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E3 2006 Hype/Discussion

Atomic Boo

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around this time, tomorow is the day we see shit.

you mean nothing right?

oh dear how am i going to while away the time at school on a hot day? pffft. really so close i cant believe it was a year ago since last e3. seems like yesterday. This post has a significance......

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Shame I have to spend most of this afternoon/evening revising for my french oral and then doing it tommorow morning. Once its over though and I come home i'm going to be insanely excited.


Nintendo has launched a Revolution ad accross the street from the Kodak Theatre:



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Guest Jordan

Hehe, clever. I guess 'normal' people don't know about the Revolution being renamed 'n all.

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Just found this on Gamefaqs:


Recall Falafelkid is a German video game journalist for "Der Spiegel" and some other European magazines. He interviewed Miyamoto and asked him if Twlight Princess would be playable on Wii a couple months ago.


He also put up a picture with the words "RED STEEL" on it a couple weeks before the Game Informer article broke.




"i have some exclusive news for you tonight. there will be a star wars exclusive for wii, i just learned, light sabers and all. it will be revealed tuesday."


Its pretty much certain that a star wars lightsaber game should be made for Wii. Hopefully it will turn out to be true.

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I just watched in order:

Zelda E3 2004 trailer->Zelda GDC 2005 Trailer->Zelda E3 2005 Trailer->TGS controller video

I'm crazily hyped now arghhh:nono: :D:hmm::grin::laughing:


There is nothing like watching the Zelda E3 2004 trailer to get the blood pumping and the tears aflowing.

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meh, ill still watch it i can get a stream though, shoulkd be atleast a couple of cool things going on there. Ninty's conferance should be good, hopefully the dont bring out the brain training games etc again, there cool and all but the electoplancton thing last year was rubbish!

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So close now! I've just subscribed to Gamespot so I can watch the live stream of the Nintendo confrence. So if I get asked to any overtime tomorrow work can just f**k off!


Might watch the Sony confrence just to see what they show. If I can be bothered to stop up that is.


It's sad but I alway look forward to this time of year!

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Well i'm looking forward to Sony's conference just to see exactly what they have planned!


However i am literally over-hyped for Nintendo's one now! I can't wait to see what DS games are coming out as well! Chibi Robo please!


Oh and Shenmue 3 for either PS3 or 360 would be nice!


roll on tomorrow! : peace:


and i'm repeating myself, so i must be excited! :indeed:

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Guest Stefkov
so when is sonys conferance in uk time? im confused.

i think its 11 oclock GMT, its 4PDT, 7 hours behind us they are so that makes it 11. if im correct, which i could well not be. i would stay up but i cant be bothered.

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