remember Nintendo Pennant Chase? It makes sense why it disappeared off the GC release schedule now imo.


Wii launch title?


Oh yeah! They could be easily made into a Wii game!


Wouldn't be released here in Europe though would it? I mean theres quite a few baseball fans but it's not as popular here.

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Oh yeah! They could be easily made into a Wii game!


Wouldn't be released here in Europe though would it? I mean theres quite a few baseball fans but it's not as popular here.


To be honest; I'd probably buy it just because I'd love to try the new control scheme.


The wii is really getting me excited about games I'd never have done before(baseball, madden, Tony Hawks...)

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Wii is the last place you would see shenmue 3 in my eyes. I would expect to see it on xbox as im sure its more to do with the graphical presentation and the storyline then innovative gameplay.


I agree; I'd rather have it looking blindingly gorgeous with a brilliant soundtrack. The gameplay doesn't need alterations really, as it is truly about the narrative.

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That was cancelled according to DS-x2.


BigTac, going through your post on word I unearthed some form of a new Da Vinci Code.




These letters, in order, were all in italics, every o and p in your post. This seemingly makes no apparent sense. Your hints are so discrete, what is this about?

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Hehe, love that video. Great combination of music from Narnia and Aragorn's speech at the Last Stand At the Black Gate. I was half expecting Master Chief to be Mario and there to be a Star Wars scene. "We must join with Microsoft, Luigi. Together we shall rule the gaming galaxy as brother and, uh, brother!"

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Well lets just say what is likely:


All info about Wii (they better!)

Most if not all 1st party titles for Wii

Some references to the amount of 3rd party support, usually includes names but no footage (may be different this year though)

Lots about how well the DS and GBA are selling.

Some PR speil about the Wii, it's philosophy and it as a response to the present market climate.

Major titles or highly innovative titles for handhelds mentioned but unlikely to be shown (as will be on E3 show floor).


And let us not forget that Nintendo will probably give us a nice big fat piece of bait on a shiny hook to keep us in suspence for even longer!

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How much info is usually revealed on the pre-conference days?


Pre-conference as in tomorrow? In previous years I remember a few photos from the Expo surfacing on the Internet before the conferences. For example, we found out about Jungle Beat the day before the conference two years ago. Then last year we got a picture of the Revolution (as it was called back then...) before the conference too.


So we may get something tomorrow. :)

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only thing i'm hearing about the big secret right now is sensors you put on your body.... adding to the immersive experience. The guy also says the conference will last well over 2 hours. i for one don't believe any of it

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Guest Stefkov

i remeber last E3 not sure if it had already been announced, but before somethingwe saw pics of the E3 stair case and it had that advert for Twilight princess on it. how long before E3 was that?

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