Stocka Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 Yep, we made a mistake in our debut issue Here at the Official Nintendo Magazine we strive to bring you the best possible mix of the month's definitive gaming coverage and exclusive news and pics from the developers and games that matter. However, we'll put our hands on our hearts and admit that last month we got a bit over-excited and printed some information that wasn't actually true. Those of you who read last month's 12-page ‘New Ways To Play’ feature may have picked up on the fact that we claimed the Revolution's stand doubled as a power supply for the next-generation unit. This was actually wishful thinking on our part and we apologise profusely for misleading you. After all, you come to us looking for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The fact of the matter is that Nintendo has not released any information on the Revolution's power supply or confirmed any other uses for the base stand. We would like to apologise to anyone who feels misled by this untruth. We would also like to apologise to Nintendo. What a great way to start a new mag I mean fair enough if they were just trying to create hype if they were an unofficial magazi...but they are the OFFICIAL Nintendo Magazine ffs, and claim to have 'exclusive info'.
EchoDesiato Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 It's still possible that it's true though. They're an official magazine, so they might know a bit more about the Revo. They published the information, but Nintendo didn't want it to be out in public yet. So they made ONM take back their words. Or it's just a simple mistake.:p
ShadowV7 Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 Ha good start,not looking trustworthy so far.BUT it was good of them to admit their mistakes though
Cheapshot Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 Heh at least they had the balls to admit it, kudos to them.
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 I think Nintendo gave them the EVIL EYE. And perhaps they are afraid of the nametaker.
system_error Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 I really wonder why people even consider buying a gaming magazine on a regular base. Alright I admit I buy some once in a while but for a 9+ hours train ride I need more than my DS. Nearly every information is available online weeks before the magazine is printed and just for a few pretty pictures I don't have to waste my money. For a new start ONM screwed up pretty well. I mean as the official magazine under the Nintendo banner they should have done better - but generally most Nintendo magazines are pretty lousy.
gaggle64 Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 I think there's something to be said for a printed games mag. The main ones I read are NGC and Edge. You could argue that any old site has the same news up weeks before, but I feel that many publications offer reviews, editorials and opinions of a quality that you just can't get from your average internet site. Edge is almost an industry paper, and god ol' NGC has never let me down in putting a humorous spin on the world of Nintendo along side it's own quality reviews. Besides, if the internet has made the gaming mag defunct, why do we still keep seeing threads saying "Hay! Look at this magzine scan! etc."
BGS Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 It's about bloody time! This announcement should have come ages ago!
Flaight Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 To me, this sort of honesty is to their credit. I'd rather have a magazine editor who's big enough to own up to mistakes. There's too little of it in today's world.
Pestneb Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 IF they just slipped out information too early then its ok imo, if they actually made up, thats a pretty unprofessional mistake to make. But at least they admitted it.
Nintenchris Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Also i would like to add that... on the ONM forums they have already said that in issue 2 there will be no new Zelda pics! or the DVD! Why bother promising new Zelda pics in issue 2 if they wasnt even sure that they could get some! Oh and the DVD dosnt bother me but what about the people who will be expecting it when they go to pick up issue 2?
mario114 Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Also i would like to add that... on the ONM forums they have already said that in issue 2 there will be no new Zelda pics! or the DVD!Why bother promising new Zelda pics in issue 2 if they wasnt even sure that they could get some! Oh and the DVD dosnt bother me but what about the people who will be expecting it when they go to pick up issue 2? The allways did that in nom; promise some new news on a game/system, then hope soemthing new is anouched/rumored before the nest essue needs to go to press.
knightendo Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 i loved the magazine, and subscribed straight away. out of the whole thing, if that one wee sentence was wrong i don't really care to be honest! it was a brilliant read, and i think the internet will never take over from traditional reading material. can't wait to the 16th, NGC edge AND ONM
demonmike04 Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Lets hope they dont make any other promises, if they say PLANNED i would let them off. If they make another promise and dont follow, i will no longer buy the magazine. I want the old team back... =(
knightendo Posted March 5, 2006 Posted March 5, 2006 the new team are so much better, they actually sound like they're proper journalists for a start. one little sentence and it's all been blown outta proportion, probably taking something ninty said outta context, so what? it's just human error, we all do it. the whole magazine was a terrific read, and let's face it when you scan about all over the internet look at how many "sources" people say they have about this-and-that for the revo! the magazine will be a better source of official information than scouring forums where people just say things like "i know someone in the biz, but i can't say who, and they say the revo is actually being developed between nintendo and nasa!!" i like because it's a reliable source of information, and will report on it's main pages all official news AND rumours and speculation that is substantiated, the magazine is just doing the same. and the amount of time the "children" behind the old NOM would speculate wildly and present it as news was unbelievable!
demonmike04 Posted March 5, 2006 Posted March 5, 2006 The fact they cant review properly makes me want the old team back.. Rub rabbits: Bad point for buying: 'Makes you look weird' and in that same review, they mentioned wario being better. Wario also makes you look weird...did they not know that??
knightendo Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 i think the "weird" comment was meant as a joke, that's the way i read it, after all they did praise the original game. seems like rub rabbits just doesn't live up to its predecessor, it's been getting bad marks everywhere, damn shame as i was looking forward to it
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